Anti-sky file system

Chapter 449 Recasting the Chitian Sword

Chapter 449 Recasting the Chitian Sword

Wangcai is already a mid-level seventh-level monster.It is equivalent to a monk who aspires to the fourth heaven.The energy it needs to advance is exactly the same as that of Chu Yunfan.They are all trillion taels.

For Wangcai to break through from a mid-seventh-level monster to a late-seventh-level monster, he needs to devour 17 trillion two-day treasures.

Wangcai's body instantly swelled several times.It opened its bloody mouth wide, and powerful devouring power burst out from its mouth, instantly devouring all the treasures of heaven and earth piled up like hills in front of it.

Although these treasures of heaven and earth cannot allow Wangcai to advance from a mid-seventh-level monster to a late-seventh-level monster.But it can increase its strength by one point.

After devouring the treasures of heaven, material and earth, Wangcai returned to his small and cute appearance.

Chu Yunfan took out the piece of fire-attribute holy-grade spiritual material, and activated the commentary skill.Information about the spiritual material instantly appeared in the original document.

Red Flame Divine Iron: Holy Spirit Material

The whole body is red and hard.Can cast powerful holy artifacts!

This piece of red flame god iron is worth at least five trillion taels.If Chu Yunfan devours it, he can break through to the fifth heaven.

But Chu Yunfan didn't intend to devour it.

The Scarlet Sky Sword is forged from seventh-grade spiritual material, solar meteorite.Chu Yunfan's current cultivation base has reached the fourth heaven.

Chi Tianjian could no longer be satisfied with Chu Yunfan.Therefore, Chu Yunfan has always wanted to find a piece of fire-attribute holy-grade spiritual material to recast the Chitian Sword.

The piece of red flame god iron in front of him is just right.

Chu Yunfan turned over casually, and took the Chitian Sword out of his body.

He holds the Chitian Sword in his left hand and the Chiyan Divine Iron in his right hand, urging the secret method of the natal spiritual weapon.Started to recast the Chitian Sword.

The secret method of the natal spiritual weapon can recast the natal spiritual weapon three times in total.Once the three recasting opportunities are used up, the natal spiritual weapon is finalized and cannot be changed.

Chu Yunfan is now using his first chance to recast.

His hands formed seals quickly, and a divine script condensed out in the void, branding it on the Chitian Sword.

This divine script is a cast character.Only by urging the secret method of the natal spiritual weapon and condensing the divine script of casting characters can the natal spiritual weapon be recast.

I saw two groups of bloody flames condensed from Chu Yunfan's hands.One ball was sprayed on the Chiyan God Iron, and the other was sprayed on the Chitian Sword.

The fiery temperature of the bloody flames made the air burn with crackling noises.

The Bloody Flame is no ordinary flame.Instead, use the secret method of the natal spirit weapon to give birth to the natal blood fire.

Use the essence and blood of your life to ignite the fire of blood!
A drop of natal essence blood can keep the blood fire alive for 10 minutes!

The higher Chu Yunfan's cultivation base, the higher the temperature of the blood fire.More importantly, the blood fire is ignited with the blood essence of life.The flame contains the master's life and blood.

Chu Yunfan took out a hammer from the space ring.

I saw Chu Yunfan put the Chitian Sword and Chiyan God Iron on the refining furnace.Pressing them with the left hand, swung the hammer with the right hand, and smashed the Chitian Sword and the Chiyan God Iron with all the strength of the whole body.

"crack, clap, clap"

The sound of gold and iron clashing is endless.

An hour later, the Chiyan Shentie was completely integrated into the Chitian Sword.Under the blessing of your natal aura, the two have been completely integrated,
Although it is the grade of the Scarlet Sky Sword, it is still a seven-star mid-level spiritual weapon, but its sharpness has been greatly improved compared to before.

The current Scarlet Sky Sword is enough for Chu Yunfan to use it to the saint level.

The treasures of heaven and earth in the dimensional space have been swallowed up by Chu Yunfan and Wangcai.He looked around and collected all the exercises and martial arts in the valley into the space ring.

Chu Yunfan didn't intend to leave some treasures for those who came after him like Hai Wuya did.Because when he left Frost Cave.The people who came in to investigate were definitely people from Baihu Ancient City and the Four Sacred Cities.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan directly put all the valuable things in the Frost Cave into the space ring.

At the mouth of the valley stands a huge stone monument.On the front of the stele, there was a line written with a murderous look.

"I'd rather raise a dragon than a hundred worms!"

"Thank you for the treasure left behind by Senior Frost Sacred King! This junior will definitely do his best to wipe out the ancient city of Baihu and the four holy cities, and return the Cangyun Continent to freedom."

Chu Yunfan knelt down on the ground, and respectfully kowtowed three times towards the stele.

On the back of the stele, it is written how to leave the dimensional space.

Chu Yunfan was not prepared, and left the dimension space now.

Because of the bet he made with Xuesha, the time was five days.It's only been a day now.If you leave Frost Cave now, it will definitely arouse everyone's suspicion.

So Chu Yunfan planned to wait until the fifth day before leaving.

Time flies, and five days have passed in the blink of an eye.

According to the method on the stone tablet, Chu Yunfan quickly formed seals with both hands, and a door of space condensed out.

After Chu Yunfan included Wangcai in the space file, he walked into the gate of space and left the dimensional space...

At this time, outside the Frost Cave, Xue Fiend and the city lords of the major star cities gathered together.

"Niu Mang, haven't you handed over the order of the city lord of Feiyun City to this city lord?" Xue Sha sneered.

"Five days haven't come yet, my city lord will definitely return safely at the last moment." Niu Mang said boldly.

"It seems that you didn't cry when you saw the coffin. In the last half hour, the city lord didn't believe that Chu Yunfan could come back alive." Xuesha sneered.

"If you dedicate Feiyun City's Token of the Lord of Feiyun City to the Lord of the City now, and kneel down, cut off your arms! The Lord of the City may still spare your life. But if it is half an hour later, when the bet is over. After the city lord gets the order of the city lord from Feiyun City, he will definitely kill you!"

Niu Mang gritted his teeth and rejected Xue Sha.

Even if he now agrees to Xue Fiend and presents the order of the city lord of Feiyun City.You also have to cut off your arms and abolish your cultivation.

Rather than becoming a useless person, it is better to persevere.What if Chu Yunfan could really walk out of the Frost Cave alive?

"Okay, okay! In half an hour, the city lord will definitely chop you up!" In Xuesha's eyes, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.

As Niu Mang is the enshrinement of Feiyun City, Xue Sha can't attack him.Only after he takes over Feiyun City.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

"The time has come, die!"

Xue Sha took a step forward, and with a monstrous momentum in both hands, he slapped Niu Mang directly, wanting to finish Niu Meng with one blow.

Just when Niu Mang closed his eyes, ready to die.

A bright stream of light suddenly shot out from the Frost Cave, instantly shattering the Blood Fiend's attack,

"My offering in Feiyun City, you, an ordinary person, can touch it!"

A domineering and unparalleled voice instantly resounded through the sky.

Chu Yunfan stepped out of the Frost Cave suddenly, sweeping across the world with overwhelming power.

(End of this chapter)

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