WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 24 The old king next door is online

Chapter 24 The old king next door is online

Wanlingyunhai has always been a major event for Scarlet Blood City and the three great immortal sects.

It is a secret realm left over from ancient times, and it is extremely important for the experience of the younger generation and the rise of major forces.

There used to be people from other cities and even other immortal sects who came to fight for it, but in the end they were all suppressed by Wanjianmen, Fenxiangmen and Tongbizong. Moreover, the opening time of Wanlingyunhai is not very accurate, and it will only be opened every year before it is confirmed to be opened. The city lord of Scarlet Blood City issued a secret order to spread the news.

Once the sea of ​​clouds appears, no one will be able to set foot in the area covered by the sea of ​​clouds.

It is rumored that Wanlingyunhai is most likely the former site of the ancient spirit beast cave, and the elixir, treasures, and even monsters in it all exist because of this.

The appearance of the sea of ​​clouds made many people in the Parade Chamber of Commerce very excited. Many people began to buy things to improve their strength, wanting to seize the opportunity in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Mr. Lin, my lady said that she owes you a favor, and she will definitely change you in the future... She doesn't like to owe others. These are the things you bought today."

Director Yun did not know when he appeared behind Lin Feng and Qingxuan, holding two animal skin bags with patterns in his hands.

The people around looked at this scene with staring eyes, all the things they bought had to be packed in storage bags, and this guy actually bought everything, what a local tyrant!
"Brother Feng, why don't we find a place to stay in this guild of parade merchants for one night, and it won't be too late when they enter the sea of ​​clouds tomorrow..."

Qingxuan was obviously a little scared because of the matter of Li Kui and the others.

Each of these people possessed the cultivation base of Lingwu Realm, which was obviously not something that Lin Feng could resist.

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "How about we open a room... so we can talk about life?"

As he spoke, he wanted to pull Qingxuan to the side.

"Miss Qingxuan, wait a moment." A young man shouted in the distance, Lin Feng looked back and saw that this person was wearing the Lin family's clothes.

"Qingxuan, your master and several elders from the Tongbi sect invite you to go back to the Lin family!" The Lin family boy looked anxious, but he glanced at Lin Feng while speaking, and then sighed.

Lin Feng glanced at her and leaned over and said in her ear: "After seeing your master, tell him about my shopping in the commercial building today, and tell him that I have used up all the spirit stones. The Steward can testify..."

Qingxuan nodded in astonishment, and chose to obey Lin Feng's words even though she was a little unclear.

Then he walked towards the Lin family, but the disciple of the Lin family who came to pass the message turned around and said, "Brother Lin Feng, Lin Qingyun is back, but I heard that he has ordered many disciples of the Wanjian Sect to deal with you, you'd better stay in the family." Well, only with the blessing of the Presbyterian Church can we tide over the difficulties."

"Entering the sea of ​​clouds of all spirits will surely lead to a narrow escape!"

This person obviously had a good impression of Lin Feng during the Tri-Clan Challenge, so he reminded him.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and asked in surprise: "Why, isn't Lin Qingyun planning to enter the sea of ​​clouds this time?"

The disciple of the Lin family nodded, also a little puzzled, "I don't know why, Lin Qingyu suddenly decided not to enter Wanlingyunhai this time, maybe he has other plans, the elder Wanjianmen and his disciples who came back with him this time are not here few."

After speaking, the person hurriedly left, for fear of getting into trouble.

On the contrary, Lin Feng frowned deeply, stood still for a while, and finally murmured: "I'm afraid the Lin family has changed! Could it be that Lin Qingyun is going to attack the Presbyterian Hall..."

Every generation of patriarchs must be subject to the Elder Hall, Lin Qingshan is a branch but holds power, and the gap between him and the Elder Hall is increasing day by day, this is not impossible.

Lin Feng is well aware of the importance of Wanlingyunhai, if he doesn't enter Wanlingyunhai, he will die and die.

In the sea of ​​myriad spirits, spiritual treasures breed and monsters run rampant. Even though Lin Feng, who is practicing monster clan skills, is in danger, he still has an unparalleled temptation!

At this moment, there is no other way but to improve his cultivation as much as possible, otherwise, even if Wan Ling Yunhai and his party survive, the Lin family and even the entire Scarlet Blood City may have no place for him.

While thinking about the current situation, Lin Feng went upstairs, finally found a room and lay down.

This place is located in the Touring Chamber of Commerce, so he doesn't have to worry about the revenge of Li Kui and the others, and at the moment Wanling Yunhai appears, I am afraid they are busy shopping...

"Let's go to the Jinpeng Demon King to find out about the spar first, and this spar vein is really a hot potato. Once used, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of interested people and lead to death..." Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

Now his strength is low, but the value of this vein is ridiculously high.

Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Feng called out the phone with a slight movement of his right hand, and then opened WeChat.

Every time Lin Feng opens WeChat, he always feels like crying, as if he is still a student in the 22nd century, not the world of high martial arts where the jungle preys on the jungle.

"Maybe one day I will be able to return to the original place when I can really control the destiny like them..." Lin Feng smiled wryly, saying @了金鹏香王.

The old king next door @了金鹏妖王!
At the same time, without Lin Feng's knowledge, small characters appeared on the windows of many people: Pay special attention to remind you that Lao Wang next door is online!
Sure enough, with Lin Feng's news.

One after another, the powers in charge of the destiny sent out messages at the same time...

King of Nine Suns: The red envelope battle last time was not enough, how about we do it again, Lao Wang.

Acacia Divine Ability: Nine Suns God King, you are hypocritical, just speak up!It's great that Lao Wang will post dozens of pictures of the God of Acacia!
Aoshi Martial God: I can't understand what you are talking about at all, but the mystery hidden in the red envelope last time has a lot to do with my improvement in martial arts... This fellow Taoist, do you think there will be another red envelope battle?

Seeing everyone talking to each other, swiping the screen every minute, Lin Feng's eyes almost popped out.

Is this group really the masters in charge of one side of the world?All of them are simply demons in color!

But having said that, when Lin Feng was watching movies on Earth back then, they were all the best of the best, such as European and American one hundred and eight styles, RB teacher teaching movies...they are all leveraged!

"Ahem, this time, we need to dig a little more, so that we can be safe when we enter the sea of ​​clouds!" Lin Feng murmured.

Only then did the Jinpeng Demon King send out a message, "Fellow Daoist, @本尊哪啊, I still remember that every one of the exercises I posted last time was snatched by you. How is the training of the disciples now? Is it a tiger and a tiger?" , comparable to a beast!"

"It's okay if you don't say it. Now my disciples can't absorb spirit stones because of your cultivation method. What should I do? Also, half of my disciples are dead. What do you think about this matter... Otherwise, this big movie may not be worth it. gone."

"Amazing, half dead..."

"Oh, I'm laughing to death, old Wang, you really dare to let the people practice the monster clan skills!"

"Jinpeng Demon King, you are not evil! If you don't give out red envelopes because of you, I will never end with you! Last time that kid of yours kept me as a trainer for more than ten years, and I will throw it back for you..."


The Jinpeng Demon King was speechless when he saw the black messages all over the screen, and sent a series of embarrassing expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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