Anti-sky file system

Chapter 433 Despicable Xu Long

Chapter 433 Despicable Xu Long

Mo Feifei's confidant is named Xu Long.He is a monk who has aspired to the peak of the fifth heaven, and his strength is very powerful.

"Du Yunfan, I'll help you!"

Xu Long galloped all the way, and ran to Chu Yunfan's side in the blink of an eye.I saw his hands volleying in the air, condensing a fiery pillar of fire.

But this pillar of fire was not aimed at the condemned criminals.Instead, they attacked Chu Yunfan!

Facing Xu Long's sudden attack, Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows.He resolutely gave up on the prisoners on death row and tried his best to resist Xu Long's attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the prisoners on death row attacked Chu Yunfan with all their strength, and finally severely injured Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan's body flew upside down, smashing several thick trees in succession before he managed to stabilize his figure.

He opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. The attack just now had severely damaged his internal organs.

Although Chu Yunfan can't use it explicitly, Tianfeng Profound Truth, True Dragon Profound Truth and other mythical beast secrets.But the blood of the beast, he can stimulate it in private.

Under the operation of Tianfeng's blood and indestructible body, the injuries in Chu Yunfan's body healed a lot in an instant.And recovering at a rocket-like speed.

Chu Yunfan raised his head and looked at Xu Long, with a murderous look all over his body, he said solemnly: "I didn't intend to attack you, but you wanted to die yourself. If that's the case, you and the death row prisoner, go to Netherworld to report together!"

Chu Yunfan's aura erupted suddenly, and his murderous intent swept across the world, as if a killing god had descended into the world.

"Sky Frost Thick Earth Fist!"

Chu Yunfan yelled violently, swung his fist and slammed towards Xu Long fiercely.Where the fist passes, the air freezes and the void condenses.

"A mere Eighth Heaven of Fractured Void dares to fight against me! I'll let you know today how powerful the one who wins the Fifth Heaven!"

As Mo Feifei's confidant, Xu Long is extremely confident.He used his martial arts to clash with Chu Yunfan's fist


With just a "click", the bone on Xu Long's right fist was shattered by Chu Yunfan.His arms, from the fingernails to the shoulders, were completely covered in ice and could not move.

Only then did Xu Long realize that he underestimated Chu Yunfan.

"Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger!"

Chu Yunfan didn't give Xu Long a chance to breathe, and directly cast the Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger, severely injuring Xu Long.

Many bones on Xu Long's body were shattered by the Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger.At this moment, he was lying on the ground like a dead dog, unable to even get up.

The prisoners on death row have been attacking Chu Yunfan all the time. After Chu Yunfan severely wounded Xu Long, he focused on the prisoners on death row.

"You all die!"

Chu Yunfan yelled violently, stomped his feet vigorously, and rushed towards the nearest death row prisoner at the fastest speed.

With just one punch, Chu Yunfan pierced the death row prisoner's chest and rushed towards the next opponent.

Chu Yunfan's body was full of murderous aura, like a butcher, using the Sky Sword Art and the Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger back and forth.

All the enemies in front of him were bloody beheaded.

Two minutes later, where Chu Yunfan was, blood flowed into rivers and pieces of flesh covered the ground, like a purgatory on earth. More than 2 death row prisoners were all beheaded, and none of them survived.

Chu Yunfan beheaded all the heads of these condemned prisoners, and put them in the space ring.Walk towards Xu Long.

"What are you going to do? I am City Lord Mo's most important confidant. If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, the poison of the Soul Stinging Pill on your body will never be removed."

Seeing Chu Yunfan approaching, Xu Long immediately shouted sternly.He wanted to use the soul stabbing pill to threaten Chu Yunfan.

"What do you want to do? Of course I want to kill you! As for the poison of the soul stabbing pill, sorry, I have already removed it!"

After speaking, Chu Yunfan directly raised his hand and patted Xu Long's head.


There was a muffled sound, and blood flowed from the corner of Xu Long's mouth, and he died on the spot.

Chu Yunfan took off the interspatial ring on his finger, and casually erased the soul brand on it.

"It's not bad. In addition to the heads of 31 condemned prisoners, there are also 1000 billion taels of natural materials and earthly treasures. It seems that Mo Feifei is really good to this confidant." Chu Yunfan held the space ring and whispered to himself .

Plus the 51 heads of condemned prisoners obtained from Xu Long's space ring.Chu Yunfan now has a total of 150 heads of executed prisoners.It is almost approaching, one-tenth of the total number of death row prisoners.

With two hours left, Chu Yunfan turned into a beam of light and began to look for the condemned prisoners.

In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed.

The closed Sky Mirror was opened again, and Chu Yunfan and others felt a strong suction pulling them away from the Sky Mirror.

A total of 61 people entered the Sky Mirror to participate in the second round of the city lord battle.But when they came out, there were only thirty people left.The mortality rate is over 50.00%!

"Everyone, hand in the head of the death row prisoner you killed," Feng Yunxiao said.

The first young man stepped forward, took out a blood-stained cloth bag from the interspatial ring, and handed it to Feng Yunxiao respectfully.

There are a total of 49 in the bag, the heads of executed prisoners.

"Ye Cheng of Qinghan City took out the heads of 49 condemned prisoners to prove that he hunted and killed 49 condemned prisoners. It should be ranked in the top eight." The city lord of Star City said.

"What is Ye Cheng? Liu Hanting of Chiye City has produced a total of 61 heads of condemned prisoners. He can definitely enter the third round!"

"Han Dongqing in Shuiyun City is even more powerful. The number of death-row inmates who died in her hands has reached 69! It's really hard to let a woman out. A female generation has such a strong combat power. It's incredible."


Lin Zichen walked up to Feng Yunxiao, bowed to him and took out a large bag from the interspatial ring.It contained 150 heads of five executed prisoners.

"Not bad!" Feng Yunxiao nodded slightly towards Lin Zichen.

"How is it possible that Lin Zichen beheaded, 150, five death row prisoners!"

"How did his strength suddenly increase so much? He actually ranked No.1 in the second round of the city lord battle!"

"It seems that the City Lord of Tiansong City spent all his money in order for Lin Zichen to win the title of City Lord of Feiyun City."


Lin Zichen, as the younger brother of the city lord of Tiansong City, naturally received the full training of the city lord of Tiansong City.

Originally, Lin Zichen's strength was only ranked in the top [-] among the younger generation in Cangyun Continent, apart from the city lords of the major star cities.

But before the battle for the city lord, the lord of Tiansong City spent all his money and almost emptied all his wealth.Bought a heaven-defying treasure from the strong man in the main city of Tianlan Continent.Let Lin Zichen's strength increase greatly.

Although that treasure can only temporarily increase Lin Zichen's strength, there is a time limit.When the time is up, Lin Zichen's strength will drop, and even his cultivation will regress.

But compared to the position of the city lord of Feiyun City, these are not important.

(End of this chapter)

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