
Chapter 16

Chapter 16
After several days of careful preparation by Mo Xiaoyu, the medicine shop and pawn shop in South Lane finally opened.

As a loyal "thug", Mo Xiaoyu is full of food every day, and Le Yousheng can kick troublemakers out of the house with one kick.

Although Le Yousheng's method of dealing with troubles is simple and rude, but I have to say that the newly opened shop was almost calm after its opening day.

"Go and see what's going on with the people hanging around outside."

Pushing Le Yousheng who was leaning against the door, Mo Xiaoyu raised his chin towards the direction where several people gathered outside the door.

"Oh! Trouble-seekers are full of tricks."

After rolling up his sleeves and giving Mo Xiaoyu a reassuring look, Le Yousheng walked directly to those people.

Because of the distance and the noise in the store, Mo Xiaoyu stood in the store and could only see Le Yousheng negotiating with those people about something.

For a while, Le Yousheng raised his fist to demonstrate, and for a while, several people on the opposite side stretched out their fists...

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoyu realized that something was wrong, but before Mo Xiaoyu could react, Le Yousheng had already taken off his belt and directly tied up the people in front of him...

It wasn't the first time Mo Xiaoyu had seen him do this kind of trick these two days, so he was relieved.

"Treasurer, this... If people are tied up like this again, I'm afraid it will not be good."

The new accountant frowned when he saw Le Yousheng's rude approach.

Although Yue Yousheng has cleaned up several batches of troublemakers in the past few days, after cleaning up, those people will still come with enough people and sophisticated weapons to demand the so-called "law of heaven".

This south alley is much more prosperous than the north alley, and naturally there are many more people coming and going on the street.

Back and forth, the newly opened pawnshops and drugstores have almost become the subject of those funny stories.

"Shopkeeper, why don't we bring Mr. Le back?"

Seeing the accountant's embarrassed look, and looking at the group of people walking back led by Le Yousheng, Mo Xiaoyu smiled and shook his hand.

"Today's opening is a rare festive occasion... As for Le Yousheng, let him go."

Since just now, she has noticed a young man with a unique fragrance on his body.

If it wasn't for being with herbs all the year round, Mo Xiaoyu really wouldn't be able to discern the source of the bell's smell.

"Okay, you can do your own things well, and there is no need to worry outside."

After waving his hand to disperse the gathered people, Mo Xiaoyu walked towards that person.

"You want to sell a herbal medicine?"

When Mo Xiaoyu put his hand on the young man's body, the other party immediately jumped up.

"Young lady is... the owner of this shop?"

Looking at the red-faced Mo Xiaoyu with drooping black hair in front of him, the man asked with some uncertainty.

"Hehe, of course I am the master."

Seeing the action of the other party protecting something in his arms, Mo Xiaoyu guessed a bit of the other party's intentions.

The precious medicinal herbs these days are not like the cabbage all over the street, you can see them casually.

Often the medicinal materials that are cherished blindly can make everyone steal their heads.

Now that it is confirmed that the person in front of him is holding "Devil Grass", which ranks among the herbal medicines for meat and bones, Mo Xiaoyu is a little curious about the identity of the other party and the source of the herbal medicine.

Looking at it from just now until now, Mo Xiaoyu is sure that the person in front of him does not have a prominent family.

But not only did he not have a prominent family, he was probably born as a servant...

"May I ask, is it safe for your herb to change hands?"

It's good that she wants this medicine, but if the other party stole it from a powerful character, Mo Xiaoyu doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

After all, no matter how powerful the Yu family is, they are just ordinary merchants. If they fight against those Jianghu people, they probably don't have much chance of winning.

"I bought this medicine."

Holding the shirt on his chest, the man looked back a few times and motioned Mo Xiaoyu to find a suitable place to talk.

Although Mo Xiaoyu was not born as a merchant, she still knows some rules.

In this way, he ordered the servant to take her and the man to the secluded back hall.

"Can I tell you now?"

Sitting at the side, staring at the standing man without blinking, Mo Xiaoyu frowned.

"Do you have any other conditions?"

People with strange treasures all have things they want to exchange, and Mo Xiaoyu naturally believes that the appetite of this person in front of him is bound to be strong.

Sure enough, after Mo Xiaoyu finished speaking, the other party began to talk about the conditions.

"It's not difficult for the girl to know the origin of the thing in my arms and what I want, as long as the girl promises me one condition."

While drinking tea, Mo Xiaoyu, who was not in a hurry to ask what the conditions were, just stared at the other party.

When the other party felt overwhelmed by the silent air, the other party spoke first.

"As long as the girl promises to keep my wife and children safe, then it's fine to give you this thing."

The man took out the things in his arms while talking.

Even though the underworld grass is still wrapped in a veil, Mo Xiaoyu can still smell the faint fragrance of this herb.

Mingcao likes shade, and generally grows in the caves of giant pythons.

In order to avoid the gnawing of some animals, the underworld grass seldom emits the smell of medicinal herbs since it grows.

Right now, the underworld grass that the man took out has a stronger smell...

"I'm afraid your herb is not wild but planted."

While talking and watching the man's changing face, Mo Xiaoyu knew that she guessed right.

"If my guess is correct, you probably stole this thing."

Hearing this, the man was shocked.

Before he got the Underworld Grass, he always thought it was a treasure to make money.

But after several thrilling pursuits, he realized that Mingcao is actually a disaster star.

What kind of herbal medicine with flesh and bones, if there are no other herbs to cooperate with, the underworld grass is no different from the weeds on the roadside.

"The girl guessed well, so can you agree to my request now?"

"You mean the request to protect your wife and children?"

Not understanding why Mo Xiaoyu needed to ask again when he knew it, the man nodded honestly.

"I'm afraid this won't work."

Rubbing his forehead, Mo Xiaoyu smiled when he saw the panicked expression on the man's face.

"The effect of the dark grass in your hand is only one-third of that of the wild dark grass. If I have to lose my entire net worth just to get this almost useless herb like you, it's a pen. Lose or lose business."

I thought Mo Xiaoyu was a talkative master, but after hearing this, the man no longer dared to underestimate Mo Xiaoyu.

"Although the plant in my hand is not half as effective as the wild grass, as the only dark grass in the world, what do you think is its value?"

Only this one?

After rubbing his chin and thinking about the meaning of the man's words, Mo Xiaoyu suddenly sensed the existence of a crisis...

(End of this chapter)

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