Chapter 27
Lin Qingxuan led many young talents of the Lin family and some Tongbi sect disciples towards the third peak, with a worried look on her face, she murmured: "I don't know where the peak brothers are? Now the many strong men of the Wanjian sect Everyone is looking for him, but don't let anything happen!"

"Senior Sister Qingxuan, I heard about you in Scarlet Blood City. That man named Lin Feng might not be able to get out of the sea of ​​clouds. At this moment, I am afraid that the three great immortal sects and the Lin family's grandson family, except us, have not followed He is hostile, and everyone else wants to kill him and then quickly..." A man seemed to see what Qingxuan was thinking.

Qingxuan's brows were tightly furrowed, and she couldn't help but quicken her feet a little, just wanting to complete the mission of the teacher and go to find Lin Feng as soon as possible.

However, at this moment, everyone suddenly stopped and turned their heads to look at the sky in the distance.

I saw a series of thunder and lightning straight into the sky!

"Zhang Yi, my goal is to find that boy from the Lin family. He killed many members of my grandson family, and he also has two children from the same clan!"

"Haha, that's a coincidence. I'm also here to look for him. There's something in him that I must get... so why not share a few strange spirit stones with me?"

Lin Feng listened to the words of the two, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'm still thinking about Lao Tzu now! Divide, divide my talisman equally!"

Speaking of Lin Feng's hands were like phantoms, more than 20 magnetic storm thunder charms of the spiritual level suddenly flew out, directly rushing into the camps on both sides, thunder blazed, and the scene suddenly became chaotic!


Shouts of screams continued to be heard, thunder flashed, smoke billowed, trees half the size of a man collapsed, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

No one could figure out what was going on, all they knew was that suddenly twenty spells appeared in the air, and they fell into chaos the next moment!
The magnetic storm talisman of the spiritual level is enough to instantly kill a mortal warrior. Fortunately, there are many big trees blocking it, but still more than a dozen people died, and dozens of people were seriously injured. The two teams were all engulfed in anger!

"What's going on, who cast the spell! It must be Zhang Yi and the others, these villains from the Fenxiangmen!" Everyone in the Sun family shouted violently, and immediately threw a talisman in their hands forward.

"They want to snatch the strange spirit stone and kill them!"

"Zhang Yi, why did you use talisman paper to sneak attack, you are so brave..."

Gunpowder smoke billowed, tiny thunder and lightning billowed thick smoke from the surrounding forests, Lin Feng covered his mouth and nose and kept shouting, shouting indiscriminately, as if stirring up the muddy water even more!

At the same time, there were incomparably rich spirits gathering at his feet from all directions!

Zhang Yi and Sun Gong, the two leaders immediately found out that something was wrong, but almost at the same time they took action to snatch several spirit stones dropped by Lin Feng on the ground.

The two punched each other, each grabbed a part of the spirit stone, and then retreated quickly.

"These two guys are both in the mid-stage of the Spirit Martial Realm. My current strength is completely insufficient!" Lin Feng continued to absorb energy, but he still felt that his strength was too weak when he saw the two fighting each other.

"Kill these insidious villains from the Fenxiangmen!"

"Go on!"

Although the two of Zhang Yi retreated quickly, the scene was still chaotic, with blood splattered and people dying in a short time.

Just when Lin Feng was happy, two powerful auras swept away like a gust of wind, and the original aversion to Lei Guang disappeared immediately.

Zhang Yi and Sun Gong's spiritual lights were loud, like candles in the dark night!

"Stop it all, someone is responsible for this!" Zhang Yi's face was gloomy, like a cave of ice.

Sun Gong also ordered his men to stop attacking.

But even so, at this moment, nearly 30 people have died, and more than a hundred people have been seriously injured...

"Why are you so far away, you almost reached the eighth level of Mortal Martial Realm!" Lin Feng cursed secretly.

"Sheng Jun, you... really know how to play."

"Shengjun, are you going to kill them all?"

The two little foxes watched Lin Feng kill so many people with this attack, and whispered in Lin Feng's ear.

The two little foxes confirmed again that people at the level of the Holy Monarch have special hobbies.

"A group of idiots!" Sun Gong said in a deep voice with an ugly expression on his face, "Can't you see that all the charms in the ten directions just now are all spiritual-level magnetic storm charms, and more than 20 of them were released at one time... Only that kid from the Lin family should have it here! "

"Sun Gong, you're right. This kid is said to have bought a few bundles of charms in a commercial building. I didn't expect him to be so courageous! He dared to count us under our noses!" Smiling, eyes constantly scanning around.

The two of them were all focused on the spirit stone on the ground just now, and the spell detonated in the sky in the blink of an eye, and there was no trace of it.

"A group of five, spread out the search for me! He must not have gone far..."


As soon as Sun Gong's voice fell, Zhang Yi nodded and ordered his men to start searching around.

The two actually reached a united front...

It's a pity that none of them thought that Lin Feng was tens of meters between the two teams.

"Little demon, is the Holy Monarch experiencing the pleasure of defeating the strong with the weak, and defeating the many with the few? He doesn't seem to be interested in us, will he send us back..."

"Big monster, I don't think I'm going back! In addition to training us in double-cultivation magic, Hehuan Shengjun also has various magical powers every day. He can't even go out of the palace. Now it's much more interesting. Help him, we will serve him well when he is having fun... Hehe, I haven't really practiced those double cultivation techniques yet."

The two little demon foxes didn't suspect Lin Feng's intentions at all, but found it rather interesting.

Lin Feng stayed where he was and watched the two groups of people walking around continuously, until the sky gradually darkened, Zhang Yi and other talents gradually gathered here again.

"Brother, there is no trace, but I learned from the Sun family that the kid seems to want to go to the Golden Palace Temple..." A disciple of the Fenxiangmen said to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi nodded, and finally said in a deep voice: "Li Kui took the four of them into hiding, trying to find a way to follow behind Sun Gong and the others, to see if they can find out what their master's goal is in Wanlingyunhai."

After speaking, Zhang Yi led the crowd to continue walking towards the third peak.

Li Kui hid in the woods with four disciples of the Li family at the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, but he said sharply: "Is that guy a ghost? He even disappeared so soon after attacking us, if I find out He will definitely tear him to pieces!"

"Brother, don't worry, Wanling Yunhai is so big, now our two big families, and people from Xianzong are looking for him, he will die sooner or later!"


"Now that I'm at the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, I'm afraid I can instantly kill the Great Perfection of the Mortal Martial Realm with a single punch, and at least I have the strength of fifteen bulls, and after devouring the spirit stone, my muscles, bones, skin and flesh are already comparable to monsters ... A spiritual rank may not be impossible to kill!" Lin Feng kept cross-legged in the formation, and he heard the words of Li Kuishou and others clearly, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "When everyone is gone, I will let you see who First be chopped into pieces!"

"Let's go, the Sun family has gone far enough, let's follow up, and use the sound-catching talisman to see what we can overhear." Li Kui saw the night with his hands, and the Sun family had already gone away, so he took a few people from there. Drilled out of the soil.

However, the few people hadn't taken a few steps, but suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill coming from their backs.

Under the dark night, the moonlight was bright and clear, and a cold light streaked across the night sky!
(End of this chapter)

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