
Chapter 3 Abduction

Chapter 3 Abduction
"How to do it."

Staring at her hands, Mo Xiaoyu felt a little embarrassed.

She also went to the town these two days, and heard that Yu Zhenhai was frantically looking for his son.

If you want to send Yu Tian back, Mo Xiaoyu feels that he is in a panic.

But if he doesn't send him back, Mo Xiaoyu will not be able to overcome this hurdle in his heart.

"It makes you greedy for other people's beauty, and makes you unable to move your legs just looking at them!"

Tapping his palm, Mo Xiaoyu accused himself again and again.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Mo Xiaoyu coughed and turned around.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm playing, yes, the weather is fine today, I'm playing a game."

With his head down, looking at the soles of his feet on the wheelchair, Mo Xiaoyu looked up at Yu Tian with a smile.

"How about it, is this thing comfortable?"

She spent most of her savings to buy this wheelchair, and the shopkeeper said that it was more expensive than the one used by the young master of the Yu family.

So Mo Xiaoyu didn't hesitate at all, and directly poured half of the silver taels in the purse into the hands of the shopkeeper.


The workmanship of this wheelchair is very rough, but even so rough requires a lot of silver.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's low-browed and compliant expression now, Yu Tian guessed that the wheelchair cost a lot of money.

"come over."

Being numb all over by the other party's magnetic voice, Mo Xiaoyu walked over stupidly.

It doesn't matter if you say she has no backbone, or she is greedy for beauty, in short, in Mo Xiaoyu's opinion, Yu Tian is the most handsome man in the world.

"Xianggong is beautiful no matter how you look at it."

Noticing Mo Xiaoyu's continued "dumbfounded" eyes, Yu Tian just shook his head.

Although the person in front of him has a "glib" mouth, his heart is real.

This is Yu Tian's latest evaluation of Mo Xiaoyu.

If Mo Xiaoyu knew that Yu Tian missed her so much, I'm afraid she wouldn't say the phrase "you look beautiful no matter what".

"Xiaoyu, do you think you will feel sorry if you don't send me back?"

Mo Xiaoyu nodded.

"Do you think you will feel lonely if you send me away?"

Nod again.

"Okay, now I know what you are hesitating in your heart."

In fact, with Yu Tian's ear strength, he heard all the words Mo Xiaoyu muttered just now.

The Yu family can be regarded as one of the largest families in the town. If Mo Xiaoyu wanted to "hide" him alone, it would be much more difficult.

And with Yu Zhenhai's love for his son, Yu Tian knew that if he didn't take Mo Xiaoyu back today, Yu Zhenhai might not even be able to sleep well.

"Sister-in-law knows?"

Raising his head and staring into Yu Tian's bright eyes, Mo Xiaoyu panicked.

In fact, in the final analysis, if Yu Tian was sent back, Mo Xiaoyu still felt that he had made a loss-making "business".

After squatting for so many days, and finally bringing back a husband, Mo Xiaoyu is absolutely reluctant to let him go.

But now that Yu Tian had already spoken out, no matter how unhappy Mo Xiaoyu felt, he had to nod his head.

"Why don't I know?" Stretching out his hand to touch Mo Xiaoyu's hair, Yu Tian smiled and said, "How about going home with me?"


For Mo Xiaoyu, this wooden house in the forest is her home.

She used to have no parents or fancy clothes, but everything in this wooden house is her "family".

Now listening to the "home" in Yu Tian's mouth, Mo Xiaoyu flinched a little.

Although none of the people in Qingfeng Town are tigers, there are some people who are more terrifying than tigers.

Mo Xiaoyu knew that she didn't have much ability to fight against those "tigers".

"Don't be afraid, come back with me, you are the daughter-in-law of the Yu family, no one can hurt you and insult you."

Feeling Mo Xiaoyu's retreat, Yu Tian pulled Mo Xiaoyu's palm.

Although the girl in front of him has a clear mind, there are still some things that require him to work harder.

"You see, if I live here for a long time, my old problem of leg pain in rainy days will definitely occur. At that time, I cannot be taken care of by you alone."

Staring at the soles of the feet in front of her, Mo Xiaoyu realized now that her husband had a pair of legs that could not walk, and it was she who made up her mind to treat them and bring them back.

If he stayed in the forest for a long time, not only would he not be able to get the herbs he needed, but Yu Tian would have to live a hard life with her.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoyu raised his head slightly.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's actions, Yu Tian secretly sighed: There is still something to do.

"My father loves me. You are my wife, so my father loves you too, so everything you worried about before is not a problem."

' I haven't said what I'm worried about. With a murmur in his heart, Mo Xiaoyu nodded after thinking for a while.

"You...you are right, so now I will pack my bags and go to see father with you."

Yu Tian, ​​who was suddenly startled by the way Mo Xiaoyu "consciously" brought his identity into his identity, felt a little unnatural for a moment.

After spending so much time together, he finally understood that Mo Xiaoyu wasn't really thick-skinned, but just being silly and casual.

Being able to survive alone in the forest where wild beasts infested, Yu Tian didn't think that the other party would be a weak woman at all.

And after seeing Mo Xiaoyu's strength with his own eyes, he finally understood.

The reason why Mo Xiaoyu can live in peace now is nothing more than relying on his strength.

But Yu Tian was completely wrong about this point. After discovering Mo Xiaoyu's real earning skills in the future, Yu Tian once wanted to open Mo Xiaoyu's head to have a look, but unfortunately his actions were stopped by Mo Xiaoyu later.

"Okay, pack up some clothes and let's go, the road in the mountains and forests will be difficult to walk later."

Hearing the ding-ding-dong-dong sound behind him, Yu Tian touched his forehead.

Although Mo Xiaoyu's room is small, it can be regarded as "complete with all internal organs".

If she really wants to move the whole house, I'm afraid the two carriages may not be able to fit it, let alone they don't have any horses now...

"Sir, I sewed these things stitch by stitch."

Hearing the voice from the door, Yu Tian turned around.

But his turn around was an eye-opener.

Many hunters in Qingfeng Town like to catch some adult cheetahs and tigers in autumn, and peel off their fur to make blankets or cloaks.

Now staring at the fox fur coat in Mo Xiaoyu's hand that could be used as a quilt, Yu Tian changed his view of Mo Xiaoyu again.

"Forget it, you can take this thing with you."

Looking at Yu Tian's somewhat helpless eyes, Mo Xiaoyu smiled, then turned around and went into the room to clean up the "soft"...

(End of this chapter)

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