Anti-sky file system

Chapter 444 Fusion of Ice Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 444 Fusion of Ice Wolf Bloodline


The door of the room opened, and Chu Yunfan walked out slowly.

Seeing Chu Yunfan, the two youths quickly knelt down and kept kowtowing.

"My lord, I'm just an ordinary person. I don't know where I offended my lord. Please let my lord let me live."

"I beg my lord to give me a way out!"

Both youths knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.In the eyes of the two, they must have offended Chu Yunfan somewhere to be caught here.

Seeing the terrified expressions of the two young men, Chu Yunfan couldn't help but smile.He helped the two of them up, and used the annotation function to check their blood.

"That's right, it's the blood of the ice wolf."

Chu Yunfan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Would you two join Feiyun City and become the guards of the City Lord's Mansion?"

The two young men froze for a moment, but Chu Yunfan actually invited them to join Feiyun City's City Lord's Mansion.Both of them doubted their ears, something went wrong.

You know, Feiyun City is a city of stars.The guards in the mansion have to be at least above the fifth level of the Shattered Void.

The two young men are nothing more than Spiritual Realm monks.I never thought that one day I would be able to join the Star City as a guard.

"Don't you want to?" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Willing! Willing!" The two youths shouted hastily.

"Why did your lord recruit the two of us as guards?" One of them said bravely.

"Because your surname is Leng, and the blood of the ice wolf flows in your body." Chu Yunfan smiled, and said: "My grandma is also surnamed Leng. I inherited the blood of the ice wolf from her. So, I want to take care of the people with the surname Leng .”

When the two young men heard the words, they all looked stunned.

"So that's how it is!" Niu Mang on the side thought to himself, he was wondering why Chu Yunfan wanted to find a member of the ice wolf bloodline.It turned out that Chu Yunfan also had ice wolf blood in his body.

Suddenly, Niu Mang realized something, opened his eyes wide, and shouted: "My lord, do you have two kinds of blood in your body?"

Niu Mang clearly remembered that Chu Yunfan had Frost Earth blood in his body.Now he has the ice wolf bloodline, which means he has two bloodlines at the same time!
Chu Yunfan smiled and nodded.

The reason why he said this was specifically for Niu Mang to hear.So that people from Baihu Ancient City and the Four Great Sacred Cities can investigate in the future.It can be found that some subordinates know that there are two kinds of blood in his body.can testify against him.

"Niu Mang, go to the alchemy room and get two bottles of elixirs that are useful for cultivators in the spiritual realm." Chu Yunfan said to Niu Mang.

Niu Mang cupped his hands and backed away.

After waiting for Niu Mang to leave, Chu Yunfan rushed to a young man with a stride, and cut his palm with his fingers like a sword.Blood trickled down the wound.

Both young people were taken aback by Chu Yunfan's sudden action.

"Sir, are you?"

Before a young man could finish speaking, Chu Yunfan's aura of aspiring to the top level surged out.Like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, they were directly imprisoned in the void, unable to move.

Chu Yunfan took out the jade bowl and took half a bowl of blood from the young man's palm.Give him a healing pill in his mouth.Stimulating spiritual energy, he melted the elixir, allowing the wound on his palm to heal quickly.

Then Chu Yunfan stretched out his hands and pressed them between the eyebrows of the two young men.Activate the cutting function to erase what happened just now from the memory of the two of them.

A small part of the two youths was forcibly erased because of their memory.cause temporary coma.Taking advantage of this time, Chu Yunfan picked up the jade bowl and swallowed the blood in the bowl in one gulp.

Although the bloodline of the ice wolf was of a low grade, only by merging with it, and Chu Yunfan entered the Frost Cave, would he not be found out as a person from the Xuanwu Continent by the Ancient White Tiger City and the Four Sacred Cities.

In the future, it is only necessary to clear the blood of the ice wolf after obtaining the clearing authority.

At the moment of blood entrance, Chu Yunfan activated the sixth original document.Start to absorb the power of blood.

"The power of the bloodline is detected and fusion begins."

In Chu Yunfan's mind, a system mechanical notification sounded. In the WPS file system, a burst of strange energy slowly absorbed the blood containing the blood of the ice wolf.

As the blood was absorbed by the system, Chu Yunfan felt cold all over, and a gust of cold air gushed out.He felt that something new was being bred in his body.

Ten minutes later, the sixth original document successfully fused the blood of the ice wolf.

Chu Yunfan opened his eyes.Let out a foul breath.

He mobilized his consciousness and entered the WPS file system.The information in the bloodline column of the sixth original document has changed at this time.

Host: Chu Yunfan
Cultivation level: Aspire to the second heaven (early stage)
Practice method: none
Practicing martial arts: none
Bloodline: Ice Wolf Bloodline

Ability: Ice

Because the sixth original document has not practiced martial arts or martial arts, so the two columns show nothing.

(Ice wolf bloodline, fourth-grade bloodline, garbage bloodline, low potential. Why did your taste suddenly become so low-end in Sao Nian? Such a garbage bloodline has also merged. Tsk tsk tsk!)
Looking at the words of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan's head was full of black lines.

"You cheating system, you actually despise the host! If it wasn't for entering the Frost Cave, you think I want to merge with this broken blood!" Chu Yunfan cursed in his heart.

After Chu Yunfan fused the blood of the ice wolf, the two youths woke up from their coma one after another.

"Why are you two stunned? Did you two hear what I said just now?" Chu Yunfan asked.

The two youths shook their heads at the same time. They had no memory of what happened just now.

"Let me tell you, there are very few members of the ice wolf bloodline in the Cangyun Continent. You have to practice hard. Although I also have the ice wolf bloodline in my body, my surname is Du after all, and you two are surnamed Leng. I hope you two can Revitalize the Leng clan!" Chu Yunfan said with a serious face.

The two youths nodded solemnly.

"Next, I will pass on to you two a low-level earth-level kung fu technique suitable for training with the ice wolf bloodline. And a low-level earth-level martial skill that can be used to the fullest, the ice wolf bloodline."

Chu Yunfan focused on two things while walking towards the two young men.At the same time, from the memory, he searched out a low-level ice-attribute ground-level exercise and a low-level ice-attribute ground-level martial skill.

Then use the conditional formatting function to instantly improve the exercises and martial arts into those suitable for the cultivation of the ice wolf blood.

At this time, Chu Yunfan had already walked in front of the two young people.He stretched out his hands, put two fingers together, and tapped on the eyebrows of the two young men.

Introduce the exercises and martial arts to the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them.

After the two youths obtained the exercises and martial arts, they sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

After a short period of practice, the two youths felt that their cultivation had increased by one point.There is no doubt that the exercises and martial arts given by Chu Yunfan are the most suitable for the cultivation of the ice wolf blood.

(End of this chapter)

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