Anti-sky file system

Chapter 405 Kill

Chapter 405 Kill
Chu Yunfan did not expect that Long Tianlei would pass the "Longhua Shenjue" to him.That is the inheritance technique of the real dragon clan.

As for the second paragraph of text, it is what Long Tianlei said, the secret method of extracting the blood of the real dragon.It's called "Introducing the Dragon Jue".

As the name suggests, it is to forcibly guide the real dragon blood in the body.

It is said to be guidance, but it is actually withdrawal.The children of the younger generation who have been separated from the blood of the real dragon are equivalent to being expelled from the real dragon clan.

Although Wangcai has absorbed the blood of the descendants of the real dragon, it will also increase the concentration of the blood of the real dragon in the body.But after all, it didn't, and the descendants of the prisoner cattle were devoured and improved a lot.

"The fifth volume of "The Art of Transforming Dragons" is not in my hands. During the shocking battle ten thousand years ago, the patriarch of our clan brought most of the clansmen to the Xuanwu Continent. A small group of people fled to another big world."

"Only the patriarch and the great elder own the fifth volume of "The Divine Art of Transforming Dragons". The patriarch is already dead. If you want to obtain the fifth volume of "The Divine Art of Transforming Dragons", you have to find a way to escape to other great worlds." Great Elder and them." Long Tianlei said slowly.

"Senior, why did the True Dragon Clan come to the Xuanwu Continent ten thousand years ago? Aren't the True Dragon Clan the rulers of the True Dragon Continent?" Chu Yunfan asked this long-standing question.

Long Tianlei sighed heavily, with sadness in his eyes, as if he didn't want to recall this incident.

"Because the True Dragon Continent was breached ten thousand years ago. Not only the True Dragon Continent, but also the Tianfeng Continent and Teng Snake Continent were also breached by the enemy."

"My True Dragon Clan, as well as the Tianfeng Clan and Soaring Snake Clan, can only escape from the Xuanwu Clan with the highest defense in the world. Unexpectedly, even the Xuanwu Clan couldn't resist the enemy's attack."

There was horror in Chu Yunfan's eyes. He would never have imagined that the shocking battle ten thousand years ago would not only involve the Xuanwu Continent.It even involves the True Dragon Continent, Tianfeng Continent, and Teng Snake Continent!
"Senior, who is the enemy?" Chu Yunfan asked. He really couldn't think of any force that could break through the continent ruled by the blood of the four great beasts.

"White Tiger Continent! If you meet people from the White Tiger Continent in the future, and you will kill one of them, don't hold back!" Long Tianlei said through gritted teeth.

There was a monstrous and fierce light in his eyes, which showed how deep his hatred for the people of the White Tiger Continent was.

"Why did the White Tiger Continent attack other continents?" Chu Yunfan's eyes showed doubts.

"I'm afraid only the patriarch will know the reason. My time is running out. Before I fall, I want to wipe out the danger for the Xuanwu Continent!"

Long Tianlei's face, which was as pale as paper, suddenly flushed.

Chu Yunfan knew that Long Tianlei was returning to the past.It means that he has come to the end of his life.

I saw Long Tianlei tearing apart the void and constructing a door of space.He took a step forward and brought Chu Yunfan directly to the base camp of the Ghost Face Spider royal family.

"The traitor who betrayed the Xuanwu Continent dared to return to the Xuanwu Continent again. He is looking for death!"

Although Long Tianlei had no strength to fight anymore, he exhausted his last ounce of strength and put the base camp of the Ghost-faced Spider King Clan into a special state at the cost of his cultivation at the Saint King Realm.

In this special state, everyone's spiritual power is temporarily suppressed, and they can only use physical power.

This special state only applies to monks below the saint level.

And in the entire base camp of the Ghost Face Spider Royal Clan, Tian Huan, who has the highest cultivation level, is only at the Heavenly King Realm.So it just works.

"Chu Yunfan, in the Xuantian Palace, the energy barrier composed of the four broken imperial weapons can only resist the aliens for three years at most. After three years, when their strength recovers, they will be able to get out of trouble!"

"So, within three years, you must find someone above the Saint King Realm to unleash the power of the Broken Emperor Weapon! Suppress them again!"

"In addition, Chu Yunfan, you must kill all these bastards of the Ghost Face Spider Royal Family!"

Long Tianlei screamed, and his body suddenly collapsed, turning into a rain of blood and spilling on the ground.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely kill all members of the Ghost-faced Spider royal family, leaving no one behind!"

Chu Yunfan bowed deeply towards the rain of blood.

Chu Yunfan raised his head, his eyes glowed coldly, like a Shura from hell.The whole body exudes an extremely cold killing intent, which seems to be able to freeze the world.

Chu Yunfan stepped into the base camp of the Ghost-faced Spider royal family, although his spiritual power was suppressed.But he has a powerful physical body in the late stage of Liuhe Realm.Unless he is a body refiner, no ordinary monk is his opponent.

Because the spiritual power is suppressed, he cannot perform martial arts.Chu Yunfan directly relied on his powerful physical strength to transform into a human-shaped cannonball, and every step he took could span a distance of tens of meters.

All the members of the ghost-faced spider royal family, and the shadow guards with the blood of the shadow.As long as you meet Chu Yunfan, there is only one end, and that is death!

But when Tianhuan controlled Yingmei, Chu Yunfan just knocked them unconscious.

As long as Tian Huan is killed, the control of the Shadow Blood Orb will be broken by itself.At that time, these shadow charms will all regain their sanity.

Chu Yunfan swept all the way, directly from the entrance of the dimensional space to the center.

In just a few minutes, Chu Yunfan had already killed hundreds of Shadow Guards and members of the Ghost Face Spider Royal Clan.

The clothes on his body were already stained red with blood, and the thick blood kept dripping down from under the clothes, splashing bloody flowers on the ground.

Of course, none of the blood was his.

Chu Yunfan raised his head, looked at Tian Huan sitting on the throne, and said murderously: "Tian Huan, take your life!"

The instigator of all this is Tianhuan.If it wasn't for Tianhuan, Mo Qianyu would be placed beside him.The seal of Xuantian Temple will not be broken.

Long Tianlei will not die, and the Xuanwu Continent will not be in crisis.

"It's not certain who lives and who dies!" Tian Huan roared, stomped his feet suddenly, and directly stepped out of a deep hole on the ground.

The powerful reverse thrust made Tian Huan turn into an afterimage, rushing towards Chu Yunfan.

"Physical body state, mid-seven-star state!" Chu Yunfan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't expect that Tianhuan was actually a body trainer.The physical realm is two small realms higher than his.

"Not to mention your physical body, it's the middle seven-star realm. It's the late seven-star realm, or even the human king realm. You can't escape death today!"

Chu Yunfan raised his brows upside down, his hair danced wildly, and directly attacked Tianhuan!
Muscles all over his body bulged, and his physical strength was exerted to the extreme.He swung his fists like two dragons sailing out to sea, unparalleled in dominance.The fierce fist wind brought out bursts of terrifying sonic booms, shattered the void, and smashed hard at Tianhuan.

(End of this chapter)

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