
Chapter 20 Pawn

Chapter 20 Pawn
"How did you do what I asked you to do?"

While dressing up in front of the mirror, Fang Yinyin looked back at the silent man in black and sneered.

"The master sent me a helper instead of a log. Are you dissatisfied with me for keeping silent?"

"Say something!"

The man in black glanced at Fang Yinyin and lowered his head.

Because of the cover of the face towel, Fang Yinyin couldn't see the other person's expression at all at this moment, and now because of the other's silence, Fang Yinyin threw the inkstone on the table at the man in black.

"Trash...all trash!"

Shouting and shouting, Fang Yinyin lay down on the dressing table and began to cry.

"That little slut Mo Xiaoyu wants to have no status, but to be talented and beautiful. Why does Brother Yu just set his eyes on her?"

"Obviously I have paid so much..."

Clenching her fists, Fang Yinyin took a deep breath, recalling the intimacy between Mo Xiaoyu and Yu Tian yesterday.

"I won't be soft-hearted anymore. Go and sneak Mo Xiaoyu over to me."

Looking back at the man in black with blood on his forehead, Fang Yinyin smiled disdainfully.

"Okay, hurry up and clean up the blood in the place and get out! Waste!"

Glancing at Fang Yinyin, the man in black hesitated for a while and then jumped out of the window.

"Heh...what master, he's just a half-grown kid."

Thinking of how she was tied up that night, Fang Yinyin felt chills all over her body.

At that time, in the remote place and the desolate house, she was very afraid that someone would attack her secretly.

Fortunately, that night, someone was just trying to negotiate a deal with her.

"If you want to use me, you have to weigh your own weight."

Facing the mirror, Fang Yinyin gave a charming smile and went out...


"Hey, I said Le Yousheng, you can't squat at the door every day, look at those people who dare not come in."

"If I didn't squat here, there would still be an endless stream of people looking for trouble."

Rubbing his forehead, thinking back to the thugs who begged Le You for mercy in the pharmacy, Mo Xiaoyu had a big head.

A few days ago, the pharmacy opened. Although there were troublemakers at that time, they were still settled by Le Yousheng, but since the pawnshop opened, there are only a lot of people who come to find trouble every day.

Mo Xiaoyu is not a fool, so he naturally sensed that someone secretly ordered to find fault.

But even though he guessed this, Mo Xiaoyu didn't plan to make any big moves.

South Lane was not a peaceful place, and if she resorted to big measures for small commotions, those who wanted to come to the pawnshop would be scared away.

Fortunately, she worked hard to maintain the good image of the pawn shop, but the evil voice of music at the door completely disrupted her plan.

"I know what you're worried about, don't worry, with me here, I'll take care of you."

Mo Xiaoyu really wanted to say, 'With you, I'm not perfect', but seeing Le Yousheng's excitement, she swallowed her words.

"Forget it, that's it."

Shaking his head helplessly, Mo Xiaoyu picked up the abacus and walked behind the counter.

Mo Xiaoyu already has a suitable person to take care of the pharmacy, but Mo Xiaoyu decides to do it by himself.

So now there are only two people in the pawn shop, one is Mo Xiaoyu who is the shopkeeper and accountant, and the other is Le Yousheng who is also a handyman and thug.

Although Mo Xiaoyu's pawnshop in South Alley is not big, but because there are very few pawnshops in South Alley, and the newly opened shops are more eye-catching, many people will come to the pawnshop curiously, and of course some people start pawning things directly.

A few days ago, anger was quite prosperous, but these days, the pawnshop was extremely deserted.

"When will it be the first time?"

Fiddled with the abacus in his hand, Mo Xiaoyu stared at the door and began to be dazed.

"There are guests!"

With a shout of excitement, Le Yousheng patted the dust off his body and went directly to greet the guests, while Mo Xiaoyu straightened his chest and began to act as a capable shopkeeper.

"What does this son want to pawn?"

Bringing the person directly to Mo Xiaoyu, Le Yousheng started the usual questioning.

But the other party obviously didn't cooperate, after a cold snort, a pair of eyes stared in Mo Xiaoyu's direction for several times.

"You are the shopkeeper, right?"

Holding something in his chubby palm, the fat man smirked at Mo Xiaoyu after putting the thing on the table.

"I'm the shopkeeper, that's right, you want to be that?"

"Hey, I want to pawn off my family heirloom."

After letting go of the closed palms while talking, Mo Xiaoyu finally saw what was in the opponent's hand.

The stone with rough workmanship and almost no value is now being held in the hands of the fat man like a baby.

"Although this family heirloom of mine looks inconspicuous, as long as you put your hand on it, you will know its mystery."

Seeing Fatty's blinking eyes, driven by curiosity, Mo Xiaoyu put his palm on the stone.

The cold touch, the inexhaustible anger, this is what Mo Xiaoyu feels.


"Why, my family heirloom is a rare treasure."

"It shouldn't be as simple as just a baby."

The fat man who was a little puzzled by Mo Xiaoyu's question silently put away the heirlooms on the counter.

"Could it be that the shopkeeper suspects that this thing of mine came from a wrong source?"

"No, our pawn shop only accepts genuine goods. As for where the real goods come from, we won't ask a word."

The reason for asking this is because Mo Xiaoyu has already determined what the stone in front of him is.

Before, she was still thinking about what utensils to use to cook after getting all the medicinal materials, but now that this stone appeared, she didn't have to think about it.

"What I want to ask is the real purpose of this thing."

If this kind of strange-looking stone is placed in the hands of people who do not know the goods, it may be used as an ornamental object, but in the hands of people who know the goods, the function of this thing will be greatly reduced.

"Hehe, my father always likes to play with it, but my father's friends once said that this is a treasure, which is worth a thousand gold. If it weren't for the current family situation, I would not take it out and sell it."

Haha... I just wanted to test it out.

Squinting his eyes, looking at Fatty's sly eyes, Mo Xiaoyu smiled and said: "This thing is indeed a treasure, but because Lingtang often plays with it, this thing is no different from ordinary stones."

"The shopkeeper has to calm down and speak, this thing of mine is not something that can be seen casually on the street."

Frowning, facing such a fat man who was about to "mess up", Mo Xiaoyu became thoughtful...

(End of this chapter)

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