Anti-sky file system

Chapter 394 Wind Spirit System

Chapter 394 Wind Spirit System
In the main hall, apart from Chu Yunfan, eight people including Su Lin and Xue Wuhen were present.

It's just that they all suffered injuries to varying degrees.Among them, Xue Wuhen, Mo Tianji, Nangong Hanqing, Xuan Ming, and the member of the Xuangui Ancient Clan were all seriously injured.

Xuan Ming and that member of the ancient Xuangui clan suffered the most serious injuries.Both of them had only half life left.If it wasn't for Chu Yunfan, before entering the Xuanwu world.A life-saving elixir was given to each of them.Xuan Ming and that member of the ancient Xuangui clan died long ago.

Su Lin, Gu Fengyu, and Mo Qianyu were also injured, but their injuries were not serious.The three of them got excellent grades, while the five Xue Wuhen only got good grades.

After choosing the rewards, Chu Yunfan helped everyone recover from their injuries.

Two hours later, everyone's injuries have recovered a little, and they can get up and move around.

"Chu Yunfan, it's time to open the seal of Xuandi Hall."

At this time, Gu Fengyu suddenly said.Following his gaze, there is a black altar in the depths of Xuandi Hall.In the center of the altar, there is a huge divine inscription.

Chu Yunfan used formatting to convert the sacred text on the altar into the common text of Xuanwu Continent.That divine inscription is the word "seal"!

"Chu Yunfan, if you don't want your little lover to have an accident, then quickly break the seal." Gu Fengyu saw Chu Yunfan and remained silent for a long time.Then he threatened.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint you. The Shadow Blood Bead in Kongling's body has been sealed by me. Tianhuan can no longer use the Shadow Blood Bead to control Kongling." Chu Yunfan said contemptuously.

"What, that's impossible! Master Tian Huan's Shadow Blood Orb can even be controlled by a strong Martial King Realm. How can you seal it!" Gu Fengyu roared in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, this will be your burial place!" Chu Yunfan shouted coldly, and directly attacked Gu Fengyu.

Gu Fengyu was alive and always a threat.If he were allowed to open the seal of Xuandi Hall, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Just because you want to kill me? Dreaming!"

Gu Fengyu raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, and the cultivation base of the Seventh Heaven of Shattering Void soared into the sky.I saw a pair of huge blue wings condensed behind him.Light blue whirlwinds appeared on the wings one by one, which was extremely strange.

The green wings trembled, and Gu Fengyu instantly turned into an afterimage, appearing in front of Chu Yunfan.The speed is as fast as lightning.

Gu Fengyu not only moved fast, but also attacked fast.

In just one second, he swung a dozen or so fists, forming a fist shadow space that surrounded Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan's pupils shrank suddenly, and even he couldn't dodge with such a fast attack speed.Chu Yunfan had no choice but to protect his vitals and resist Gu Fengyu's attack.

Fortunately, Gu Fengyu's combat power was mediocre, so he didn't do much damage to Chu Yunfan.


A loud sword sounded, and Mo Qianyu pointed like a sword, and a sharp sword light condensed from his fingertips, and he slashed towards Gu Fengyu.

Not only Mo Qianyu, but also Su Lin, Xue Wuhen, Mo Tianji and others all attacked Gu Fengyu one after another.

For a moment, in the Xuandi Palace, martial arts were flying, roaring to the sky.

"The system bound to Gu Fengyu's body is definitely of the wind attribute. That's why they share the wind-like movement speed and attack speed." Chu Yunfan said with a frown.

"The last time he fought against Gu Fengyu, his speed was far from that fast. Tianhuan must have helped him complete the task. The system in his body has been upgraded." Mo Qianyu said.

"So what if the system is upgraded, even if he has unparalleled speed, he still can't escape the fate of death!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes sparkled with cold electricity, his hair fluttered, and his aura was overwhelming.

"Sword Art of the Sky!"

The Tianfeng Profound Truth, Binghuo Profound Truth, True Dragon Profound Truth, Soaring Snake Profound Truth, Xuanwu Profound Truth, and Sword Profound Truth erupted suddenly.

It merged with the Sky Sword Jue and condensed into an extremely terrifying divine sword, which descended from the sky and slashed towards Gu Fengyu!

Faced with such a terrifying blow, Gu Fengyu's expression changed suddenly, and the system in his body was operated to the extreme.The blue wings on his back blocked his body.The endless hurricane condensed into a wind wall, ready to resist the sword of the sky.

But he underestimated the power of this blow too much.The six profound meanings, together with the Sky Sword Art, are unparalleled in power!
Unless Gu Fengyu's cultivation can reach the state of aspirations.Otherwise, this blow cannot be blocked at all!

The Heavenly Sword pierced through the wind wall and blue wings in an instant.And severely injured Gu Fengyu.

Just when Gu Fengyu was about to release the strongest blow with all his might.Chu Yunfan stepped on the flames and stepped on the sky, and appeared in front of him in an instant.Interrupt his attack.

At the same time, the attacks of Mo Qianyu and others also hit Gu Fengyu.

However, Chu Yunfan blocked part of the attack for Gu Fengyu.Because Gu Fengyu couldn't die yet.

After Chu Yunfan's attack, Mo Qianyu and others' attack.Although Gu Fengyu is not dead yet, he is not far from death, and he has only one breath left.

"Indestructible Flame!"

Chu Yunfan flipped his palm, black flames condensed from his palm, and pressed towards Gu Fengyu's chest.It is the innate ability of Teng Snake's bloodline, the Inextinguishable Flame!
The immortal flame invaded Gu Fengyu's body in an instant and began to burn his soul.


Gu Fengyu's eyes protruded, and he raised his head and let out a heart-piercing scream.His expression was extremely hideous, and he was in great pain.

With the burning of the immortal flame, Gu Fengyu's soul power became weaker and weaker, and his soul became more and more transparent.

Seeing Gu Fengyu, Chu Yunfan had lost the strength to resist.Resolutely stretched out his right hand, pressed it on the center of Gu Fengyu's eyebrows, and used the cutting function on it.

A strange energy gushed out from Chu Yunfan's palm, and instantly invaded Gu Fengyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

The system bound in Gu Fengyu's body struggled to resist after feeling the invasion of the cutting function.However, Gu Fengyu's operation.The power of the system can only exert a partial effect, and it cannot stop the shearing function at all.

In just a few breaths, the shear function broke through the system's defenses and successfully invaded Gu Fengyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chu Yunfan glanced at ten lines, and instantly took a rough look at Gu Fengyu's memory.Write down all the exercises and martial arts he has done.

Chu Yunfan learned from browsing Gu Fengyu's memory that the system bound in his body is called the Fengling system.

Chu Yunfan used the cutting function to start cutting the Fengling system.

Chu Yunfan is already very skilled in the cutting system.In an instant, the Fengling system was cut successfully.

The cut Wind Spirit system turned into a cyan light and appeared on the official website of the WPS system.

That cyan light turned into a cyan icon, which was placed behind the seven patch packs.

Chu Yunfan activated his consciousness and clicked on the cyan icon.Information about the Fengling system then appeared in Chu Yunfan's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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