Anti-sky file system

Chapter 472 Chu Yunfan's Condition

Chapter 472 Chu Yunfan's Condition
Zhang Linjie is a very upright person.Hu Xie's deliberate targeting of Chu Yunfan made him indignant and very disgusted.So he planned to follow Chu Yunfan and join the wild holy city together.

After hearing Zhang Linjie's words, Heihuang was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly said, "Of course!"

Although Zhang Linjie's talent is not as good as Chu Yunfan's, he is also a super genius that is rare in a thousand years.If it is well cultivated, there is a great hope of becoming a strong saint in the future.He wanted to join the Wild Holy City, and of course Black Phoenix would not object.

After hearing Zhang Linjie's words, Hu Xie's eyes flashed fiercely, his face was full of anger, and he said in a cold voice: "Are you sure you want to give up joining the White Tiger Ancient City, and choose to join the Wild Holy City instead!"

The tiger's ferocious expression seemed to swallow Zhang Linjie alive.

Seeing this, Zhang Linjie felt even more disappointed in Baihu Ancient City.He said without hesitation: "That's right, I just want to join the Wild Holy City!"

The smile on Heihuang's face had already extended to the neck.In this competition, the one who gained the most was his Wild Holy City.

The third round of the potential competition, because Chu Yunfan swept everyone on the first floor of the White Tiger Tower, only he and Zhang Linjie passed the third round of the competition.

In other words, there are only the top two in this potential competition, not the top ten.Except for Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie, the rest were all eliminated.

The two people who only passed the assessment gave up the ancient city of Baihu at the same time and chose to join the wild holy city.It can be said to be a disgrace to the wild holy city.

"Okay! Heihuang, I have written down today's account, and I will repay you twice in the future!" Huji snorted angrily, opened the domain gate, and left with Niu Tongtian and the city owner of Yuntian Lord.

After Huji left, the deputy city lords of the other three holy cities also looked at Heihuang enviously, turned and left.

Hong Haoxuan walked up to Chu Yunfan with a flattering face, and said flatteringly: "Congratulations, brother Yunfan, for winning No.1 in the competition with great potential, and becoming a disciple of Master Heihuang. Brother Yunfan's future is absolutely unlimited. It can be limited. In the future, in the wild holy city, we will have to rely on Brother Yunfan to take care of us."

Follow the rules of the potential ratio.

If the potential is in the top ten of the competition, the city owner of the main city to which it belongs, if it does not enter the top five of the strong competition.You will be eligible to join the White Tiger Ancient City and the Four Great Sacred Cities.

Generally speaking, those who have the potential to rank among the top ten will join the Baihu Ancient City.The city lord of his main city will also join the ancient city of Baihu.

Those who have the potential to be greater than the top ten will join the four holy cities.The city owner of the main city he is in will also join the four holy cities.

Now, Chu Yunfan has joined the Wild Holy City.According to the rules, Hong Haoxuan will also join the Wild Holy City.

Chu Yunfan glanced at Hong Haoxuan, and said a word coldly.


If it wasn't for thinking of Hong Haoxuan, there would have been a sliver of kindness towards him.Chu Yunfan had already done something to Hong Haoxuan.

Now, Hong Haoxuan still wants to use him to join the wild holy city, it's just a dream!
"Du Yunfan, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us..."

Before Hong Haoxuan finished speaking, Chu Yunfan interrupted him directly, saying: "Within three breaths, don't leave the Holy City. I will abolish your cultivation base!"



When Hong Haoxuan saw Chu Yunfan, he really wanted to do something, so he quickly turned into a streamer and flew out of the wild holy city.Then open the domain gate outside the holy city and return to the main city of Fengling.

Hong Haoxuan felt extremely regretful in his heart.If he didn't, he was in a hurry to draw a clear line with Chu Yunfan when the tiger was fiercely targeting Chu Yunfan.At this time, he had already joined the Wild Holy City.

And he could hug Chu Yunfan's thigh.With the relationship between Chu Yunfan and Heihuang, his status in the wild holy city will definitely not be too low.

But in the world, there is no medicine for regret.

The city lord of the main city where Zhang Linjie was located won the No. 3 in the contest of the strong, and chose to join the Holy City of Heavenly Secrets.Therefore, the city lord of the main city, because of his contribution in discovering Zhang Linjie, obtained an extra extraordinary spirit weapon.

After the other monks who participated in the Fengyun Grand Competition left the wild holy city.Heihuang took Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie to the City Lord's Mansion in the wild holy city.

The wild holy city represents the most bloody, brutal, and powerful wild continent in the three thousand great worlds.Therefore, the City Lord's Mansion of the Holy City occupies a vast area and is built in an extremely domineering and imposing manner, showing a sense of strength.

Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie followed Zhang Linjie to the living room.

I saw a young man in a black robe sitting on the main seat in the living room. The man's face was stern and sharp. Looking carefully, his pupils were dark black without any white light.Like a black hole, it is breathtaking.

This person is the Lord of the Wild Holy City, Jin Moxuan!The second best master in the Xuanwu Great World, his cultivation has reached the peak of the seventh heaven of saints!His strength is second only to Hu Lie, the city lord of Baihu Ancient City.

Don't look at Jin Moxuan's young face, but he is over 500 years old this year!
"Meet the city lord!" Heihuang bowed and saluted.

"Meet the city lord!"

Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie also quickly saluted.

Jin Moxuan looked Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie up and down, with satisfaction in his eyes.

"Yes, with the talents of both of you, as long as you don't take detours, your future achievements will never be lower than this saint."

Jin Moxuan clapped his hands, and immediately four guards walked into the living room carrying two large iron boxes.

"You give up the ancient city of Baihu and join my wild holy city. Naturally, the holy city will not treat you badly. What is in the suitcase is your reward."

Jin Moxuan waved a strong wind and opened the two suitcases.

"According to the physiques of the two of you, I have selected for you the most suitable heaven-level low-level exercises, low-level martial arts, and extraordinary low-level spiritual weapons."

Chu Yunfan looked down, and there was a blue bead in the suitcase in front of him, exuding coldness.In Zhang Linjie's suitcase, there was a small bronze clock.

"In addition to these things, Chu Yunfan will get 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and he will worship Hei Huang as his teacher. Zhang Linjie will get 50 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and he will learn from an extraordinary elder in the city." Jin Moxuan said road.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!"

Chu Yunfan and Zhang Linjie bowed and clasped their fists together, saying in unison.

Because Chu Yunfan's talent is higher than Zhang Linjie's.So he was treated better.Regarding this point, Zhang Linjie did not complain.

Jin Moxuan nodded and said, "Du Yunfan, what else do you want? As long as it's not too much, Holy City will agree."

When Heihuang recruited Chu Yunfan, he made a promise.As long as he is willing to join the wild holy city, the holy city will satisfy him with one condition.

Chu Yunfan had already thought about this condition.

He bowed and cupped his fists towards Jin Moxuan, and said, "I want Lord City Master to activate the power of the Holy City. In the Xuanwu Great World, look for the Taichang Clan's inherited skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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