One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 134 Zombie Army

Chapter 134 Zombie Army

"Isn't that the boss and the others?" Seeing the spider mouse carrying out a few unconscious people from the forest, although the sea fog was filled, Nuo Qigao and the others recognized the people carried by the spider mouse at a glance It is Luffy, William, Zoro, and Sanji who are the four major powers of the straw hat.They didn't expect that the four main characters, including their own captain, would be captured, and they were still in a coma.

It is really unacceptable that the invincible Straw Hat Four Great Powers were captured so easily!

"We have hostages in our hands!" Seeing the hesitant expressions of the girls, the battered zombies shouted threateningly: "If you don't surrender, we don't know what will happen to you!" Oh what are they doing!"

Unexpectedly, in addition to scaring and sneak attacking, these zombies even learned the shameful behavior of threatening the enemy with hostages.It’s just that it’s a waste for them to nest in this “Devil’s Triangle Sea Area”. If Moonlight Moriah took them out, they would definitely do something—with the strength of the zombie army in Moonlight Moriah’s hands, they would be able to destroy There is no problem at all in losing some small countries.

"How could those idiots not be caught?" Nuo Qigao and others were speechless at this time. It would be understandable if only Luffy accidentally fell into the trap of the enemy and was caught.Although it is said that Sanji may be tempted by beauty, the environment here does not necessarily have the conditions to seduce Sanji.

But what about William and Sauron?Usually these two people are the most vigilant and reliable, so how could they be caught along with them.And it seems that all of them are still in a coma, and where did Nicole Robin and Carter French go?Didn't the six of them enter the forest together before?Why are there two people missing now?

And have they found Nami who was missing before?This series of questions lingered in the minds of Nuo Qigao and others.Especially as Nami's older sister, Nuo Qigao was extremely worried.

"Where did the others go?" Nuoqigao and others did not dare to act rashly before they were sure about the safety of William and the others.Leaving aside where the others have gone, just the four hostages in Spider Mouse's hands are enough to affect the balance of this battle.

"Why are you still standing there?" Seeing that the companions around were frightened by the enemy, Weiwei hurriedly reminded him: "That's our companion! And one of them is our captain!"

"That's right! They must know what the consequences of offending the pirates are!" The murderous look in Bora's eyes made the zombie army feel chills on their backs, although they couldn't feel pain, cold or heat.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Bora, who is a devil fruit user, is also an out-and-out monster, especially when using the thorn fruit ability, the body is covered with hard and sharp thorns, making these zombies avoid three points.

"That's right, kill these zombies and take the boss back!" Nuo Qigao suddenly aimed at the direction of the hostages and fired a cannonball. Although the cannonball didn't hit any of the zombies, they were so scared that they quickly dropped the hostages and panicked. .

Although Weiwei felt that Nuo Qigao's actions were a little messy, she still pulled out the elephant sword without hesitation and knocked the zombies who were still standing next to the hostages away.Annie and Paula took the opportunity to rush over, and found that the hostages were only unconscious and had no other trauma, and they were relieved.

"Can you help me get rid of this spider silk first?" Miss Valentine, who couldn't move her position, had nothing to do with the spider silk sticking to her heel, and these spider silks were also disgusting.

Mary and Kerra were also helpless. Mary couldn't use weapons at all because her hands were stuck together with the spear by spider silk.But Kerra, like Miss Valentine, has her heels stuck.

"Are these women crazy?" The zombie army saw that the morale of the female crew members of the straw hat group suddenly increased, and they snatched all the hostages back, but they couldn't stop them.They are just zombies made from ordinary corpses. Apart from not being able to die, they are also stronger than ordinary people.

For ordinary people, the Zombie Legion is still an excellent fighting force, but in front of the Castle Legion of the Straw Hats, they don't occupy any part at all except for their numbers and immortality.

Ordinary soldier zombies and spider rat zombies are much different from the castle army in terms of individual strength. If you want to contain or defeat the castle army, you need at least the level of general zombies.

"It's scary, they're scarier than zombies!" Nearly 200 zombies were beaten up by the castle army. Although they won't bleed, hurt, or die, they've become beating sandbags now. .

"What happened?" The zombies found that the companions around them suddenly lost their "vitality", and the shadow that was the soul of the zombie was actually purified and left the corpse.After seeing some companions being purified for no reason, the zombie army suddenly panicked and shouted: "A companion has been purified!"

Purification of the soul is something more terrifying than being beaten up.Although the castle army suppressed them, it didn't make the zombie army feel really panic.

"It's an accomplice of the Straw Hats!" The panicked zombie army found four humans suddenly appearing in the forest. Although they haven't seen the appearance of the enemy clearly, they are sure that they are the partners of the Straw Hats.

At present, only the Straw Hats and the others on this island have been targeted by Moonlight Moriah, so it is impossible for other people in the village to be targeted.But how did the Straw Hats know how to cleanse zombies?
"How did they know the method of purification?" Some veteran zombies didn't know how the Straw Hats knew the method of purifying zombies, but it reminded them of that horrible night five years ago.

At that time, an enemy who was humming a ditty and moving quickly, before they saw his appearance, the zombies had been purified.At that time, Moonlight Moria suffered a huge army loss, and it is still a horror legend circulating on the ghost island.

"Quickly withdraw, or we will all be purified!" At this time, the zombie army is no longer a matter of unwillingness to fight, but a matter of life and death.

Originally, they could drag down the Straw Hats with their immortal bodies, but now the zombie army will be purified by people, and even zombies will feel afraid in the face of death.

"It's them!" Although the girls of the Castle Legion should not look human due to the light, at least their identities can be determined from their figures: Nicole Robin and Carter Franky, as well as the previously missing Uso Pu and Chopper.

In other words, the only missing people are Nami and Baozi.

"What's going on here?" Several women asked in puzzlement.They worked so hard here that they didn't kill a single zombie, but Usopp and the others easily killed more than a dozen zombies as soon as they appeared.

And they don't believe that Usopp and the others found the way to purify the zombies themselves. Otherwise, if the weaknesses of these zombies were so obvious, they would have been purged long ago!
"We have found a way to purify zombies, and the skeleton told us!" After really contacting Brooke, Carter French said with admiration for Brooke's backbone: "That guy is not only a skeleton, but also a very Backbone man!"

"Skull? Are you talking about Brooke?" The only person Arrita and the others could associate with the skeleton was Brooke. Although everyone didn't know him very well, the only thing that was certain was that Brooke was not an enemy.

"Let's wake up these four monsters first!" Seeing his partner who lost his shadow and was still unconscious, Carter French, who was about to wake up the four of Luffy, did not forget to remind: "By the way, these spiders Si is afraid of fire!"

Now for them, the Straw Hats have not only lost four shadows, but also their navigator Nami has been captured by Absalom, and they are about to force a marriage.And Baozi was also captured by the ghost girl Perona as a pet. Facing the ability of Perona's ghost fruit, they were helpless, and they could only kill her unless they found her body.

(End of this chapter)

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