Anti-sky file system

Chapter 371 Hai Wuya's Warning

Chapter 371 Hai Wuya's Warning
"Fate after the sixth realm of the xuanxu?" Chu Yunfan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

He hurriedly asked: "Senior, after passing the assessment of the Six Realms of Mystery, what kind of opportunities will there be?"

"There are five grades in the assessment of each realm of the Six Realms of the Mysterious Illusion, which are: excellent, excellent, good, average, and ordinary. Only those who have achieved excellent...excellent grades in the assessment of each realm can pass the six realms of the Mysterious Illusion. After that, enter the Xuanwu world and continue to participate in the assessment."

Chu Yunfan's eyes widened, "Entering the Xuanwu Realm?"

"That's right, as long as you pass the six-level assessment and get above excellence, you can enter the Xuanwu world!" Hai Wuya said.

The time to connect with the divine sense is coming soon, so Hai Wuya spoke again, and said quickly: "As a time traveler, with your talent, you... can definitely pass the examination of the Xuanxu Six Realms and enter the Xuanwu Realm." Realm. You can even pass the examination of the Three Halls of Xuanwu in the Xuanwu Realm."

"But you must remember! Among the three halls of Xuanwu, the seals of the second hall and the third hall must not be opened! This is a warning left by the Xuanwu royal family! You must remember it!"

Chu Yunfan could hear the seriousness in Hai Wuya's tone.

"Senior, what are the Three Xuanwu Palaces?"

Chu Yunfan hastily asked, but the time to connect with the divine sense had already arrived.The hyperlink function is automatically turned off.

In a different world, in a dark and murderous space, Hai Wuya, who is covered in nails all over his body, has a look of worry in his eyes.

"Chu Yunfan, you must not break the seals of the third Xuanwu Hall and the last two halls!"


In the ancient hall, Chu Yunfan's eyebrows were tightly knit together.

"What is sealed in the last two halls of the third hall of Xuanwu?" Chu Yunfan shook his head vigorously, "Leave this matter aside for now, and let's talk about it after passing the examination of the sixth realm of Xuanxu."

He jumped up and flew towards the open mouth of the stone statue black turtle.

The space changed, and when Chu Yunfan opened his eyes, he had come to a huge square.In the center of the square stands a majestic Xuanwu stone gate.

"This should be what senior Hai Wuya said, the door of talent." Chu Yunfan murmured.

Chu Yunfan looked around and found that he was the only one in Nuoda's square.Chu Yunfan instantly understood that everyone was separated.

At this time, a vicissitudes of life sounded, echoing the sky.

"The examiner is asked to pass through the door of talent."

Chu Yunfan walked towards the gate of talent. When he walked through the gate of talent, he used the blood of the four great beasts with all his strength to show his talent.

Chu Yunfan clearly sensed that the door of talent emitted a blue light, instantly soaking his body.

After a few breaths, the mythical beast Xuanwu carved on the door of talent raised its head and let out a sky-shattering roar.

The sky trembled and the earth trembled.Brilliant blue beams of light rose from the ground in front of the gate of talent.

A beam of light represents the talent of the examiner, which is the worst fifth-class talent.

The two beams of light represent the talent of the examiner, which is a fourth-class talent.

And so on……

Five beams of light are first-class talents.

But in front of him, there were six beams of light!The bright light illuminates the entire sky.

This means that Chu Yunfan's talent has surpassed the category of first-class talent, and is a super talent!
At this time, the voice of vicissitudes slowly sounded.

"The assessment results are perfect! You can enter the second realm of the Six Realms of the Mysterious Void: the Realm of Enlightenment."

The five achievements mentioned by Hai Wuya, even the highest level of excellence, are not enough to reflect Chu Yunfan's super talent.

So, Talent Gate gave a perfect score!

The sound of vicissitudes fell, and a door of space appeared beside Chu Yunfan, and Chu Yunfan stepped out with one step.The space changed suddenly, and he came to a huge library.

The Zangshu Pavilion is nine floors high, and each floor contains thousands of books and scrolls.

There were only three blue lights shooting out, randomly hitting two ancient books and one scroll.

"Only by mastering these three high-level profound martial arts within one day can you pass the realm of enlightenment."

The corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth raised a faint smile.Learning martial arts is not difficult for him at all.

The moment the voice of vicissitudes fell, Chu Yunfan picked up an ancient book and opened it.

His eyes swept across the ancient book, while his consciousness sank into the WPS file system. He clicked on a blank file, activated the copy and paste function, and copied and pasted all the contents of the ancient book into the blank file.

Chu Yunfan instantly entered a mysterious state of cultivation.

Copy, paste, and blank document functions have all been upgraded to the nine-star level.Even the advanced martial arts of the earth rank can be learned in a short time, let alone the advanced martial arts of the mysterious rank.

With the help of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan only took 5 minutes.He refined the first martial skill to perfection.

He immediately picked up the second martial skill, copied and pasted its contents into the blank document.

Five minutes later, the second martial art was perfected.

Another 5 minutes later, the third martial skill was perfected.

Chu Yunfan got up and put the ancient books and scrolls on the ground.Raising his hand, he displayed the first martial skill.

The powerful power shocked the entire Zangshu Pavilion.

Fortunately, in Zangshu Pavilion, there is a prohibition protection.Otherwise, it will definitely be pierced by this blow.

Chu Yunfan then displayed the second martial skill and the third martial skill.

After the three martial arts were performed, the Library Pavilion fell into a moment of silence.After a while, the vicissitudes of life sounded slowly.

"The examiner's score is perfect! You can enter the third realm of the Six Realms of the Mysterious Void: the Realm of War."

Originally, the Realm of Enlightenment stipulated that if you learn three martial arts skills in one day, you can get good grades and pass the assessment.

If within twelve hours, learn three martial arts.The grades are excellent.

If within six hours, three martial arts are learned, the result is excellent.

But Chu Yunfan learned all three martial arts in just 15 minutes.And all practiced to perfection!
With such a monstrous comprehension, Zhuoyou couldn't reflect his monstrosity at all, he could only achieve perfect results.

Having achieved perfect results again, Chu Yunfan had a smile on his face.

"As long as you keep going, you will definitely get the great opportunity that senior Hai Wuya said."

Chu Yunfan walked towards the gate of space in front of him, and came to the third realm of the six realms of Xuanxu, the realm of war.

The Battle Realm, as the name suggests, is a place where the combat power of the examiners is tested.

Chu Yunfan looked around and found that he was in a huge martial arts arena.

"The assessment needs to last for an hour under the attack of the puppet before you can pass the assessment and enter the fourth realm: the realm of fantasy."

The voice of vicissitudes slowly fell, and a burst of dazzling blue light swept across the martial arts arena.Chu Yunfan was so dazzled by the light that he couldn't open his eyes.

When the blue light dissipated, densely packed blue monster puppets appeared in the martial arts arena.There are thousands of them!
(End of this chapter)

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