Chapter 479 Dialogue with Ye Kongling

"The way of heaven, the version of Tianzi, and the version of Tao. Judging from the names, there seems to be a certain connection between the three." Chu Yunfan boldly guessed.

Chu Yunfan's guess was correct. Under normal circumstances, after the Tianzi version is upgraded to the top level, it will enter the Dao version after upgrading again.

However, the Dao of Heaven has a certain control over the Systematic through the Divine Words of the Heavenly Characters.Forcibly suppress the system users in the Tianzi version.Only individual system users can enter the Tao character version.

No one knows why Tiandao did this.

The tasks on the taskbar are still the same as in the Tianzi version.

Main task: resolve the crisis in Xuanwu Continent within three years.Side mission: leave the Xuanwu Great World.

As long as these two tasks are completed, the WPS file system can be upgraded to Daozi 2.0.

"According to what Senior Hai Wuya said, all system users in the Three Thousand Worlds should have received the system's notification tone. They want to attack me." Chu Yunfan had a sneer on his face.

He took out a crystal clear jade pendant from the space ring.In this jade pendant, there is a soul imprint of Ye Kongling.

It was Chu Yunfan who specifically asked Ye Kongling to stay before leaving the Xuanwu Continent.For the convenience of contact.

The divine script of Tianzi has been erased.The blockade of the security protection function and the seal of the hyperlink function have been lifted.

Chu Yunfan can now use the hyperlink function once a day, and the time for linking with spiritual thoughts has reached 9 minutes!
And the safety protection function collapsed because of the blockade of the Tianzi divine script.Therefore, Chu Yunfan's alchemy level, array level, and tool level have all reached an extraordinary high level!

Looking at the entire Xuanwu world, Chu Yunfan's alchemy, array, and tool levels are all top-notch.You know, Chu Yunfan is only this year.

If the outside world knows that Chu Yunfan has achieved such a high achievement, it will definitely catch everyone's attention.

Of course, Chu Yunfan didn't mean to reveal it.Because his cultivation talent is enough to shock everyone.

If he let others know his alchemy, formation, and tool levels, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the city lords of Baihu Ancient City and the Four Great Sacred Cities.

If anything is found, it's over.

The hyperlink has already been used once today, so if you want to use the divine sense connection, you have to wait until tomorrow.

Chu Yunfan sat cross-legged on the bed, making seals with both hands, urging Tianfeng's blood to circulate the immortal body.Do your best to heal the wounds in your body.

In the previous attack on Tianzi Shenwen, Chu Yunfan's internal organs and extraordinary meridians have been severely injured.Even if he tried his best to mobilize Tianfeng's blood, Chu Yunfan would have to cultivate for half a month before he could fully recover from the injuries in his body.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

Chu Yunfan slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.After a day of recovery, [-]% of the injuries in his body had recovered.

Chu Yunfan held the jade pendant in his hand, activated the hyperlink function, and began to connect to Ye Kongling across the continent.

After a while, Chu Yunfan's soul began to tremble slightly, and a weak soul power, assisted by the power of the system, completed the connection with her.

"Successful!" Chu Yunfan raised a faint smile, and he said slowly, "Kong Ling, how are you doing recently?"

Ye Kongling, who was cultivating hard in the Xuanwu Continent, in the wild sky valley, couldn't help being startled when he heard the familiar voice in his ear.

When he came back to his senses, his eyes were wide open, and there was a touch of joy in them.Looking carefully, there were layers of water mist in the depths of her eyes.

"Yunfan, is that really you?"

"Of course it's me!" Chu Yunfan said with a smile.

After confirming Chu Yunfan's identity, the joy on Ye Kongling's face turned into worry.

"Yunfan, you have to be careful! Brother Lin found me yesterday and said that he, Xue Wuhen, Mo Tianji and others all received a system notification sound. In the system tray, an additional task was updated at the same time."

Ye Kongling recounted the content of the extra task to Chu Yunfan intact.

"Extra task: Kill the system owner Chu Yunfan (Du Yunfan)! Chu Yunfan (Du Yunfan), 17 years old, cultivation base: aspiring to the fifth heaven, physical realm: mid-seven-star realm. This person violates the way of heaven Not allowed. Destroy it, the system will automatically upgrade two levels and reward one billion star points!"

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and said playfully: "In order to let other system owners kill me, Tiandao actually started the system to automatically upgrade two levels, plus the condition of one billion star points. It is really a big deal."

You know, the last time Chu Yunfan angered the Dao of Heaven and used the clearing function to severely damage the divine text of Tianzi.

The conditions offered by the Dao of Heaven to the Xuanwu Great World and all system operators are only 2000 star points.Now it has doubled by [-] times!
More importantly, the system will automatically upgrade two levels!
Ordinary system users, although assisted by the system, have extraordinary qualifications.But if you want to complete the main mission and a large number of side missions, upgrade the system to one level.It will take at least a few years.

People like Su Lin, Xue Wuhen, Nangong Hanqing, etc., until now, the system bound in the body has only been upgraded to version 4.0 of Tianzi.

As for Mo Tianji and Long Fengxing, the systems bound in their bodies have only been upgraded to version 3.0 of Tianzi.

The reason why Chu Yunfan was able to upgrade the WPS file system to version 8.0 of Tianzi.The main reason is that he fused the blood of the divine beast to create the top quest, which permanently erased the same number of side quests.Speeding up the speed at which he completes the task.

This is the first point.

The second point is that Chu Yunfan's top task is heavy, and he has the ability to devour.Able to transform heaven, material and earth treasures into star points.Let Chu Yunfan squander at will.Buy Dan Fang, Formation Map, Profound Truth, Law, etc. without any consideration.Enhance his strength.

This also increased the speed at which Chu Yunfan completed the task.

Faced with the conditions offered by Tiandao, Chu Yunfan was a little moved, and wanted to do it himself and end himself.

"Yunfan, the Xuanwu Great World is no better than the Xuanwu Continent, you must be careful. If it doesn't work, return to the Xuanwu Continent."

Ye Kongling's words warmed Chu Yunfan's heart.

He spoke slowly, his tone full of confidence.

"Don't worry, if someone with a system doesn't open his eyes and wants to complete this extra task, then I will definitely make him pay in blood!"

Ye Kongling nodded slightly upon hearing this.Regarding Chu Yunfan's strength, he is quite at ease.

"Kong Ling, how is Xuanwu Continent doing?" Chu Yunfan asked with concern.

"Everything is booming in Xuanwu Continent, and everyone is working hard to cultivate. Brother Lin and Xue Wuhen's cultivation has surpassed the Seventh Heaven of Fragmentation."

"And my cultivation level has already reached the third level! When you return to the Xuanwu Continent, my cultivation base will definitely surpass yours!" Ye Kongling said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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