WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 15 Clean your mouth from now on!

Chapter 15 Clean your mouth from now on!
I will help you win dozens of bun shops today!
This remark was incomprehensible to everyone's ears, but Fatty Huang laughed and trembled all over his body.

"Hmph, a second-class fish dealer can represent the Lin family in the battle. I'm so laughable, haha!" Sun Wu laughed.

The rest of the Sun family also immediately shouted: "I recognize this guy. We bought several hotels in our Sun family from him. I didn't expect to become a master now, and I can fight for the Lin family. Oh, I can't stand it, tears It's going to flow down."

"Hurry up, I want to see how this guy died..."

Many children of the Lin family only felt that their faces were hot, and they didn't know how to refute for a while.

At this moment, Lin Feng took a step forward, walked within ten steps in front of Sun Wu, and said casually: "Didn't you bet on the management rights of twenty shops just now? There are a total of forty in the two competitions. I bet with you... "

Lin Feng's voice fell into Sun Wu's ears, as if he didn't hear clearly, he plucked his ears hard, and then asked with a look of surprise: "What did you say? You want to bet with me on the management rights of forty shops, I don't have You heard me wrong!"

Sun Wu just felt that there was no such funny thing anymore.

Every time Lin Feng said this, more than ten thousand people present were in an uproar!
In a fight, forty shop management rights are to bet...

"Oh, no!" Lin Feng suddenly seemed to remember something.

Hearing this sound, Sun Wu secretly thought that Lin Feng must have said something wrong, but what Lin Feng said next almost didn't make him die of anger.

"And you, the two of you go together, there are sixty shops in total! In this way, there are almost one-third of the shops on West Street... Open the largest Baozi Street in the city? It's almost there."

The children of the Lin family in the distance were so shocked by Lin Feng's words that they fell off the roof. This guy wants to beat two of them?

Bet on sixty shops!
"Ouch, I'm so angry from laughing, hurry up and get on with it!"

"Sun Wu, hurry up, wait for them to return...the one surnamed Li hurry up!"

"This guy is not only thick-skinned, but also good at bragging! When did the Lin family produce such a strange thing..."

The members of the Sun family and the Li family were all blushing and thick necked when they laughed, and couldn't stop, and they couldn't straighten up holding their stomachs.

Everyone in the Lin family ran directly in front of the Supreme Elder, and shouted heartbreakingly: "Elder Supreme, you should hurry up and get rid of this madman, or my Lin family will be hurt!"

"Yeah, we have already lost five quotas, and losing the management rights of dozens of shops, wouldn't it be a joke in Scarlet Blood City!

The yelling was endless, and the elder on the elder's platform looked at Lin Feng on the stage, with a hesitant expression on his face, and finally stood up,
Thinking of the elder hall's order to all the elders of the Lin family regarding Lin Feng's care, he finally asked: "Lin Feng, are you sure... this matter is not small."

"It's no problem dealing with two small shrimps." Lin Feng waved his hands and replied casually.

"...Then you go, pay attention to safety." The Lin family elder couldn't help but shook his head, if it wasn't for the order from above that Lin Feng should be raised as the most important seedling in the clan, the elder would never dare to agree.

The two of you talked to each other, and the children of the Lin family were stunned. This guy is an idiot. Could it be that the elders in the elder hall were also infected by him?
"Puchi, everyone pretends to be similar. I think not only the younger generation of the Lin family are such idiots, but even the older generation is old enough to go to the ground, haha..." Sun Wu smiled contemptuously.

"What's the point of talking to him? I want to see how he can defeat two with one. The younger generation in Scarlet Blood City has not yet been born who can defeat both of us at the same time!" The Li family disciple also said very disdainfully.

What this person said is correct. Both of them are at the sixth level of the Mortal Martial Realm. Now that they have used methods to improve their cultivation, they are not afraid of almost the seventh level of the Mortal Martial Realm. Have a chance to beat them.

That Sun Wu didn't say much, he punched up, very casually, even so, this move was enough to defeat the ordinary sixth level of the Mortal Martial Realm.

Seeing Sun Wu throwing a punch, the Li family's son greeted Lin Feng sideways with a casual move, his face was full of disdain, and he felt ashamed that the two of them joined forces to fight against one of them.

