
Chapter 14 Grilled Rice

Chapter 14 Grilled Rice
"Hey, Xiang'er, do you think my husband will like it?"

Staring at the crooked steamed buns in the plate, Mo Xiaoyu wiped the flour on his cheeks.

Ever since she told Yu Tian to get up early, she made up her mind to cook every meal for Yu Tian.

Although the dishes this time don't look very good, Mo Xiaoyu is quite confident in the taste of the food.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid the young master doesn't like the meat on the table."

Pig's trotters, tripe, duck in sauce... Looking at the meat on the table except steamed buns, Xiang'er felt a little helpless.

Since Mo Xiaoyu entered the gate of Yu's family, every meal cannot be separated from big fish and meat.

It's not that the Yu family can't afford a young lady who often eats meat, it's just that with the way Mo Xiaoyu eats, I'm afraid Yu Tian will vomit a little in two days and a big one in three days.

"Xiang'er has been serving the young master since she was a child, so she knows some of the young master's favorite foods. Madam, do you want to change these dishes?"


Mo Xiaoyu sighed after smelling the meaty food and looking at his somewhat greasy palms.

"Xiang'er, what do you think my husband likes to eat? I'll go find out more."


Speaking of Xiang'er's difficulties here, Yu Tian obviously doesn't like meat, but he has never shown any liking for other things.

"Master, apart from meat, he doesn't pick anything else."

Hearing what Xiang'er said, Mo Xiaoyu's eyes lit up instantly.

When she was on a flower boat trip with Yu Tian last time, she noticed that Yu Tian liked to eat sour cabbage from the streets.

"Xiang'er, pack up, let's go out for a while."

After taking off the apron around his waist, Mo Xiaoyu grabbed Xiang'er and was about to run outside.

"Ma'am... your face is a bit blurry."

From early morning to early morning, except for a little flour on her face and clothes, Mo Xiaoyu couldn't tell that she had been in the kitchen for most of the night. "


Wiping the flour on his face carelessly with his hands, Mo Xiaoyu dragged Xiang'er and ran out quickly without looking back...


"Ma'am, why do we have to bring this ruffian with us when we buy things?"

Looking back at Le Yousheng with hazy eyes, Xiang'er curled her lips.

My young master and wife were magnanimous, and directly placed the ruffian they picked up in the mansion temporarily.

But this person's words and eyes are particularly annoying.

"Also, since just now, he has been squinting."

"You...it's just that you haven't woken up."

Covering his mouth and laughing, Mo Xiaoyu took Xiang'er and ran to the sour cabbage stall immediately.

Because it was the morning market, although the sky was not yet bright, those who sold food had already set up their stalls.

It was also because of the morning market that Mo Xiaoyu saw a different Qingfeng Town for the first time.

"Ma'am, I want all the sour cabbage from this stall."

Smell the sour smell coming from the booth.

Mo Xiaoyu directly took out a few taels of silver and put it in front of the stall owner.

"I want these pancakes too."

Seeing that Mo Xiaoyu seemed to want to buy the whole stall, Xiang'er quickly grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's clothes.

"Madam, I can't finish eating after buying so many things." Most importantly, the young master may not be able to eat these things.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's excited look, Xiang'er didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Her young master dotes on his wife too much, which is why he has created such an "unfettered" wife today.

"If you can't finish it, you can put it in the cellar."

Holding the jar of pickled cabbage, Mo Xiaoyu took a deep breath, then raised his head and smiled at Le You.

"Tell me, what do you need the uncle to do?"

Taking a bold step forward, Le Yousheng rolled up his sleeves directly.

"Hey, you bring all these jars of sauerkraut. By the way, there's also this stack of pancakes."

After signaling the shopkeeper to pack the things, Mo Xiaoyu directly dragged Xiang'er to another stall.

As for Le Yousheng... this whole morning, he followed Mo Xiaoyu and kept carrying things...

"It's still not over... If you continue to buy like this, it will be noon."

Rubbing her waist, looking at Mo Xiaoyu who was still shopping, Le Yousheng felt like crying.

Thinking of him as a majestic man, not only did he not have any prestigious errands, but he became the lowest servant after following Mo Xiaoyu.

Although he is indeed not as good as Yu Tian in some aspects, but in terms of appearance, Le Yousheng has always been confident.

It's just... his slightly feminine appearance, in Mo Xiaoyu's eyes, is just a sissy.

"Madam, it's getting late, we should go back and help the young master buy more food."


Reluctantly putting down the steamed dumplings in his hand, Mo Xiaoyu mumbled and dragged Xiang'er back.

This time, as if completely forgetting the existence of Le Yousheng behind him, Mo Xiaoyu and Xiang'er took the carriage back to the mansion first.

"The most poisonous woman's heart..."

Squatting on the ground, looking at the carriage flying away in the dust, Le You sighed, picked up his things and started heading towards Yu Mansion...

"Ma'am, this is it?"

"Hehe, Mr., don't talk about anything else, let's take a look at the breakfast I prepared first."

Pushing the wheelchair and bringing Yu Tian to the table, Mo Xiaoyu smiled mysteriously.

"Sanggong, first guess what kind of meal I'm cooking today."

"I can't guess."

Smelling the obvious hot and sour smell in the air, Yu Tian smiled and shook his head.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't guess it. Hey, the sour cabbage breakfast I specially prepared for you isn't bad."

Chopped sauerkraut was carefully arranged in the shape of a rabbit, and even the pancakes were carefully cut into small pieces.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's excited eyes and the obviously "well-dressed" dishes on the table, Yu Tian smiled and picked up the pickled cabbage with chopsticks and tasted it.

"How, it tastes good!"

"Really good."

Tasting the sour taste in his mouth, Yu Tian smiled and nodded.

In the past, he didn't like to eat acid because he didn't want to recall those bitter days.

Now that he is eating sour, he just wants to take Mo Xiaoyu out of those bitter days together.

"My lady, why don't you eat?"

With his chin propped on both hands, Mo Xiaoyu laughed foolishly a few times.

Whether her husband is eating or sleeping, he is so elegant.

"Sir, you are so pretty."

Yu Tian shook his head helplessly after holding his right hand holding the chopsticks.

"No matter how good-looking your husband is, he can't be worth one-third of a wife, so the lady should concentrate on eating."

Being stared at by Mo Xiaoyu's eyes so blankly, even Yu Tian, ​​who has always had a good concentration, couldn't hold on anymore.

"Eat...or I...eat you."

"Hehe...I eat, I eat."

Seeing Yu Tian's raised eyebrows, Mo Xiaoyu lowered his head and began to grill rice seriously...

(End of this chapter)

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