One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 432 I Killed Him

Chapter 432 I Killed Him
"William, just leave like this! Can Luffy fight alone?" Gamon felt the same when he saw that William left Luffy alone to face Kaido at such a critical moment. I'm a little worried.

At this time, shouldn't we join forces to kill the enemy?

"Who knows!" William also knew that even though Luffy turned on the fourth gear mode, he was still inferior to Beast Kaido in terms of strength.

But even Nami, who is a human being of Luffy, said: "Otherwise, it's Luffy!"

After listening, everyone felt that what Nami said made sense.

For Luffy, food is more important than anything else, and just now Beast Kaido has obviously violated Luffy's taboo.

If William intervenes in the battle between Luffy and Beast Kaido at this time, it will not only violate the taboo of a decisive battle between men, but also be treated as an enemy by Luffy.

"But if Luffy is defeated, what should we do?" Usopp couldn't help but get scared. He couldn't imagine what would happen to them once Luffy lost to Beast Kaido.

Although he really hopes that Luffy can defeat Beast Kaido, unless Luffy can use the fruit ability of Moonlight Moria again to become "Dream Demon Luffy" again.But not to mention that Moonlight Moria didn't know where he slipped away, and went there at once to find thousands of shadows for Luffy?

Although the castle space in William's body does have such conditions, will Beast Kaido give Luffy such a chance?

Anyone who has seen the strength of the Dream Demon Luffy will never give Luffy a second chance to gain power unless he is overheated.

William thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible."

Originally, William already had a way to defeat Beast Kaido, but now because of the participation of Moonlight Moria, they have another way to defeat Beast Kaido.

But no matter which method is good, it will take time to prepare.At this time, Luffy was fighting Beasts Kaido, even though William tried his best to avoid it, he still felt the shock in the air.

"It seems that Taotao is coming!" Nuo Qigao said suddenly, and Nuo Qigao's knowledgeable domineering is very terrifying.

Or maybe it's because of her arrogance and arrogance in her cultivation!

As the first member of the William Castle Legion, he has no armed domineering, and did not provide the slightest help for William's "super-armed domineering", which is indeed a bit unbelievable.But Nuo Qigao's real role is to help her in strategy, and she has been exercising excessively in the past two years. Not only does she have a super-wide perception ability, but she can also predict the future for a few seconds.

It's just that Kozuki Momonosuke suddenly ran over to do what?
The battle had already started for several hours, and it was already noon.But because the dust in an area was floating hundreds of meters into the air, it was impossible to see the surrounding situation clearly.If it weren't for someone with knowledge and arrogance, he wouldn't be able to move freely here at all.

It's just that William can't figure out what the timid Kozuki Momonosuke is doing here at this time, isn't it because he should rectify Wano Country's internal affairs, and then fight against other pirate groups under the Beast Pirates?
"Huh? What's the matter with the brat?" Boa Hancock didn't know much about Kozuki Momanosuke.

Of course, this is because Kozuki Momanosuke did something disrespectful to Boya Hancock, otherwise the new daimyo of Wano Country today would just be a stone statue.

In order to show his bravery, Kozuki Momonosuke, who had just become the new daimyo of Wano Country, led an army of thousands of samurai immediately after announcing the shogun's conspiracy and crimes.

"Is that One Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the Four Emperors?" Although the surrounding dust was flying, Kozuki Momonosuke still saw a huge black shadow and a smaller black shadow actually fighting.Needless to say, that huge black shadow was one of the murderers who killed his father, Kozuki Oden.Kozuki Momonosuke gritted his teeth and said: "That is the pirate who colluded with the general to kill his father. Brave warriors, let's go!"

However, when he was speaking, because he was missing a few teeth, he still had some voice leakage when speaking.

"Follow orders! Your Excellency Daming!" And the samurai responsible for protecting Kozuki Momonosuke obviously misunderstood the meaning of this brat.I mistakenly thought that the heroic samurai mentioned by Kozuki Momonosuke also included himself, because the spirit of Bushido was cultivated from childhood.

The samurai carrying Kozuki Momonosuke didn't know that their new daimyo didn't have any guts, and it could even be said that he didn't have the slightest bit of Bushido spirit.Kozuki Momonosuke found out that he was really being carried close to Hundred Beasts Kaido, and when he took the lead, Kozuki Momonosuke was already frightened.Perhaps it was because he had just become the daimyo of Wano country, and he was a little dazed, but at this time he realized that he was actually nothing.

"Wait a minute..." Foxfire Kinemono and the others know Kozuki Momonosuke very well, and they were also taken aback when they saw their young master being carried towards the enemy.

"Yohohohoho, this is a big trouble!" Brooke doesn't know what to do now, his task is to protect Kozuki Momonosuke to become a daimyo smoothly.Although his task has been completed now, Kozuki Momonosuke came here to seek death, which made Brook very entangled!
Although as long as Kozuki Momonosuke gives an order, the samurai will definitely retreat.But Kozuki Momonosuke has already fainted from fright, where is there still a chance to give an order?

And the straw hat Luffy, who really avenged his "food", also found the samurai who suddenly came to disturb him.I asked myself with some disgust in my heart, ""What are these people who are in the way? "

"Three Swords Tornado!" On this dusty battlefield, the lost Sauron finally appeared, but the people he chopped into the air were indeed the samurai of Wano Country, and Sauron warned arrogantly among them: "If Whoever continues to disturb my captain, I will kill him!"

Even if Kozuki Momonosuke hadn't been fainted by fright before, it is estimated that he would be fainted by Zoro's eyes now.

"Isn't this a samurai? It seems that that guy was defeated? But forget it!" Beast Kaido saw that he was surrounded by thousands of samurai. Not only did he not have any fear, but he also acted very Take it easy.

As for the general's death, it didn't have much impact on Beast Kaido at all. Although he lost a very important chess piece, it didn't make his heart hurt.

I saw him immediately cast a whirlwind leg, and the surrounding soil was scraped off a thick layer.Even Zoro was blown away this time, not to mention Kozuki Momanosuke and the other samurai.

(End of this chapter)

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