Anti-sky file system

Chapter 485 Lu Li's Revenge

Chapter 485 Lu Li's Revenge

On the surface of Chu Yunfan's body, earth-yellow mini vortexes formed, and they began to crazily devour the surrounding earth-attribute aura.

The earth attribute aura in the room was instantly swallowed up.

Chu Yunfan had expected the situation before him.With a big wave of his hand, thousands of high-grade earth-attribute spirit stones were swung out from the space ring.

As a disciple of Black Phoenix, Chu Yunfan is now the core disciple of the Wild Holy City.This spirit stone can still be obtained.

Under the crazily running of Taichang's blood, countless earth-attribute spiritual energy condensed around Chu Yunfan's body, forming a huge khaki tortoise, which is exactly the divine beast Taichang!
With the passage of time, the phantom of the sacred beast became more and more solid, and finally it seemed as if the real Taichang had descended.Exuding an incomparably terrifying power.

Under the operation of "Taichang Divine Body Jue", the Taichang blood in Chu Yunfan's body is frantically devouring the earth attribute aura around him.

With the passage of time, with the help of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan's comprehension of the first volume of "Tai Chang Shen Physique" has become more and more profound.


The khaki-yellow beast suddenly raised its neck and let out a deafening roar.The majesty of the huge beast, like a flood in heaven and earth, swept across nine heavens and ten earths in an instant.

Arranged in the house to isolate the formation, it trembled violently, causing layers of waves.

Fortunately, the isolation formation arranged by Chu Yunfan is an extraordinary high-level formation.Otherwise, it would be impossible to withstand such a huge coercion.

On the surface of Chu Yunfan's body, the khaki-colored mini vortexes were running to the extreme.

At this moment, the Taichang bloodline seemed to have turned into a black hole, crazily devouring the spirit energy in the top-grade spirit stone.No, swallowing can no longer express Chu Yunfan's state, it should be said to be swallowing!

Thousands of high-grade spirit stones with earth attributes, in just a few breaths, more than [-]% of the spirit stones were swallowed up.

When more than [-]% of the spirit stones have been devoured.Chu Yunfan finally completed the first volume of "Taichang Divine Body Jue".

After more than an hour of cultivation, a layer of black sticky substance overflowed from the surface of Chu Yunfan's skin, exuding a disgusting stench.

These black objects are all impurities from his body.

Whenever Chu Yunfan practiced a skill inherited from the beast clan, some impurities would be excreted from his body.Enhance his physique.

Although Chu Yunfan's physical state is in the middle stage of Seven Star Realm.But the strength and strength of the physical body are stronger than ordinary body refiners in the late seven-star stage!

Chu Yunfan clearly felt that after expelling impurities this time, his physical state had reached the peak of the mid-seven-star state.It's about to break through!

Chu Yunfan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and two khaki-yellow lights burst out from his eyes, as if they were real.Directly penetrate the tables and chairs in the room.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Taichang body has awakened to 7500%. You have obtained [-] star crystals!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly in Chu Yunfan's mind.

Since the WPS file system has changed from the Tianzi version to the Dao version, the rewards for the top task have also changed.

For every one percent increase in the progress of the too-normal body, 500 star crystals will be obtained.

The progress is increased to a whole number of tens, such as 20.00%, 30.00%, 5000%, and an additional 50000 star crystals will be obtained.If the progress is increased to [-]%, and the mission of the too-normal body is completed, an additional [-] star crystals will be obtained.

Chu Yunfan increased the task progress of Taichang Body by 5.00%, and reached a full ten.So get 5000 star points.

So he now has a total of 7500 star crystals.

"Finally there are star crystals!" Chu Yunfan sighed with emotion.

Since the WPS file system changed from Tianzi version to Daozi version.All the star points owned by Chu Yunfan were reset to zero.

It's like a rich man with a lot of money turned into a penniless pauper.

Now, he finally has 7500 star crystals.

Don't underestimate these 7500 star crystals.You must know that its unit is star crystal, not the previous star point.

According to the exchange rate between star crystals and star points, 7500 star crystals are equivalent to 7500 million star points!
To buy VIP4, you need 2 star crystals.But now, Chu Yunfan already has 7500 star crystals, and only needs 13500 more star crystals to buy VIP4.

"Under the version of Dao, the rewards for the top missions are so generous! If I had known this, I should have waited for "Tianfeng True Body", "Dragon Transformation Art", "Snake Reaching Heaven Art", and "Xuanwu Shield Armor Art" Practice now." Chu Yunfan couldn't help but feel regret.

In the Tianzi version, only 500 star points will be rewarded for every [-]% increase in the top task.Compared with now, it is simply far behind.

Of course, Chu Yunfan was just making complaints, he understands that being a human being requires contentment.

After exiting the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan stood up and stretched.

"I don't know what Lu Li's reaction will be when I killed Empress Bai Tianyu. If he stops here, then I will ignore him. But if he still wants to attack me, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

A icy light flashed across Chu Yunfan's eyes.

After dispelling the isolation formation, he walked out of the room.

"Senior Brother Du, your good brother Zhang Linjie is now fighting with others on the stage of life and death."

An ordinary disciple, who was specially guarding outside Chu Yunfan's other courtyard, saw Chu Yunfan coming out, and hurriedly said.

"Land from!"

Chu Yunfan's mind was like lightning, and he analyzed the whole matter thoroughly in an instant.

He beheaded Bai Baiyu on the stage of life and death, and Lu Li wanted to use the same method to deal with Zhang Linjie.Take this to take revenge on Chu Yunfan.

Needless to say, the ordinary disciple standing at the door was specially arranged by Lu Li!

"Lu Li, if you dare to touch a hair on Zhang Linjie, I will definitely crush you!"

Chu Yunfan let out a roar, stomped his feet suddenly, and performed Treading Snow Wuhen, turning into a rainbow light, rushing towards the platform of life and death.

At this time, on the stage of life and death, Zhang Linjie half-kneeled on the ground, his hair was scattered, his body was covered in blood, and he was extremely miserable.

The person who confronted him was a monk named Wu Xun from the Fourth Heaven of the Martial King.

Although his cultivation base was the same as Zhang Linjie's, his physical realm had reached the early stage of the King Realm.Far surpassed Zhang Linjie.

Although this person's strength is not ranked among the top five among all the elite disciples.But it's in the top ten.

"Zhang Linjie, if you want to blame, blame you for following the wrong person!"

Wu Xun let out a smirk, swung his fist, and slammed hard at Zhang Linjie's dantian.The attack was extremely fierce, and he wanted to smash Zhang Linjie's dantian with one blow, turning him into a waste that could not cultivate!
(End of this chapter)

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