Anti-sky file system

Chapter 60 Sweep

Chapter 60 Sweep
The moment Chu Yunfan's natal blood was sprayed on the Potian Sword.


The body of the Potianjian trembled violently, making a sharp sword cry.The sound resounded through the heaven and earth.

The spirit stones arranged around the family's treasure house flashed with light, echoing with the Heaven Breaking Sword.

An inexplicable force suddenly appeared in the formation.

Everyone felt cold all over, and the spiritual power in their bodies suddenly disappeared!
In the spirit sealing formation, all monks within the third heaven of the Purple Mansion will have their spiritual power sealed.

Of all the people present, the one with the highest cultivation level is only the second heaven of Zifu.

"What's going on, why can't I sense the slightest bit of spiritual power!" The head of the Ye family exclaimed.

"The formation, it must be the ghost of this formation!" The head of the Wang family showed horror in his eyes.

Without spiritual power, the strong in the Zifu realm are just ordinary people.

"This formation has sealed everyone's spiritual power. As long as we break it or leave this formation, our spiritual power will recover."

Yunwu Sanren said very calmly.

As a fourth-rank alchemist, Yunwu Sanren also has a certain degree of dabble in the battle method.

Su Zhanfeng and the others heard the words, and quickly attacked the spirit stone beside them.However, each piece of spirit stone exudes a bright light.It's like a protective cover.

How could Su Zhanfeng and others, who had been sealed with spiritual power, break through the defense on the spirit stone?

"It's useless, this formation can only be broken if the eyes of the formation are broken." Yun Wu Sanren said.

Su Zhanfeng suddenly thought of something, and said with a grin:

"Although my spiritual power has been sealed, my physical state has already reached the early stage of Liangyi state. I can completely blow you up with the strength of my physical body."

The patriarchs of the three major families also understood one after another.

Although they focus on the cultivation of spiritual weapons, they also cultivate the physical body.Although the realm of the physical body is not high, they have all reached the late stage of the one yuan realm.

Among them, the patriarch of the Ouyang family has also reached the early stage of Liangyi Realm physically.

The Spirit Sealing Formation was not just aimed at them.Chu Yunfan and others were also sealed with spiritual power.

Su Zhanfeng and the others can completely crush Chu Yunfan's side by relying on their physical realm.

Chu Yunfan looked at the expressions on the faces of Su Zhanfeng and others, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"In the spirit sealing formation, I am the overlord!"

Chu Yunfan took a step forward and stomped on the ground with his right foot.The strong leg strength made him turn into a human-shaped cannonball and charged towards Su Zhanfeng and others.

Su Zhanfeng swung his right fist, and the physical strength in the early stage of the Liangyi Realm exploded, and the fist was extremely fierce, attacking Chu Yunfan's face.

Chu Yunfan didn't flinch, but also swung his fist towards Su Zhanfeng.

In a blink of an eye, the two fists collided, and they were deadlocked in mid-air.

"Your body realm has actually reached the early stage of Liangyi realm!"

Su Zhanfeng's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a look of horror.

Chu Yunfan is only 16 years old!In the family assessment a month ago, his physical state was only in the middle of the one-yuan state.Now it has reached the early stage of Liangyi Realm!
How can it be!

Such terrifying qualifications, not to mention Chihu County, is the Thunder Empire, or even the entire Eastern Region.Su Zhanfeng dared to say that it had never appeared before!
"Chu Yunfan must die!" Su Zhanfeng was full of murderous aura.

Chu Yunfan's aptitude has made Su Zhanfeng terrified.If you can't kill him today, you probably won't be able to kill him again.

"Kill Chu Yunfan first!"

Su Zhanfeng yelled at Yunwu Sanren and the three patriarchs.


A shocking coercion soared into the sky, sweeping away the crowd.Directly press towards Chu Yunfan.

Although Yunwu Sanren's spiritual power has been sealed, his soul power can still be used.

The soul power as high as level [-], like a mountain, pressed hard on Chu Yunfan.

"Not only your soul power is level [-], mine is too!"

Chu Yunfan snorted coldly.

Huge soul power surged out from the body.


Two powerful soul pressures collided with each other.The surrounding air exploded directly, sending out bursts of sonic booms.

Looking carefully, there is a space distortion where the two soul pressures collide!

The soul powers of Chu Yunfan and Yunwu Sanren were both at level [-], and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while, and they fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, Patriarch Ouyang had already attacked Chu Yunfan.His physical state is also in the early stage of Liangyi state.

Patriarch Ouyang's right hand melted into a palm, and he slapped it out, with a sharp wind, directly hitting Chu Yunfan's chest.I want to kill him with one blow!

Facing the attacks of Su Zhanfeng and Patriarch Ouyang, Chu Yunfan broke out with an unparalleled fighting spirit.

"I said, in this spirit formation, I am the overlord!"

Chu Yunfan shouted violently in his heart: "Delete the function, blast me!"

He activated the storm star function without hesitation, detonating the delete function.

Although Chu Yunfan's spiritual power was sealed by the spirit sealing array.But the storm star function can not only improve the cultivation level, it can also improve the physical strength.

The muscles on Chu Yunfan's body suddenly swelled and swelled in a circle.His physical realm instantly broke through to the middle stage of Liangyi realm!
The realm of the physical body is different from the cultivation base of spiritual energy.

Every time the realm of the physical body increases by a small realm, the strength will skyrocket several times!
Chu Yunfan, who was still in a stalemate with Su Zhanfeng, suddenly exerted force with his arm, and he exerted a thousand catties of force out of thin air.

He directly broke the deadlock and punched Su Zhanfeng in the chest.

A muffled sound came out, and Su Zhanfeng flew upside down, and there was a sound of bones breaking in the air.

Patriarch Ouyang's face changed suddenly, he didn't care about attacking Chu Yunfan, he turned around and ran away forcibly, but it was too late.

Chu Yunfan shot like lightning, his fist set off a fierce wind, and with an extremely violent posture, he slammed Patriarch Ouyang on the back.


Patriarch Ouyang flew up into the sky like a kite with a broken string, a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth, and the blood spilled into the sky.

Seeing Chu Yunfan's powerful combat power, people from the collateral line and the three major families all showed expressions of fear.

They turned and fled decisively.

But when they escaped, they realized that many of their companions had fallen into a pool of blood.

And the one who attacked them turned out to be a local dog!
Just when Chu Yunfan and Su Zhanfeng were confronting each other, Wangcai had already started to clean up the battlefield.

Relying on its powerful physical body of a monster beast at the beginning of the second level, it is simply sweeping all the way.All the enemies who encountered it were killed by it.

Su Zhanfeng coughed up a mouthful of blood, and Chu Yunfan's punch just now shattered his breastbone, causing him severe injuries.

Su Zhanfeng stood up with great difficulty, and looked at Chu Yunfan with hatred.

In order to win the position of patriarch, he planned for ten years!
In the past ten years, he worked hard to accumulate wealth, win over his clansmen, and even bought Yunwu Sanren, and gained the support of the three major families.

But he tried his best, and finally lost in the hands of a 16-year-old boy.

He is not willing!

(End of this chapter)

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