The two formed a confrontational situation, but if one inadvertent move was enough to defeat Lin Feng...

"It's over, it's over, my Lin family has completely become a joke in Scarlet Blood City this time."

All the disciples of the Lin family wanted to turn their heads away, as if they had already seen Lin Feng's miserable appearance.

However, before the man's voice fell, he saw Lin Feng stretching out his left hand between the Gale Wind Fist Shadow, the volley transforming fist without any martial skills and blasting forward with the simplest straight fist!

At the same time, a dagger appeared in his right hand at some point, and it danced in the air...

"It's ridiculous, you don't even know martial arts, dare I fight head-on!"

"Dagger, this kind of weapon can also be elegant? Go to hell..."

Sun Wu and the Li family's children didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, they were ridiculed, and they didn't look at Lin Feng at all, so they shook with Lin Feng honestly.

A loud noise came from above the battle platform, and the battle platform under Lin Feng's feet instantly cracked like a spider's web, and his calves were completely submerged in the rubble of the battle platform due to the huge impact.

But his left hand held Sun Wu's wrist tightly like a vise, and his right hand dagger was wrapped around the Li family's attack like a tarsal maggot!

With a yell, Lin Feng actually directly pulled Sun Wusheng up from the ground. On the other hand, Li Ci's eyes were full of shock, and he felt that the dagger in Lin Feng's hand was as cunning as a poisonous snake!
In a blink of an eye, Li Ci's back was covered with cold sweat, he looked at Lin Feng in disbelief, and immediately wanted to distance himself.

But at this moment, Sun Wu attacked his brother like a boulder... It was actually Lin Feng who threw Sun Wu up like a sandbag!
What a mighty power this is... Is this still human?

Squeeze! Squeeze!

The sound of bones shattering came from above the bodies of the two, and Li Ci was thrown flying when the two bodies collided, because of the violent impact, his face was covered in blood!

As for Sun Wu, he was thrown back by Lin Feng again like a sandbag in Lin Feng's hands, and then fell heavily on the battle platform, smashing back and forth...

bang bang bang...

The entire battlefield was full of dust and rocks flew up!The whole scene was like a monster catching its prey.

The expressions of the nearly ten thousand people present at this moment were all frozen, their eyes were wide open like copper bells, and their mouths could barely hold a walnut.

"This...how is this possible?" The master standing beside Qingxuan in the distance had a face full of disbelief, and immediately murmured, "This person must have taken some kind of natural and earthly treasures to increase his brute strength." , There are only five or six auras faintly between his chest and abdomen, up to the sixth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, and it is absolutely impossible to have the strength of the ninth level of the Mortal Martial Realm or even the Dzogchen."

Qingxuan stared at the stage with a happy face, her eyes were full of deep love.

This scene was clearly captured by Zhang Qian. He frowned instantly, and secretly said: It seems that after returning to the Zongmen, the marriage between her and Fang Tian will be settled as soon as possible...

As for the Supreme Elder of the Lin family who saw this scene, he also showed shock in his eyes, and then nodded heavily, his eyes were full of admiration. The two elders secretly guarding the beast cave did not lie. Father Lin Fuyu is as unworldly as a talent!

"Stop it now, stop it now! If you hit it any further, Sun Wu will die..." At this moment, the elder of the Sun family shouted at Lin Feng with a dark face.

"Has he not conceded yet? How can he stop?" Lin Feng said calmly, pretending to be innocent.

As he spoke, there was another burst of smashing, only to see that Sun Wu's entire face was almost invisible, and his mouth was almost rotten.

"Remember, keep your mouth clean in the future, especially for beautiful women..."

Lin Feng thought that Sun Wu would die if he continued to fight, so he let go of his right hand, and saw that Sun Wu was thrown out like a rocket, and fell to where the Sun family was.

The elder Sun's family looked at this scene, his whole face darkened, his whole body surged with spiritual energy, and he shouted: "If you have the ability, don't step down, I want to see how much you weigh!"

"Come on, come on, now I have two quotas and the right to manage dozens of shops, who else can compare! Hurry up and go on stage... don't miss it when you pass by!" Lin Feng shouted loudly. The idea of ​​selling fish separately did not listen to the words of the elder Sun's family at all.



For a moment, everyone was speechless at the same time, but the last man in the Sun family group was walking forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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