Anti-sky file system

Chapter 418 Enhancing the Strength of the Continent

Chapter 418 Enhancing the Strength of the Continent
An hour later, Patriarch Xuangui and others brought medicinal materials and returned to the dimensional space of the ancient Chufeng clan.

Because there are very few extraordinary medicinal materials left in the treasure houses of all races.Therefore, Patriarch Xuangui and the others only collected two copies of the medicinal materials for refining the Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill, and three copies of the medicinal materials for refining the Overlord Pill.

And Chu Yunfan obtained the medicinal materials from Beast God Mountain, so he could refine two Blood Lotus Heavenly Pills and two Overlord Pills.

I saw Chu Yunfan took out the alchemy furnace and directly turned on the alchemy furnace.

Six hours later, Chu Yunfan successfully refined four Heavenly Blood Lotus Pills and five Overlord Pills.

Handed over to Xuangui Patriarch and others.

The patriarchs of the Huangfu and Dongfang clans are both Wuwang Jiuchongtian cultivation bases, and they are only a step away from the Heavenly King Realm.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two directly picked up the Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

At the entrance of the elixir, a frightening bloody light burst out instantly. The powerful medicinal power turned into a surge of energy, and began to impact the barriers between the two of them.

An hour later, two terrifying and unparalleled auras appeared.They burst out from the bodies of Patriarch Huangfu and Patriarch Dongfang respectively, stirring up the world.

The two broke through from the ninth heaven of Wu Wang to the first heaven of heavenly king at the same time!Became a strong man in the Heavenly King Realm!
"Thank you Pavilion Master Chu!"

After breaking through, Patriarch Huangfu and Patriarch Dongfang bowed to Chu Yunfan at the same time.

"The two seniors are too polite." Chu Yunfan waved his hand and said with a smile.

"In order to better deal with it, the sealed aliens in the Xuanwu world. I think the top forces in the Xuanwu continent should unite together, form an alliance, and support each other. Only in this way can we deal with this crisis." Chu Yunfan Shen Said loudly.

Xuangui Patriarch and the others looked at each other and agreed to Chu Yunfan's proposal.

"The dimensional space of the major forces has been used for tens of thousands of years. The aura in the dimensional space is no longer enough to breed strong men above the heavenly king level. I have a good place with enough aura in it to conceive and raise Extraordinary powerhouses, even saintly powerhouses!"

The good place Chu Yunfan refers to is Manghuang Tiangu!
Manghuang Tiangu is the dimensional space opened up by Long Tianlei.Because there are strong restrictions, monks are forbidden to set foot.Therefore, the spiritual energy in the valley is relatively sufficient.

Although it is more difficult to conceive and raise a strong saint.But there is still no problem in conceiving and raising superpowers.

Long Fengxing has made contact with the prohibition in the valley, as long as the Xuangui Patriarch and others are willing, they can enter the Manghuangtian Valley at any time.

"Here, I have some alchemy recipes that promote cultivation. Alchemists of various clans can refine them and distribute them to the younger generations of the clan."

As he said that, Chu Yunfan's consciousness sank into the WPS file system and into the Danfang patch package on the official website.

He directly bought two kinds of Tianpin Danfang, three kinds of Wangpin Danfang, three kinds of Qipin Danfang, and five kinds of Liupin Danfang.

Some of these pills can improve cultivation, some can increase the speed of cultivation, and some can increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy.In short, they are all pills to help cultivation.

These elixirs can be taken by monks in the Spiritual Realm at the lowest, and monks in the King of Martial Realm at the highest.

Chu Yunfan improved all the prescriptions he bought by using the formula function to make them more powerful.

Chu Yunfan wrote these pills on paper, and gave all of them to Patriarch Xuangui and others.

Not only that, Chu Yunfan also purchased a large number of first-grade, second-grade, and third-grade elixir prescriptions from the Danfang patch pack.These pills have great effects on low-level monks.

In addition, Chu Yunfan also purchased a large number of first-rank, second-rank, and third-rank formation maps from the formation patch pack.Most of these formations are gathering spirit formations, spirit condensing formations and the like.They are also formations that are useful for cultivation.

Chu Yunfan spent a total of 2 star points to purchase these recipes and arrays.To Chu Yunfan, who had more than 5 million star points, it was nothing at all.

After purchasing these recipes and arrays, he still has 1550453 star points left.

Chu Yunfan used the formula function to improve all these recipes and formation diagrams.Then let the members of Houyunfan Pavilion promote them all, so that everyone in Xuanwu Continent can master them.

Chu Yunfan believed that with these formulas and arrays, the strength of the Xuanwu Continent would definitely grow rapidly.

In order to let the top combat power of Xuanwu Continent hope to break through to a higher level.

Chu Yunfan specially used the conditional formatting function to improve all the exercises practiced by Xuangui Patriarch and others.It has been improved to become the most suitable method for their cultivation.

Chu Yunfan also improved the exercises practiced by Su Lin, Lin Xingyu, Xue Wuhen and others.

As for Ye Kongling's cultivation technique, it cannot be improved.Because what she practiced was the god-level exercise "Soaring Snake Tongtian Jue".

After doing all this, Chu Yunfan also used the order of heaven to go to the Xuanwu world.

Tianling gave Chu Yunfan three chances to enter the Xuanwu Realm, and this is his second time entering the Xuanwu Realm.

Chu Yunfan came to the dilapidated Xuantian Palace and cupped his fists towards the four dilapidated imperial weapons.

"Junior Chu Yunfan, for the safety of the energy barrier, I want to arrange formations around it. I hope the seniors of the four imperial weapons will allow it." Chu Yunfan said respectfully.

Although the Xuanwu Continent is harmonious now, no one can guarantee that there will be a traitor like Mo Qianyu.

For the sake of safety, Chu Yunfan prepared to set up a killing array around the four broken imperial weapons, just in case!

After obtaining the permission of the four broken imperial weapons, Chu Yunfan took out the spiritual material from the darkroom of the Beast God Mountain from the space ring.

Start to arrange the array.

After a while, Chu Yunfan successfully arranged the two formations.

These two formations are all extraordinary low-level killing formations. After the improvement of the formula function, their power is unparalleled!
Even ordinary Transcendent Realm powerhouses would have to shed a layer of skin if they entered it without dying.

"Everything that needs to be done has been done, it's time to leave Xuanwu." Chu Yunfan sighed softly.

Before leaving Xuanwu Continent, Chu Yunfan still needs to contact Hai Wuya.

The reason why he wanted to leave the Xuanwu Continent was because the aliens could only be sealed for three years.Within three years, he must find a strong man above the Holy King Realm in order to continue to suppress the aliens.

The second reason is that the side missions of the WPS file system have begun to involve continents other than Xuanwu Continent.If he wanted to upgrade the system, he had to leave the Xuanwu Continent.

Chu Yunfan contacted Hai Wuya to inquire about the basic situation of other continents besides Xuanwu Continent.Also, ask about Hai Wuya's cultivation.

Hai Wuya has lived for thousands of years, and he is at least a strong man in the Saint Realm.Moreover, Chu Yunfan had a vague feeling that Hai Wuya's realm definitely surpassed that of a saint.

If Hai Wuya is a strong Saint King Realm.Then the crisis of aliens can be easily resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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