WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 22 Peerless Lingshi!

Chapter 22 Peerless Lingshi!

Just when Lin Feng was making trouble in the chamber of commerce, Lin Qingyun of the Lin Family of Scarlet Blood City had returned from the Immortal Sect. At the same time, there were more than a dozen powerful disciples of the Wanjian Sect and even several elders who returned to the Lin Family. ...

But at this moment, Lin Feng didn't know it, and confronted the law enforcement captain in the commercial building.

Today he just wanted to see if there were any rules in the traveling chamber of commerce, and he didn't intend to take out the spirit stone at all.

"Guard Feng, what's going on? Today is your first time managing the security of the chamber of commerce. It seems that you don't have to come here again..." Just when the scene was a little out of control, a rather majestic white-haired old man walked out.

The old man was almost skinny, his face was wrinkled like a ravine, and his waist was bent, as if any gust of wind could blow him down.

But Lin Feng caught an extremely terrifying aura in the old man's eyes.

Even Qingxuan's master has never had this kind of aura...

When the law enforcement guard heard the old man's words, his whole body trembled, he retreated to the sides, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Report to Manager Yun, this kid is making trouble in the commercial building, and he has already swept away tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones in a short period of time..." The captain of the law enforcement replied respectfully, and Lin Feng could even see that there were constant bruises on his forehead. Cold sweat flowed down.

"Oh?" Manager Yun narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at Lin Feng.

After a while, he turned to the law enforcement captain and asked, "How do you know that he doesn't have any spiritual stones to pay for..."

The captain of the law enforcement replied in fear: "I just inquired about it. This person is called Lin Feng. He is a son of the Lin family who just returned some time ago. He showed his talents in the Tri-Clan Challenge, but with his identity and status, he must not come up with something close to him. Ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

"The entire Lin family, apart from Lin Qingyun who entered Wanjianmen, and the owner Lin Qingshan, who can mobilize so many spirit stones in a short period of time... I would like to guarantee my life, this person is definitely here to cause trouble!"

As soon as the voice of the law enforcement captain fell, Li Kui also stood up, gloated at Lin Feng, and added: "I can prove that this guy just couldn't get out dozens of low-grade crystals outside, and the five spirits who entered the door couldn't get them out. For Qingxuan's sake, I helped him get Shi!"


Everyone burst into laughter, staring at Lin Feng like a clown.

"Take out dozens of spirit stones? Don't make me laugh..."

"If you have money, show it to everyone. You don't need [-] middle-grade spirit stones, but a hundred low-grade spirit stones."

"This guy really came to make trouble, hurry up and drive him out..."

Qingxuan's face was full of anger, and she was about to speak for Lin Feng, but was pulled behind him by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng took two steps forward, staring at the old man and Li Kui's hands, and said with a sneer, "Why, the rules of the City Lord's Mansion don't count?"

"The rules don't apply to a shameless person like you. If you can give out the full amount of spirit stones, I will pay for it with my life today!" The captain of the guard was furious.

Li Kui and the others also booed immediately: "That's right, if you take it out and let me kneel down and kowtow to call you grandpa, it's fine. You really think the spirit stone is a stone on the side of the road!"

"Hurry up and take it out, why are you dawdling!"

"You take it out, let alone [-] middle-grade spirit stones, even five hundred middle-grade spirit stones, I believe you!"

"If you can't take it out, not only will you have to abolish your cultivation today, but you will also kneel on the ground and tell me to wait for someone to call grandpa, haha..."

Crying voices came and went, Lin Feng continued to sneer, and asked the old man in a deep voice: "Mr. Yun, can you hear what the people present say? It counts..."

Manager Yun's eyes flickered brightly, and then he flashed a smile, and said: "I heard it, it counts... Do I remember what they said?"

Hearing what the old man said, Lin Feng's hands went deep into his arms and a flash of light flashed. Several spars appeared in his hands, and an extremely majestic spiritual energy was about to disperse.

The moment the spar was about to be taken out.

I saw the complexion of Manager Yun in front of him changed drastically, and then he was shocked.

The right hand was as invisible as a phantom, it turned the aura into nothingness, and beat Lin Feng's hand back at an extremely fast speed...

"You don't need to take it out, my lord. I have already confirmed that you have the spirit stone you paid for. Can you tell me in the back room!" Manager Yun's expression changed rapidly, showing a touch of excitement, and his eyes seemed to be full of surprise.

Lin Feng was also a little surprised, secretly thinking that Manager Yun was very sensitive, and he already knew the extraordinaryness of the Lingshi before the Lingshi came out, and it seemed that he was very interested in this Lingshi...

That would be easy!
"Let's not talk about the inner room for now, but the words of all of them were heard clearly just now, can what Manager Yun said count?"

The conversation between Lin Feng and Manager Yun made everyone present full of doubts, and Li Kui immediately shouted: "Boss Yun, what do you mean by this? He hasn't even taken out the spirit stone yet, why are you sure that he will pay you again!"

"That's right, how could this kid, Mr. Yun, have so many spirit stones... Mr. Yun, what are you doing!" The silver-armored guard was about to speak, when Mr. Yun's hands were like lightning, and an invisible palm wind struck out, submerging him. body of.

As soon as the words fell, the law enforcement captain lay straight on the ground, his entire chest sunken.

Everyone present couldn't help taking a breath, and took a few steps back.

The expressions of Li Kuishou and the others on the side changed dramatically, never expecting the old man to be so vicious...

"Take him down." The old man waved his hand.

The other guards hurriedly dragged the corpse back with fearful expressions on their faces, and some of them gave Li Kui's hands and others a hard look.

"To everyone's surprise, the City Lord's Mansion has always had strict rules and regulations. Since this place is going out to pay the fee, there will be no exceptions. Mr. Lin Feng, I have confirmed that he has the strength to pay the fee... Of course, if someone challenges the authority of the City Lord's Mansion, then even if A disciple of the Immortal Sect cannot be exonerated." After finishing speaking, the old man took a deep look at Lin Feng.

"He said just now that he would pay for it with his life, but now he is dead. You guys instigated the people from my city lord's mansion to come and finally lost their lives. Since the old man has become a witness today, the words you just said will naturally be fulfilled..." Manager Yun With a slightly cold voice, he said to Li Kuishou and the other four.

The four of them were furious when they heard the words. Doesn't this statement mean that the four of them would kowtow in front of Lin Feng to admit their mistakes? !
"Impossible! Do you know who our master is, how could you kneel down to such a bastard."

"Boss Yun, although your status in the City Lord's Mansion is not low, the three of us and Li Kui are also members of the Immortal Sect. Are you going to make an enemy of such an ordinary Lin family child against me today?"

Lin Feng stood aside, holding Qingxuan's waist with a slight smile on his lips, Manager Yun glanced at Lin Feng, thinking of the intensity of the spiritual energy he had just sensed, he could never go wrong, it was a top-notch spirit stone!

With the superb Lingshi, maybe the young lady's illness can still be saved...

Thinking of this, he already had a decision in his mind.

 I'm really tired today, this chapter is a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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