
Chapter 6

Chapter 6
"Why don't you go in and take a look? See if the young master and young lady are awake?"

Putting his ear to the door, Steward Liu signaled the maid next to him to go in and have a look, but it's a pity...

"Housekeeper, it's really hard for you to get up so early."

Squinting at Steward Liu who was bending over, Yu Tian yawned and opened the door completely.

Just when Steward Liu thought he wanted to see the young lady's "face like a peach blossom" as he wished, Yu Tian completely stopped him.

Sensing Yu Tian's expression, Butler Liu coughed and pushed the maid next to him.

"The young master has woken up, why don't you hurry in and serve the young lady to wash up!"

Seeing Butler Liu's face change in an instant, the servant girl hurried in the door.

Apart from Master Yu, Yu Tian and Mo Xiaoyu are the only ones who can take charge in this yard.

This has been confirmed since Master Yu announced the marriage between Yu Tian and Mo Xiaoyu.

"Housekeeper, do you have any acquaintances who came to congratulate you today?"

Touching his fingers, staring at the jumping crow on the branch, Yu Tian slowly pushed the wheelchair out the door.

Seeing his young master arrive in the courtyard alone, Housekeeper Liu reacted after saying "Hey".

"A lot of people came to congratulate me this morning, including the Fang family. At this moment, Master Fang and Miss Fang are still waiting in the front hall."

"Wait? They are quite energetic..."

Frowning, and after looking in the direction of the front hall, Yu Tian turned the wheelchair and slowly moved over...

"Hey, nephew, you are finally here."

As soon as Yu Tian entered the front hall, Master Fang approached him with a smile on his face.If Yu Tian hadn't dodged in time, Master Fang would have "jumped" on him right now.

"Master Fang is so enthusiastic, my nephew can't stand it."

Pushing the chair back a few steps, looking at Fang Yinyin with red eyes, and then at the anxious Master Fang, Yu Tian knew that trouble was coming.

Sure enough, just as Yu Tian finished speaking, Master Fang spoke up.

"Nephew, your father and I made the marriage between you and Yinyin before, but now you are forcing Yinyin to withdraw from the marriage... How does Yinyin see people?"

Hearing this, when Yu Tian was about to reply, Mo Xiaoyu, who had already entered the front hall, took the conversation instantly.

"Fang Yinyin's face hasn't been ruined, and her reputation is still there. Master Fang said she can't see people. Could it be...she has some hidden disease!"

Pulling the wheelchair back a few steps, Mo Xiaoyu opened his mouth wide.

"I said that a few days ago, I saw Miss Fang limping when she walked. It turned out that it was because... a certain place was uncomfortable."

Mo Xiaoyu put on a look of "I understand, you don't need to explain" while talking.

At this moment, Yu Tian was just listening to the excitement, as for Master Fang and Fang Yinyin...the expression on his face had already changed.

Fang Yinyin wanted to have an attack, but was stopped by Master Fang in the end.

"The young lady is also the third in command of the Yu family, and now the dirty thoughts here are wasting my nephew's infatuation."

This time he came to seek justice for his daughter, so when he stepped into the gate of the Yu family, he had already planned it.

In Qingfeng Town, the strength of Fang's family and Yu's family is almost equal. If the previous marriage went well, then Fang's family must be the only big family in Qingfeng Town, but it was Mo Xiaoyu's appearance that shattered his dream.

As Fang Yinyin's father and the head of the Fang family, Master Fang decided that he had to take off a layer of skin from Mo Xiaoyu if she didn't want to die.

"Besides, a country girl is just a country girl, and she doesn't even have any manners when she sees Uncle."

Sensing Master Fang's squinting gaze, Mo Xiaoyu quietly stayed by Yu Tian's side, waiting for him to finish speaking.

But at this time, Grandpa Fang also felt that talking to a junior like this degraded his status, so he squinted his eyes at Master Yu and waited for the other party to reply.

