Anti-sky file system

Chapter 498 The Book of War

Chapter 498 The Book of War
As Chu Yunfan expected, it was the third day after the five of Jin Moxuan left.Ye Wushang's gauntlet arrived.It was personally brought by Huji, the new lord of Baihu Ancient City

"Three days later, Ye Wushang, my peerless genius in Baihu Ancient City, will challenge Du Yunfan to a life-and-death duel!"

"What do you mean the tiger is fierce?" Heihuang's face was extremely gloomy.

"Isn't what I said clear enough?" Hu fiercely said coldly, "Three days later, Ye Wushang will have a life-and-death confrontation with Du Yunfan!"

"On behalf of Du Yunfan, I refuse Ye Wushang's challenge!" Heihuang said without hesitation.

Ye Wushang's cultivation has reached the eighth level of Martial King, and his strength is extremely powerful.Even though Chu Yunfan killed Lu Li, Heihuang still didn't think that Chu Yunfan had a chance of winning.

So he directly represented Chu Yunfan and rejected Ye Wushang's challenge.

"Heihuang, Ye Wushang is the most powerful genius in the history of my ancient city of Baihu. You reject his challenge on behalf of Du Yunfan, is it because you look down on my ancient city of Baihu?"

"Anyone who dares to touch the majesty of my ancient city of Baihu will die!"

The fierce eyes of the tiger were blood-red, and there were strands of fierce light shining. The monks of the second heaven of saints rushed out, crushing the world.As long as Heihuang dared to refuse again, he would do it immediately.

The reason why Ye Wushang chose to attack Chu Yunfan was after Huji took over as the lord of Baihu Ancient City.

One reason is that Hu Lie, the former owner of Baihu Ancient City, is too upright, and the principle of dealing with things is fairness and strictness.If he wants to challenge Chu Yunfan and fight Chu Yunfan to the death.Hu Lie would definitely not agree.

The second reason is that Hu Xie has a very close relationship with him.And the fierce tiger is very disgusting, the native blood in the Xuanwu world.

One of Chu Yunfan's identities is the native blood of the Cangyun Continent.

More importantly, Chu Yunfan offended Hu Xie in the competition.If there was a chance to kill Chu Yunfan, Huji would be very happy.

"The majesty of your ancient city of Baihu cannot be touched by others. Then you mean that the majesty of my wild holy city can be touched?"

Heihuang's voice was as cold as ice, as if it could freeze the world.

Although the fierce cultivation of the tiger has reached the second heaven of saints.But Heihuang is not afraid at all, because a few days ago, with the full assistance of Jin Moxuan, he broke through to the second heaven of saints in the same cultivation base!

Just when the two of them were about to fight, Chu Yunfan said, "Isn't it a life-and-death confrontation? I agree!"

"Okay! Three days later, see you on the stage of life and death in Baihu Ancient City!"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Huji's mouth, and without giving Heihuang a chance to repent, he spoke directly.

After finishing speaking, the fierce tiger opened a domain gate and left the wild holy city.

"Yunfan, you shouldn't have agreed to Hu Xie. Although you killed Lu Li, Ye Wushang also has the strength to kill Lu Li."

"And from his previous duel with Lu Li, it can be seen that he still has some strength to hide. In other words, he still hides his strength. If you fight him to the death, the chance of winning is at most [-]%!" Black Phoenix is ​​quite pessimistic about Chu Yun sail.

"Teacher, don't worry, after three days, I will definitely defeat Ye Wushang." Chu Yunfan said confidently.

Seeing Chu Yunfan's confident expression, a glimmer of hope surged in Heihuang's heart. "Perhaps Du Yunfan can really defeat Ye Wushang."

More than half a month ago, Lu Li had a life-and-death confrontation with Chu Yunfan.At that time, he thought that Chu Yunfan would definitely lose.

Who knew that Chu Yunfan could actually kill Lu Li in the end.Let him become the new city lord of the wild holy city.

Now, Chu Yunfan said that he would definitely defeat Ye Wushang.Although it felt like talking big, there was still a shred of belief in Heihuang's heart.

"Since you are so confident, my teacher wishes you a great victory in three days! In these three days, you can tell me any needs you have."

"Of course, if you are not prepared enough and you are not sure about the life-and-death duel, you must tell your teacher. Although the ancient city of Baihu is powerful, our wild holy city is not a vegetarian."

"If it's Mr. Hu Lie, I have no ability to keep you. But a tiger is just a fierce tiger, so there's nothing to be afraid of!" Hei Huang said domineeringly.

Before, the relationship between Heihuang and Chu Yunfan was nothing more than an ordinary teacher and apprentice.The reason why Heihuang accepted Chu Yunfan as his apprentice was because of Chu Yunfan's talent.

But after the life-and-death confrontation between Chu Yunfan and Lu Li.The relationship between the two has undergone certain changes.

Of course, this change is on Heihuang's side.

Originally, before Chu Yunfan joined the Wild Holy City.With Lu Li's support, Jiang Yun can be said to be [-]% able to sit on the seat of the city lord.

But Chu Yunfan was born out of nowhere, and within three months after joining the Holy City, he beheaded Lu Li.Help him obtain the position of the city lord of the wild holy city.Heihuang kept this feeling in his heart.Therefore, he will never let Chu Yunfan suffer any harm!

Heihuang's attitude made Chu Yunfan stunned.After recovering, he bowed his hands respectfully towards Heihuang and said, "Thank you teacher!"

The concern in Heihuang's words is sincere.Chu Yunfan could hear this.

"It seems that there is something in the plan to deal with Mo Qianyu. It can be replaced." Chu Yunfan thought to himself.


Three days passed in a flash.

For the past three days, Chu Yunfan has been closing his eyes and resting his mind, trying to adjust his state.Ye Wushang is not Lu Li, only with the strongest strength can he defeat him.

Black Phoenix is ​​now the lord of the wild holy city, controlling the treasure house of the holy city.With the current relationship between the two, if Chu Yunfan and Heihuang asked for the treasures of heaven and earth, Heihuang would definitely give them to him.

In that way, Chu Yunfan can easily break through to the Second Heaven of King Wu, the Third Heaven, or even higher realms.However, Chu Yunfan did not do this.

He told Heihuang before that he was able to devour heaven, material and earth treasures because of the secret method "Swallowing Heaven and Earth". "Swallowing Heaven and Earth" can only be used once in a lifetime.

If he continues to advance by devouring heaven, material and earth treasures, it will definitely make Black Phoenix suspicious.

What's more, Chu Yunfan is confident that even with King Wu's first level cultivation, he can kill Ye Wushang!
When Chu Yunfan and Heihuang came to Baihu Ancient City.It was discovered that the new city lords of the other three holy cities had also arrived.

"It seems that Tiger Vicious not only wants Ye Wushang to have a life-and-death duel with you. He also wants to use this life-and-death duel to deter the Four Great Sacred Cities." Black Phoenix sneered.

The city lords of the other three holy cities also understood the meaning of the fierce tiger calling them to watch the battle.Therefore, all of them looked cold and looked at the fierce tiger with cold eyes.

Huji didn't care about the eyes of Heihuang and others, he said in a deep voice:
"The time has come, Ye Wushang and Du Yunfan are on the stage of life and death, ready for a life and death duel!"

(End of this chapter)

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