One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 338 Kozuki Momonosuke

Chapter 338 Kozuki Momonosuke


The phone bug in the castle space rang again, and just as Nuo Qigao picked up the phone, Nami's voice suddenly rang out from the phone bug: "Is it the old lady? Are you still not coming back?"

"It's Nami? It looks like Luffy and the others have arrived in Zou!" After hearing Nami's voice, Nuo Qigao let go of the worry in his heart.

"Stop talking about that, let William come back quickly! Sanji..." Nami was so sad that she couldn't continue speaking in the middle of her speech.And when William heard this, he already knew what happened in his heart.Nami cried and said: "Sanji was taken away by aunt's people, and he said he was going to get married!"

"Marriage?" Nuo Qigao couldn't believe what he heard was true: With Sanji who likes to be a nympho, would he choose to get married?

Compared with the shocked Nokiko, William's expression was much calmer.Although William was mentally prepared for this kind of thing after the fight with Rob Lucci, he still couldn't accept it.

At this time, William was sitting on a big bird, flying in the direction of Zou.Although the speed of using the moon step will be faster, but the continuous use of the martial skill of the moon step will also consume a lot of physical energy for William.Since you can catch a big bird as a means of transportation and save energy, why not do it!

It's just that although the flying speed of the big bird is not slow, it is far behind William's moon pace.But you can't have both, if you want to pursue speed, you have to fly yourself.

William's consciousness entered the avatar formed in the castle space, and the phone bug in Master Nuoqi asked, "What is Luffy's plan!"

Although William knew that with Luffy's character, he would definitely go to Big Mom's territory to take back his partner, but as a member of the Straw Hats, it is still necessary to ask his own captain's opinion.Then, according to Luffy's requirements, William will arrange tasks and plan tactics.

"It's William?" Luffy, who was next to Nami, heard William's voice, immediately took the phone bug's microphone, and said firmly: "It goes without saying, of course it's to get Sanji back. That's my cook!"

As expected of a foodie, even the reason for taking back his partner is so weird!
"I understand!" Now that Luffy's order is given, William can mobilize all partners and other allies as a staff officer. Luffy asked the phone bug: "Is that guy Sanbao there?"

"Please call me Roberts, or Captain Superstar!" Roberts D. Sambo seemed a little angry in his tone. It seemed that he didn't like people calling him by his first name very much.

"It doesn't matter what it's called!" William felt that he didn't call Roberts D. Sambo a nickname "Sulfuric Acid Monster", which was already very face-saving.William said to the phone bug: "The three warriors you mentioned before are also there?"

Before leaving Dressrosa, Roberts D. Sanbo said that he had captured three people from Wano Country, that is, Foxfire Kinemon, Kozuki Momonosuke, and Kanjuro.Although these three people wanted to assassinate Doflamingo beyond their means, they were caught by Roberts D. Sambo.And they knew that Luffy's next destination happened to be Zou just like them, so they didn't run away.

It's just because of the previous "drought disaster" that Jack went to attack Zou in order to find the samurai Lei Zou of Wano country. All fur tribes are very sensitive to the word samurai.But both William and Roberts D. Sambo knew the real reason. In fact, the two kings of the fur tribe had a deep friendship with the Kozuki family of Wano country.Even in order to hide a person named Raizo in Wano country, they even sacrificed the whole country and race and were unwilling to reveal this secret.

"Then I'll leave it to you to find the fourth person!" William knew that although the fur tribe was very grateful to the Straw Hats for saving their lives, it was impossible for them to betray Wano people.However, William was afraid that things would be self-defeating, so he still had to remind: "The means used should be as gentle as possible! Some things should not be overdone."

William was afraid that the means used by Roberts D. Sambo would be too violent, and it would be bad if it would arouse the resentment of the people of the three Wano countries and the fur tribe. After all, things have developed to this point, and there are still many needs for future adventures. The help of people from these two countries.Even though these two countries have never been open to the outside world, they are both countries where all the people are soldiers like Amazon Lily.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm a very gentle man! Especially when it comes to taking care of children!" Roberts D. Sambo said with a wicked smile.When he said this, let alone his subordinates didn't believe it, even he himself felt a little guilty for saying such words from his own mouth.

From the words of Roberts D. Sambo, William can hear that this guy obviously wants to target Moonlight Momonosuke as the main purpose!After all, Kozuki Momonosuke is the only influential child.

But if it was replaced by William, William would also make the same choice.Although Kozuki Momonosuke is pretending to be the son of Fox Fire Kinemon, but both of the travelers know that this lecherous little kid is the only blood of the late Daimyo of Wano Country.

As the old saying goes: To catch a thief, first catch the king!
Although they are not thieves, since the fur tribe and the Kozuki family are life-and-death friends, and Foxfire Kinemon and Kanjuro are the retainers of the Kozuki family, as long as Kozuki Momonosuke is captured, they are not afraid of them obediently submitting.

After all, although Roberts D. Sanbao knew the approximate location of Lei Zang's hiding place, but without the leadership of the fur clan, Roberts D. Sanbao would not have been able to find the entrance at all.As for what method Roberts D. Sambo will use to complete the task, William doesn't care. As long as it doesn't affect the relationship between the Straw Hat Alliance and the Fur Race, it is also possible to play some tricks on Kozuki Momonosuke.

"Looking forward to your good news!" Although William didn't know what Roberts D. Sambo would do, William was not interested either.

For this kind of child abuse, William still felt that he didn't need to pay so much attention to it, and the notoriety of bullying children should be given to Roberts D. Sambo.

"What do you mean by the fourth person?" Noki Senior William asked curiously after he hung up.

William was not curious about Nuo Qigao's inquiry.Instead, he asked, "Do you remember why Jack went to Zou?"

"I heard from the fur clan that those guys seem to be looking for a native of Wano called Lei Zang! Could it be that Lei Zang is really in the Furry Principality?" Nuo Qigao suddenly felt that his guess was too absurd.

If they hadn't appeared in time at that time, the fur tribe would basically have been wiped out.Could it be that in order to hide a foreigner, the whole race risked their lives?This is just too crazy.Who is this person called Lei Zang, who can make the entire fur tribe protect him at all costs!
But Nuo Qigao didn't guess right, at least Lei Zang is not a big shot!He is just a retainer of the Kozuki family, and he is not a samurai, but a ninja.

"That Lei Zang is indeed hiding somewhere in Zou!" William knew that the place arranged by the fur tribe for Lei Zang was very secret, it can be said that it completely isolated any aura, even Nuo Qigao's knowledgeable domineering Perceived.

Moreover, one of the four red historical texts is stored in that mysterious place, but very few people know about it.

After the big bird William was riding continued to fly for several hours, they had entered a place filled with sea fog, and it didn't take long for them to drive to a huge black shadow.William said to Nuo Qigao: "Zou is in front!"

During the eight days that William left, too many things happened.Some are expected and some are unexpected. In short, the future development will become more and more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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