Anti-sky file system

Chapter 88 The Immortal Body

Chapter 88 The Immortal Body
The crowd watching felt that Chu Yunfan had disappeared.

What appeared in front of them was a mountain, a mountain of swords piled up with swords!
Not only does it have the oppression of a ten thousand zhang mountain, but it also has the sharpness of a peerless sword.

Even Su Chunqiu couldn't bear this powerful force.Not to mention those clansmen whose cultivation bases are only at the Spiritual Revolving Realm and the Xiantian Realm.

"Sword posture, it turned out to be a high-level martial posture——Sword posture!"

"My God, Chu Yunfan has already mastered the power of the mountain, why has he mastered another kind of martial power, which is the sword power to attack Wushuang!"

"What's even more frightening is that Chu Yunfan was able to fuse two completely different martial arts together! Even many powerhouses at the peak of the Zifu Realm couldn't do this, but Chu Yunfan managed it! He's only seventeen!"


All the elders of the Su Mansion went crazy.

Compared with Chu Yunfan, they feel that they have lived on dogs for so many years.

"Plop, plop"

All those whose cultivation base was lower than the fifth level of congenital heaven fell to their knees because they could not bear the coercion.Just when the elders couldn't hold on anymore.


The overwhelming power suddenly disappeared.Chu Yunfan retracted the sword and the mountain's momentum into his body.


All the elders breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

It would be too shameful if they all knelt down like ordinary clansmen.

"Eh...why are you all gathered here? And why are there so many people paying such great respects to me?" Chu Yunfan rubbed his nose and said in embarrassment.

Chu Yunfan naturally knew that these people knelt down because they couldn't bear the power he exuded just now.

But we are all of the same clan, so we have to save some face for others.

Hearing the words, the kneeling clansman got up instantly, turned around and left here.All the elders were also embarrassed to stay here and turned to leave.

When Su Chunqiu left, he patted Chu Yunfan's shoulder hard.

Chu Yunfan surprised him again and again.A peerless genius is no longer enough to describe Chu Yunfan, he should be called a peerless monster!
Looking at Chu Yunfan, Su Chunqiu seemed to have seen the scene when the Su family reached the top in the future.

Su Lin gave Chu Yunfan a thumbs up.

Chu Yunfan himself did not expect that after fusing the momentum of the sword with the momentum of the mountain, there would be such a powerful force.

Actually, Chu Yunfan didn't know.

It is very difficult to completely integrate the two martial arts.Generally, only those with agility and above can do it.

There are very few monks below the Spiritual Realm who can do it.

This is also the reason why all the elders were shocked.

If it wasn't for the WPS file system, it would be impossible for Chu Yunfan to completely integrate two completely unrelated martial arts in such a simple way.

After everyone left, Chu Yunfan glanced at the other courtyard that had become ruins, and shrugged helplessly.

After putting the Frost Rose and Sky Magnolia into his arms, he picked up the Flame Peony and swallowed it directly into his belly.

Of course, before swallowing the flame peony, Chu Yunfan switched the second original file back to the first original file.

After all, under the second original document, the blood in his body is the blood of Pixiu.

In fact, Chu Yunfan didn't know, even if he didn't switch the original document.It is impossible for Pixiu's bloodline to snatch the energy of Lie Yan Peony from his own bloodline.

The moment the flame peony entered, it turned into a scalding liquid, flowing down the throat and flowing into Chu Yunfan's eight extraordinary meridians and limbs.

Just like when he swallowed red blood ginseng and earth flame fruit before, a strange energy suddenly gushed out from Chu Yunfan's body.

Absorb all the medicinal power of the flame peony.

When the last trace of medicinal power was absorbed by the super blood in Chu Yunfan's body. The WPS file system suddenly changed.The system vibrated violently, almost knocking Chu Yunfan out.

Just like when he devoured Wangcai's blood back then, the WPS file system bound in Chu Yunfan's mind was flickering and flickering.

A crimson energy suddenly invaded the WPS file system.

Chu Yunfan felt his head was about to explode, and the severe pain made him let out a muffled groan.

Chu Yunfan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, desperately persevering.

After about 10 minutes, Chu Yunfan felt that the pain began to gradually weaken.


Chu Yunfan let out a mouthful of turbid air, feeling extremely relaxed.The pain just now almost made him faint.

Chu Yunfan submerged his consciousness into the WPS file system, and he found that the first original file, which was originally only light red, had completely changed to red.

Chu Yunfan found that the information in the column of blood had changed.

Bloodline: Super Bloodline (Awakened [-]/[-])

Ability: Super Restoration ([-]% Awakening of Immortal Body)

(Sao Nian, your talent is extraordinary and your bones are amazing. The power of the blood in your body is so powerful. With the blessing of super recovery, your physique is simply a fighter among Xiaoqiang.

If you can continue to awaken the bloodline, the super recovery will evolve into an immortal body!At that time, you just have nothing to do to commit suicide and play. )
A dazzling light burst out from Chu Yunfan's pupils.

Immortal body!

The innate ability of the blood in his body turned out to be an indestructible body!

According to legend, the immortal body can be reborn with a drop of blood. As long as there is a drop of blood, even if the body is chopped into meat paste, it can be restored instantly.

Although the indestructible body is only one percent awakened now.But since it started, there is hope!

"The power of the blood in my body is generally passed on to my parents. The power of the blood in my body is so strong that it is absolutely impossible for my parents to be ordinary people. Who are their identities?" Chu Yunfan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He decided to find an opportunity to go back to Flowing Wind City.Ask foster father Su Qianhe face to face.

Just when Chu Yunfan was about to quit the WPS file system, he suddenly stopped.

Because he found that the side missions in the task bar had actually changed.

"I remember that there were four side missions in the update? How come there are three side missions before I complete them?" Chu Yunfan was shocked.

The four side missions that were originally updated are:

1. Kill a super villain in the purple mansion.

2. Kill ten innate villains.

3. Know the three rogues around the county.

4. Resettle hundreds of beggars around the county.

But Chu Yunfan suddenly found out that the side task that was originally ranked fourth was to resettle hundreds of beggars around the county.

This side mission has disappeared.

And the top task changed from one to two.

Chu Yunfan clicked on the newly-appeared top task, and found that this top task was actually related to the indestructible body.

(End of this chapter)

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