Anti-sky file system

Chapter 487 Deceiving the Black Phoenix

Chapter 487 Deceiving the Black Phoenix
If Chu Yunfan hadn't broken the life-and-death formation, Jin Moxuan would never have agreed to his life-and-death duel with Lu Li.But after seeing Chu Yunfan's methods, Jin Moxuan thought that Chu Yunfan might be hiding something behind him.So he is more optimistic about Chu Yunfan.

After Jin Moxuan's voice fell, Jiang Yun left the stage of life and death with a happy face.But Heihuang let out a long sigh, and returned to the room very dejectedly.

Chu Yunfan followed behind Heihuang, and after entering Heihuang's room, he slowly said, "Does the teacher think that I have no chance of winning?"

Heihuang sighed softly when he heard this, and said, "Yunfan, I am very optimistic about your talent. If you are given three years, you will definitely be able to surpass Lu Li. But now..."

The meaning in Heihuang's words has been expressed very clearly.

The corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth raised slightly, and he said confidently, "Teacher, what if I say I can defeat Lu Li?"

"You have a way to defeat Lu Li? How is it possible!"

Heihuang's eyes widened.Lu Li is the chief disciple of the holy city.Heihuang is very clear about his strength.Even ordinary monks at the Heavenly King Realm are no match for Lu Li.

Chu Yunfan's cultivation level is only aspiring to the sixth heaven, how could he possibly defeat Lu Li.

But after seeing Chu Yunfan's extremely confident eyes, Heihuang couldn't help feeling hopeful in his heart.

"Could it be that you really have the means to defeat Lu Li?"

Chu Yunfan nodded seriously, "Occasionally, I got a piece of ancient jade, and a powerful secret technique was recorded on the ancient jade. It was created by a peerless expert with reference to the devouring ability of the Pixiu family."

"This peerless secret method can only be used once in a lifetime, and there are still very large limiting factors. Only with the physique of the blood of the beast can it withstand the backlash of the secret method. Otherwise, if ordinary people use the secret method, they will definitely explode. and die."

"The power of backlash is so strong! Then what is the function of this secret method?" Although Heihuang already had a guess in his heart, he still asked.

Chu Yunfan said very solemnly: "This secret method is called swallowing heaven and earth. Once I use it, I will have the devouring ability of the Pixiu family within a day, and I can devour heaven, material and earth treasures to increase my cultivation level! The more I devour, the more I cultivate." to grow more."

"Of course, there are two drawbacks to this secret method. First, the amount of natural materials and earthly treasures required for cultivation growth is an astronomical figure! Second, the cultivation level of those who perform the secret method cannot exceed the realm of the heavenly king."

Heihuang had long been in Chu Yunfan when he mentioned the devouring ability of the Pixiu clan.I guessed the effect of this secret method.

Although he had already guessed it, his eyebrows still couldn't help but twitch when he confirmed it from Chu Yunfan's mouth.A look of shock flashed across his eyes.

As a strong person in the Saint Realm, Heihuang has never seen Pixiu, but he still knows about the Paixiu family.Knowing that they are promoted, they only need to devour the treasures of heaven and earth, without any barriers of realm.

As for the disadvantages that Chu Yunfan said, Heihuang didn't doubt it.Such a heaven-defying secret method must have great restrictions.It's not normal if there is no limit.

"Can the treasures of heaven, materials and earth worth 1000 yuan top-grade spirit stones allow your cultivation to break through to the Martial King Realm?" Heihuang asked.

Although Heihuang had already stated an astronomical figure, he still underestimated the energy needed for Chu Yunfan to advance.

"Teacher, the treasures of heaven, material and earth worth 1000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones can only allow me to break through to the middle stage of the Seventh Heaven. If you want my cultivation to break through to the Martial King Realm, the minimum value is 400 yuan of top-quality spirit stones." Treasures of Heaven and Earth."

Chu Yunfan's words made Heihuang's eyes tighten suddenly.

The top-quality spirit stone worth 400 yuan is a treasure of heaven and earth, even though he is a strong saint and the deputy city lord of the wild holy city.This is also more than [-]% of his wealth.

"Worth 400 yuan, the treasures of heaven, material and earth with top-quality spirit stones can allow you to break through the Martial King Realm. If you want your cultivation to break through to the Wuwang Fifth Heavenly Layer, wouldn't you need tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones?" Can it be made of materials and treasures?"

A bitterness appeared on Heihuang's face, "Yunfan, don't say that I'm just the deputy city lord of the wild holy city, even the city lord can't come up with so many talents."

Heihuang had already rejected the proposal in his heart to let Chu Yunfan devour the treasures of heaven and earth.

"Teacher, I don't need to raise my cultivation level to above the fifth level of the Martial King. As long as the teacher can let me break through to the Martial King Realm, I can defeat Lu Li! Let the teacher become the next city lord of the wild holy city!"

Chu Yunfan's words made Heihuang's eyes light up suddenly.But in the next second, it dimmed again.

"Yunfan, although your talent is very heaven-defying. But Lu Li is also in the Xuanwu world. A super genius who emerges once every ten thousand years is almost the same as you. How can you defeat Lu Li, who is at the seventh level of the Martial King?"

Heihuang's tone was full of disbelief.

Chu Yunfan smiled slightly, and asked, "Teacher, although Lu Li's strength is strong, does he grasp the laws?"

Heihuang thought about it carefully, and said, "Lu Li seems to have mastered a low-level law—the law of red flame!"

As a system owner, Lu Li has the Golden Crow system bound to his body.It is not surprising for Chu Yunfan to master a low-level law with the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of Wu Wang.

"It's just a low-level law. I'm just aspiring to the sixth heaven now, and I have mastered two low-level laws."

After speaking, Chu Yunfan released the law of the mountain and the law of ice.The powerful power swept across all directions in an instant.

"As long as my cultivation can break through to the Martial King Realm, I can master the higher laws! Although Lu Li is strong, he can't be the opponent of the higher laws!"

According to the provisions of the WPS document system.Only after Chu Yunfan has raised his cultivation level to the Martial King Realm can he purchase advanced laws.

"Higher law!" Black Phoenix's face became serious.

As a strong person in the Saint Realm, Heihuang naturally grasped the high-level laws.Therefore, he is well aware of the power of higher laws.If Chu Yunfan can really master the higher laws, maybe he can really defeat Lu Li.

"Yunfan, can you run that secret technique?"

Although Chu Yunfan speaks with a nose and eyes.But he had to see it with his own eyes before he could truly believe it.

After all, in order for Chu Yunfan to break through to the Martial King Realm, he needs heaven, material and earth treasures worth 400 yuan of top-grade spirit stones.That was the wealth that Heihuang had accumulated for decades.

Chu Yunfan had already expected Heihuang's request.

I saw him spreading his hands, secretly running the blood of the real dragon, condensing a miniature black hole in the palm of his hand, exuding wisps of devouring power.

"Yes, this is the power of devouring!" Heihuang nodded, believing Chu Yunfan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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