Chapter 384

"Chu Yunfan, this Heavenly King will give you one more chance to admit defeat at the end. If you surrender now, this Heavenly King can give you everything you want. Whether it is heaven-level exercises, martial arts, heaven-defying secrets, or powerful heavenly king weapons , Extraordinary Equipment. This Heavenly King can give it to you.”

"This Heavenly King can even guarantee that within three years, your cultivation will break through to the Martial King Realm, or even above the Fifth Heavenly Layer of the Martial King!"

The conditions offered by Tianhuan made everyone gasp.

Wu Wang Wuchongtian!This is a realm that is difficult for countless people to reach.As long as Chu Yunfan chooses to surrender, he can achieve it within three years.

Chu Yunfan can even practice heaven-level skills, martial arts, and heaven-defying secrets, and he can also possess extremely powerful extraordinary weapons!

Many people's Adam's apples surged, and they secretly swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Although everyone knew that Tian Huan was a villain, but faced with such generous conditions.It's hard to say no.

"Tian Huan, don't overestimate yourself. Without relying on you, within three years, I can also raise my cultivation to above the fifth level of Martial King!" Chu Yunfan gave Tian Huan a contemptuous look.

It is indeed very difficult for ordinary monks to make a breakthrough in cultivation.

With the improvement of a monk's cultivation level, after reaching the Shattering Void Realm, ordinary monks often need several years, or even more than ten years of hard work.Only then can the cultivation base break through a small realm.

Some monks, it is because of the exhaustion of potential.Even decades of painstaking practice cannot make any progress in cultivation.

But for Chu Yunfan, there was no difficulty in improving his cultivation.As long as there are enough natural treasures.Not to mention within three years, breaking through to the fifth heaven of King Wu.It is enough to break through to the fifth heaven of heavenly kings, or even to the Transcendent Realm!

As for Tianhuan's belonging, it's a heaven-ranked technique, a secret technique against the heavens.For Chu Yunfan, it was even less attractive.

Although the heaven-level exercises are powerful, they are still powerful. Can they be as powerful as the god-level exercises?

You know, the first three original documents of Chu Yunfan, the exercises he practiced.All are god-level exercises.And his practice of "Dayan Soul Refining Art" is a super secret method that can be compared with the god-level exercises.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start the gambling battle." Chu Yunfan said impatiently.

"Chu Yunfan, you have to know that arrogant people often end up miserable!"

"Although the system is powerful, it is not so powerful that it cannot be matched. The prince of the Guyong Dynasty is also a system, and his cultivation has reached the fifth heaven of broken void, which is three small realms higher than you."

"But he was in the hands of these five people, and he didn't even survive three rounds. He was seriously injured and almost died!" Tian Huan's face showed a look of cruelty, "I want to see, you are in their hands. Can last a few rounds."

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, stretched out two fingers to Tianhuan, and said proudly: "First, many people have threatened me, but I am still standing here. But those who threatened me will end up very bad. tragic."

"Secondly, there is a distinction between high and low system users. Don't compare me with that useless prince of the Guyong Dynasty. He is not worthy!"

Chu Yunfan once heard from Mo Qianyu that he had fought against the prince of the Guyong Dynasty.Almost killed it.

In Chu Yunfan's view, the system bound in the body of the prince of the Guyong Dynasty is not strong.Even Su Lin, Lin Xingyu and others can defeat him.

Tian Huan was furious in his heart, he yelled at the five iron tower-like men behind him: "Cutting off his limbs and smashing all the bones in his body! I want to let him experience it. The feeling of death!"

Because Chu Yunfan has the order of heaven, he can participate in the assessment of Xuantian Hall and Xuandi Hall.So Tianhuan couldn't kill him.But it can torture him, making him feel so much pain that he would rather die than die!
Hearing the words, the five people behind Tian Huan immediately turned into five human-shaped cannonballs and shot towards Chu Yunfan with a terrifying momentum.

These five people, Tian Huan named them Iron One, Iron Two, Iron Three, Iron Four, and Iron Five.

The artificial blood of the ghost-faced spider royal family, in addition to the shadow blood, also has an artificial blood called steel blood.

The rank of the steel bloodline is not high, it is only a fifth-rank bloodline.But it has an incomparably terrifying defense.

The cultivation base of Tie Yiwu is the first to win the championship.But their physical state is in the late stage of the Liuhe state!Even more tyrannical than Chu Yunfan.

Creating steel bloodlines is several times more difficult than making shadow bloodlines.

The ghost-faced spider royal family has been researching and experimenting for many years, the shadow bloodline and the steel bloodline.

Among them, the shadow bloodline succeeded dozens of people, and even the Shadow King bloodline was born.But the Iron Bloodline only managed five people, and they were all the lowest-level Iron Bloodline.That is Iron One and Five People.

Although Iron One and Five people, the iron blood in their body is the lowest level.But in Tianhuan's view, it was more than enough to deal with Chu Yunfan.

At the same time that Tie Yi and five men were attacking Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan also took the initiative to enter.

Stepping on the flames and stepping on the sky, Chu Yunfan instantly attacked in front of Tie Yi, his fist smashed through the void, and blasted towards Tie Yi.

The moment the fist was blasted, the profound meaning of the mountain was released and fused with it.

Chu Yunfan felt that his fist, at this moment, seemed to have turned into a mountain with a weight of hundreds of thousands of catties.

At the same time that Chu Yunfan was swinging his fist, Tie Yi also raised his fist, instead of punching him fiercely.


Like a meteorite colliding, the void vibrated violently.There was a muffled sound, and the two retreated at the same time.

However, Tie Yi took one step back, while Chu Yunfan took three steps back!
"Physical Realm: Late Stage of Liuhe Realm, and at the same time mastering the lower Mystery: Steel Mystery!" Chu Yunfan's heart suddenly felt, he realized that he had underestimated Tie Yiwu and others.

Although Iron One and Five People, the secrets they mastered are low-level secrets.

But the steel secrets, and the steel blood in their bodies, blended with each other.making their bodies harder.Comparable to the strength of the physical body in the early stage of the seven-star realm!
Chu Yunfan originally wanted to rely on his strong physical body to win.But now it seems that in terms of physical strength, he is at a disadvantage.

Just as Chu Yunfan and Tie paired up, Tie [-], Tie [-], Tie [-], and Tie [-] had already stood up around Chu Yunfan,

Coupled with Tie Yi who was directly opposite Chu Yunfan, the five of them just formed a siege around Chu Yunfan, enclosing him in the middle.

Tie Yi and five people shot at the same time, attacking Chu Yunfan from five different directions.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and Chu Yunfan's physical strength is at a disadvantage.In just a few rounds of attacks, Chu Yunfan's body was already damaged.

Although Chu Yunfan has the blood of Tianfeng, relying on his indestructible body, he can quickly recover from his injuries.But in the face of the crazy attack of Tie Yiwu, even the Immortal Body didn't have such a fast recovery speed.

Unless Chu Yunfan increases the progress of the Immortal Body by more than ten percent.

(End of this chapter)

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