Chapter 461

"To climb to the top of Qingyan Mountain, at least one must have the physical state of the early stage of the King Realm. Du Yunfan is only aspiring to the fifth heaven, and the physical state is already so strong. What's more, he still has the blood of Xuantu in his body, so that But the emperor-level bloodline that focuses on physical strength."

"In the future, Du Yunfan will definitely be able to survive the catastrophe of the Transcendent Realm and become a cultivator of the Transcendent Realm. Even if he survives the catastrophe of the Saint Realm, there is more than [-]% hope." Heihuang stared at Chu Yunfan, his voice low and authentic.

A [-]% chance of becoming a saint is already very high.

One must know that the ordinary transcendental cultivators have less than a [-]% chance of breaking through.

A person with such a high talent cannot be recruited into the wild holy city, or even the wild continent.This made Heihuang very helpless.

The deputy city lords of the other three holy cities looked at each other, shook their heads, and sighed slightly.

There is no way, who will let the Baihu Ancient City family dominate.

Half an hour later, the first round of the potential competition officially ended.

Chu Yunfan aspired to No.1 in the first round with the top result.

And Zhang Linjie ranked No.2 in the first round with a score of [-] steps.

230 Three people who participated in the first round of the Fengyun Competition, in the end, only 140 five people climbed the 150th step of Qingyan Mountain and advanced to the second round.

Among the remaining people, except for one person who failed to climb the No. 80 steps and was killed by the black phoenix.The rest will all be punished with a cold iron rod.

The first round of the strong competition has also come to an end at this time.

Niu Tongtian, the lord of Manniu's main city, climbed up to the 1st step of Chiyan Mountain by relying on his physical strength at the early stage of Human King Realm.Got the No.[-] in the strong competition.

And the city lord of the main city of Yuntian won No.290 in the strong competition with the 2th second step.

As for Hong Haoxuan, the lord of Fengling's main city, he was far behind.His physical state is only in the late stage of Liuhe state.Only climbed to the 170th three steps of Chiyan Mountain, and barely entered the second round of the strong competition.

When Hong Haoxuan saw Chu Yunfan, he not only won the No.1 in the potential competition, but also climbed to the top of Qingyan Mountain.Even Zhang Linjie, who is known as the first city lord of the Three Hundred Star City, is not as good as him.

Hong Haoxuan's eyes were bright, and he was extremely excited.

"With Du Yunfan's strength, it is absolutely no problem to enter the top ten of the potential competition. As long as he can enter the top ten. I will also be eligible to join the Baihu Ancient City and the Four Holy Cities because of my merits in discovering geniuses."

Chu Yunfan smiled and nodded towards Hong Haoxuan.Then he set his sights on Niu Tongtian and the city lords of Yuntian main city.

"I didn't expect that Niu Tongtian and the city lords of Yuntian main city are so strong. If there is no accident, both of them should be able to enter the top five in the powerhouse competition, and get the qualification to join the ancient city of Baihu and the four holy cities. "Chu Yunfan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself in his heart.

At this moment, the Lord of Yuntian Main City also looked towards Chu Yunfan.The eyes of the two collided in the void, bursting out strands of sparks.

The city lord of Yuntian main city had cold eyes, and murderous intent emerged in his eyes.

The two had long been feuded, and the greater Chu Yunfan's potential, the stronger the killing intent of the Lord Yuntian.

Once a genius like Chu Yunfan rises, he will definitely have endless troubles.Therefore, the least way is to kill it in the cradle.

The Lord of Yuntian Lord City looked towards No.3 who had great potential.

The No. 3 one with great potential, named Xu Hao, is the most powerful underling of the Lord of Yuntian Main City.

Although Chu Yunfan is physically strong, he won No.1 in the first round of the potential competition.But his cultivation base, after all, is only aspiring to the fifth heaven.And Xu Hao's cultivation was at the peak of the Martial King's third heaven!

In addition to his powerful cultivation, Xu Hao has a king-level blood in his body, and he also masters a high-level profound meaning and a medium-level profound meaning.In terms of strength, he is only slightly inferior to Zhang Linjie.

The Lord of Yuntian Lord City believes that as long as Xu Hao makes a move, he can definitely kill Chu Yunfan!
"The first round of the strong competition and the first round of the potential competition are over. All those who have advanced, step forward." The voice of the black phoenix resounded like thunder from the sky.

Hearing this, Chu Yunfan and others hurriedly took a step forward.

Heihuang flipped his palms and took out two huge mirrors from the space ring.

Of these two mirrors, one side is dark red, with a dark red halo shining, which is extremely strange.The other side is dark black, with a dark black light shining, which is extremely weird.

Pointing to the two mirrors, Heihuang said slowly: "The dark red mirror is called the sunset mirror. It is an extraordinary high-level spiritual weapon. The dark black mirror is called the falling sun mirror. It is a low-level Hallows."

"The second round of the Fengyun Competition will be held in these two mirrors. Those who participate in the potential competition will enter the sunset mirror. Those who participate in the strong competition will enter the sun-falling mirror."

Heihuang's eyes swept over all the participants in the second round of the Fengyun Grand Competition, and said in a deep voice:
"The first round is the test of physical strength. The second round is the test of soul power!"

"The setting sun mirror and falling sun mirror are made of special materials. The body cannot enter them, and the soul can only enter the mirror in the state of leaving the body."

Heihuang paused, and then said: "In the world in the sunset mirror, a 50 yuan soul card is placed. In the world in the falling sun mirror, a 30 yuan soul card is placed."

"All you have to do is find the soul card in the mirror world and bring it out. Anyone who brings out the soul card will advance to the third round!"

After Heihuang announced the rules, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

The danger of the soul leaving the body is extremely dangerous. Once the soul is annihilated, then everything is over.

The soul cards in the mirror world are limited, if you can find the soul cards, it's okay, but if you can't find them, you can only go to grab someone else's.

In other words, in this round of assessment, many people will die!
"Master Heihuang, before the first round of assessment, you gave me a chance to quit. So before the second round of assessment, is there still a chance to quit?" A cultivator who aspired to the eighth heaven asked bravely.

This cultivator spoke out the aspirations of many people.

"You want to quit?"

Heihuang raised his eyebrows, and two icy rays of light shot out from his eyes, piercing through the cultivator who aspired to the eighth heaven.

"Now, does anyone still want to quit?"

Heihuang looked around, the coercion of the saint realm pushed the world across.The icy murderous aura made Chu Yunfan and the others chill all over, as if falling into an ice cave.

Chu Yunfan and the others shook their heads like rattles.

"Since no one wants to withdraw, the second round of the Fengyun Competition will officially begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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