Anti-sky file system

Chapter 381 The Betting Battle Begins

Chapter 381 The Betting Battle Begins

After hearing Hai Wuya's words, Chu Yunfan's eyes widened and he gasped.He did not expect that the truth of the shocking changes in the mainland ten thousand years ago would turn out to be like this.

Although Hai Wuya's words are highly credible and very logical.Can explain all mysteries clearly.But Chu Yunfan didn't completely believe him.

Everything has to wait for him to pass the examination of Xuantian Palace and see what Hai Wuya said, the jade tablet left by the Xuanwu royal family, before he can finally draw a conclusion.

"Anyway, the two bets with Tianhuan must be won!" Chu Yunfan clenched his fists.

These two betting battles are not only related to the seals in Xuandi Palace and Xuantian Palace, but also to Ye Kongling!Therefore, even if he paid a heavy price, he would win these two betting battles.

The next day came in a blink of an eye, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

Although the weather was fine, the hearts of Patriarch Xuangui, Xuan Tianchen and others were very heavy.

Chu Yunfan will have to face all of Tianhuan's men under the age of 25.As long as Chu Yunfan loses any duel.Then, he will open the seals in Xuantian Palace and Xuandi Palace.


A huge domain door opened, and the illusory power of the sky covered the sky. With their feet on the sky, they walked towards Chu Yunfan and others step by step with many subordinates.

"Chu Yunfan, if you directly admit defeat, obediently open the seals in Xuantian Hall and Xuandi Hall. I promise you that you will get endless benefits." Tian Huan said proudly.

Chu Yunfan raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Tianhuan disdainfully, and said coldly: "The fourth volume of "Tianfeng True Body", as well as the inherited exercises of the ancient Python Emperor clan, have you brought them?"

In the first betting battle, it was absolutely impossible for Tianhuan to bet on Ye Kongling.Therefore, Chu Yunfan can only rely on the fourth volume of "Tianfeng True Body" and the inherited skills of the ancient Python Emperor clan to improve his strength.Deal with the second betting battle.

With a wave of Tianhuan's hand, four ancient books appeared in his hands.One is the fourth volume of "Tianfeng True Body".The other three volumes are the first volume, second volume, and third volume of "Teng Snake Tong Tian Jue".

"Teng Snake Tong Tian Jue" is the inherited exercise of the ancient Python Emperor Clan, and also the inherited exercise of the original Teng Snake Clan.

The direct lineage of the ancient python emperor clan, the blood of Tongtian python emperor flowing in the body is the blood of the descendant of Teng snake.It's like the relationship between the Pixiu bloodline and the real dragon's bloodline.

"Teng Snake Tongtian Jue" also has five volumes, but among the ancient Python Emperor Clan, there are only the first three volumes.The fourth and fifth volumes have long been lost.

The four ancient books that Tianhuan took out were all manuscripts.It was originally still in the ancient Chufeng clan and the ancient python emperor clan.

Although it was a manuscript, it was enough for Chu Yunfan.

"Since you don't intend to admit defeat, then the Heavenly King has no choice but to let his subordinates beat you until you admit defeat." Tian Huan sneered.

The moment his voice fell, hundreds of people immediately walked out from behind him.All of these people are under the age of 25.

Only one fifth of these people came from shadow guards.The remaining people are all from the Chufeng Ancient Clan, Manghuang Ancient Clan and Shentu Clan.

Among them, the person with the highest cultivation has already reached the Ninth Heaven of Shattering Void.The person with the lowest cultivation base also has the nine heavens.

If you look carefully, you will find that the clansmen of the Chufeng Ancient Clan, Manghuang Ancient Clan, and Shentu Clan have pale faces, dark eyes, and there is no vitality in their bodies.

If you think about it with your toes, you can imagine that Tianhuan definitely used extraordinary means against them.It forced their cultivation to rise several realms.

Otherwise, even the young patriarch of the three clans would not be able to break through to the Ninth Heaven of Shattering Void before the age of 25!

It is conceivable that forcibly raising several realms must have paid a heavy price.These people may not survive today.

"Hehe, do you think you can defeat me with just this rubbish?" Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed coldly, and he said domineeringly: "At most half an hour, this bunch of rubbish will all be dumped on the ground!"

A sneer sneered at the corner of Tianhuan's mouth, as if to say, it's up to you?

In half an hour, he defeated hundreds of cultivators from the Heaven-reaching Realm and the Shattering Void Realm.Even the powerhouses who aspire to the fifth heaven and above cannot do it.

Chu Yunfan's cultivation is only at the second level of the Fragmented Void, can he do it?
Not to mention Tianhuan, even Patriarch Xuangui and Xuan Tianchen didn't believe what Chu Yunfan said.

"Go!" Tian Huan casually pointed to a Shadow Guard from the Fragmented Void Fifth Layer.An attack order was issued to it.

The shadow guard stepped forward and instantly turned into an afterimage, disappearing from Chu Yunfan's sight.

The shadow guard has a third-class shadow bloodline in his body.With the help of the shadow blood, he seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Only those who are above the Martial King Realm can catch his trace.

"Filtering function!" Chu Yunfan shouted inwardly, silently activating the filtering function.

The screening function, in addition to being able to see through the flaws of the formation.It can also see through phantoms and distinguish the real body.

Although the shadow bloodline is powerful, it is only using the power of the bloodline to transform itself into a shadow-like existence.

Of course, if the shadow blood in the shadow guard reaches the level of the shadow king.Even with the screening function, it will take a lot of effort to find his trace.

But the shadow blood in this shadow guard's body is only a third-class shadow blood.With the help of the screening function, Chu Yunfan found his trace in an instant.

Chu Yunfan stomped the void suddenly, and a red light appeared under his feet.

With the display of Lieyan Tianstep.Chu Yunfan's figure turned into a human-shaped cannonball, and rushed towards the void not far away due east.

Chu Yunfan swung his fists, like two dragons going out to sea, smashing the void with incomparably terrifying power.

Behind him, a phantom of a majestic mountain rises from the ground.Straight into the sky!
"The Profound Truth of the Mountain!" Tian Huan narrowed his eyes slightly.

With the blessing of the profound meaning of the mountain, Chu Yunfan's physical strength has reached its peak.His fist slammed directly towards the void in front of him.


The void vibrates, and the sonic boom is monstrous.A figure flew upside down from the void.Looking fixedly, it was the shadow guard who used the shadow bloodline to hide in the void.

The shadow had a sunken chest and protruding eyes, and was crushed to death by Chu Yunfan's punch!

Although that shadow guard has the strength of the broken void fifth layer, his physical strength is not strong.What's more, Chu Yunfan's physical state has already reached the early stage of Liuhe Realm, and with the blessing of the profound meaning of the mountain.It's not uncommon to kill him with a single punch.

"Tian Huan, your subordinates are too weak. You can't even take a single punch. In the next round, you can directly send ten subordinates to fight me." Chu Yunfan said domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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