"Hehe, Brother Fang, children and grandchildren have their own blessings." Speaking of this, Master Yu looked lonely.

"Tian'er's mother left early. I promised his mother that it would be good for Tian'er to live a carefree life."

Everyone in Qingfeng Town knew about Mrs. Yu's sudden death after giving birth to Yu Tian.

Naturally, Master Fang also knew this, and it was also because of the close friendship between Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Yu back then that the marriage between Yu Tian and Fang Yinyin was finally arranged.

Fang Yinyin and Yu Tian still liked Fang Yinyin in childhood, but after experiencing an accident, Yu Tian was completely disappointed in Fang Yinyin.

"Uncle Fang, Yinyin is fine, but I already have a family, so I'm not good enough for Yinyin."

Holding Mo Xiaoyu's trembling palm, Yu Tian looked up at Fang Yinyin biting her lower lip and frowned.

"Uncle Fang can't force some things, you know this better than your nephew."

Shaking his beard, Master Fang was blocked for a moment and didn't know what to say, but Fang Yinyin from the side suddenly stood up.

"I can be a little girl! I can call Ye... sister-in-law and sister!"

Standing up hurriedly, staring at Mo Xiaoyu who was standing behind Yu Tian, ​​although Fang Yinyin hated her teeth itchingly, but she still smiled and slowed down when she thought of Mo Xiaoyu's various expressions after entering Yu's mansion.

"Sister-in-law, I don't want to be the main wife, I just want to stay by Brother Yu's side..."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and after speaking, Fang Yinyin choked up as if she had been wronged.

Rubbing his forehead and staring at the twitching Fang Yinyin, Mo Xiaoyu took a deep breath.

'The world is so beautiful, how can I be angry? '

Barely suppressing her anger, Mo Xiaoyu smiled with the corners of her mouth open: "I don't agree."

Hearing so much from Mo Xiaoyu, Fang Yinyin forgot to cry for a moment.

She thought Mo Xiaoyu was a country girl, a stupid and easy-going person...

In fact, Yu Tian also felt that way at first, but after getting along for a while, he discovered the "real" Mo Xiaoyu, and that's why he decided not to let go of Mo Xiaoyu.

"Father, Uncle Yu, Brother Yu..."

Seeing Fang Yinyin's "wronged" smiling face, Mo Xiaoyu "tsk tsk" a few times.

"Sir, yesterday we got married, and we consummated the house last night, so according to the custom, this morning is the day to serve tea."

Nodding, Yu Tian took Mo Xiaoyu and moved to the low table on the east side.

"Father, today is the happiest day for my son, and I invite him to drink my son's cup of tea."

Holding the teacup in both hands, ignoring the two people from the Fang family next to him, Yu Tian turned his head and gave Mo Xiaoyu a look.

"Father, this is the filial piety of my daughter-in-law, please drink tea."

Sensing the gaze from the side, Master Fang laughed now.

Although Mo Xiaoyu's daughter-in-law doesn't know much about etiquette, Master Fang will 100% approve of someone Yu Tian likes.

"Good son, good wife."

Laughing, Master Fang drank the tea that Mo Xiaoyu brought over after drinking Yu Tianjing's tea.

"Brother Fang, these two young people are at the time when their love is strong. Even if I let Yinyin enter the gate of Yu's house, Yinyin will probably be unhappy in the future."

Everything that was planned before was disrupted by Yu Tian's few words after entering the lobby, and now the matter of wanting Fang Yinyin to enter Yu's house was blocked by Master Yu in this way, the more Master Fang thought about it, the more angry he became.

But now that the situation is here, the three members of the family have already said this in unison. If he and Fang Yinyin continue to spend like this, it is inevitable that he will be suspected of "seeking a slap in the face".

"Brother Yu, some things may not be as simple as you see."

After glancing in the direction where Mo Xiaoyu was, Master Yu let out a "hum" and pulled the reluctant Fang Yinyin straight out the door...

(End of this chapter)

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