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Chapter 29 The Mysterious Giant Hammer

Chapter 29 The Mysterious Giant Hammer
Within Wan Ling Yunhai, two people died in Li Kui's hands in a short time.

He and the others couldn't help but be shocked by Lin Feng's powerful power, but at this moment they were only filled with anger!
Li Kui finally calmed down after staring at Lin Feng with his hands. In his eyes, Lin Feng is still doomed to die today because he has never reached the Lingwu realm.

The meridians in the body are cultivated in the ordinary martial arts realm, and the body is tempered with spiritual energy to increase the strength of blood energy. When the limit is reached, it is the day when the sea of ​​​​qi is opened, and the sea of ​​​​qi is opened, which is the realm of spiritual martial arts.
It can be said that once one reaches the Spiritual Martial Realm, any Great Perfection of the Mortal Martial Realm under the spirit power and inner strength will be instantly defeated.

"I'd like to see if it's true, as you said, even the Great Perfection of the Mortal Martial Realm can kill with one punch!" Lin Feng smiled confidently, his whole body glowing like a furnace.

The strong sense of blood even caused the low-level monsters in the distance to run away, thinking that there was a powerful similar beast ahead.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him quickly and avenge your brother! After a while, the people of the Sun family will go far away and use spells to get any useful information..."

"That's right, there are so many strange things about this guy, there must be a great chance to kill him today! I think that although he is full of blood, he only has the aura of the Batian Master Vein all over his body, and he is indeed only around the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm!"

Li Kui's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and then he looked between Lin Feng's chest and abdomen, and then laughed loudly: "It's really only the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm? It is rumored that only people with ancient blood can fight against the sky. But I don’t look like you no matter what, let me torture you to death today!”

As the voice fell, Li Kui made a sudden move without any hesitation. Knowing that Lin Feng was only at the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, he already felt that he would win.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly twisted, his whole body shook out of thin air, and his face showed excitement.

Over the past few days, his strength has improved at an unheard of speed, but there are very few opportunities to fight. This kind of battle between the weak and the strong really makes his blood boil!

Li Kui pulled out a long sword with a wide blade from his waist, and with a slight flick of his wrist, his whole body was as fierce as a tide, slowly enveloping the entire long sword, shining brightly.

"Go to hell! Let me show you what the Spiritual Martial Realm is..." Li Kui shouted loudly, and stood up with a sword. A series of sword shadows instantly turned into sword curtains, forming an inevitable sword net!
The sword screen is extremely fast, the two are not far apart, there is no time to retreat, they can only shake hard!
Shadow kill, sword rain attack and kill!

In an instant, the dagger in Lin Feng's hand danced at an extremely fast speed, as if possessing a unique rhythm, and in the blink of an eye, a little bit of cold light slowly lit up like a spark in the dark night, and then struck out like a violent storm!
At this moment, anyone who is an expert will definitely be shocked by Lin Feng's accomplishments in this move at this moment. He even forcibly used the effect of inner strength as if attached to spiritual power...

Sword Net, Sword Rain!
They intersected together in an instant, and then the air vibrated violently, as if rainwater fell into a frying pan, it was crackling to think of it, and the sword energy shot out, and the trees where they passed were cut off in the middle, and the neat cuts were outrageous!

A stone pile several people high in the distance turned into powder in an instant, and it was full of countless holes...

The blow of the two caused the expression of the only two people behind Li Kui to change drastically, and they quickly retreated tens of meters again, for fear of being hurt by the aftermath.

"Break it for me!"

Li Kui's face turned cold, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his spiritual light suddenly flourished. Except for the ten main veins all over his body, there was spiritual light pouring out of his dantian like a sea!

Lin Feng felt tightness in his chest, and he felt infinite power coming from the long sword in Li Kui's hand, like waves of invisible energy attacking out of thin air, as if they wanted to destroy all his limbs and bones!
Is this the realm of Lingwu?

The powerful spiritual power and inner strength are enough to pass through the body, killing people invisible, no wonder even a mortal martial artist can't make a move in front of the spiritual martial artist!

The dagger in Lin Feng's hand couldn't even withstand the powerful spiritual energy gushing out from Li Kui's hand, and it shattered into dozens of pieces of iron in the blink of an eye!

Lin Feng stepped back quickly...but there was still a ray of spiritual light and sword energy submerged into his clothes.

"Did you feel it? This is the difference between the Mortal Martial Realm and the Spirit Martial Realm. Even if you have the Great Perfection Realm, my inner strength is enough to smash you to pieces!" Li Kui sneered with his hands high.

On the other hand, Lin Feng had a strange expression on his face, thinking that he didn't bleed under the sword energy...

The sword energy that was enough to cut gold and cut jade just now left only a slender white mark on his body, except for some stinging pain in his body, it didn't do much harm!
Lin Feng quickly looked inside at an extremely fast speed.


Although Li Kui's internal strength into the body made him feel infinite pressure, it did not cause substantial harm to him!

"Ha ha……"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing out loud, he didn't know when his own heart, spleen, and viscera turned out to be like an eighth-level or even a ninth-level monster, and he couldn't even hurt his inner strength!

"Is this guy crazy? He can still laugh when the dagger is broken..."

"Hmph, he has just entered his body with inner strength, and at this moment, his internal organs will definitely be burned and he will die. This is the fate of challenging the Lingwu realm with mortal martial arts delusions!"

Seeing Lin Feng inexplicably laughing, the three of Li Kui couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

After a little hesitation, Li Kui walked forward slowly with his hands, and said condescendingly: "Go to hell, let me give you a ride!"

This sword was from top to bottom, but there was no light at all. Obviously, in his eyes, Lin Feng was already a mortal place, and he had no strength to resist...

But the moment Lin Feng raised his head, he knew he was wrong, because there was no trace of pain on this face, but a hint of excitement...or surprise?

There was a crisp sound, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

"This... what's going on here!"

The eyes of the two who were watching from a distance widened in an instant, their faces filled with disbelief!

I saw that Lin Feng punched the sword's edge with a fist, and Li Kui's long sword snapped in response, smashing the weapon in the Lingwu Realm head-on with his flesh and blood. This is unheard of!

At the same time, Lin Feng punched Li Kui between his chest and abdomen. The huge force caused the ground under their feet to crack instantly, and a wave of air swept all directions!

Li Kui flew tens of meters with his hands and broke more than a dozen giant trees before he could barely stop. He looked at Lin Feng with horror and shock on his face!

"Pfft... How is this possible? Just now my spiritual power poured into your body, how could you not have the slightest injury? And... and your body is able to resist my mortal rank four Long sword!" Li Kui said incoherently as he covered his chest with his hands and his face turned livid.

Lin Feng looked at the long white mark on his fist, and joked: "Aren't you very arrogant just now, it seems that the Lingwu Realm is no more than that!"

Lin Feng's words almost killed Li Kui's hand, and another mouthful of blood spewed out. Seeing Lin Feng walking towards him step by step, he saw his right hand reaching into his bosom, and unexpectedly slowly took out a simple and simple hammer.

The body of the hammer was covered with brown rust, and the small hammer was only the length of two thumbs, so it was quite strange for Li Kui to hold it in his hand.

"Today, no matter what, I'm going to kill you. This thing is the weapon found in the last secret cave in the second peak, Wanlingyunhai last time. If you die under this hammer, you will be able to rest in peace!"

As the sound of Li Kui's hand fell, I saw that the aura within his sea of ​​Qi was absorbed by the small hammer at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a mud cow entering the sea.

And the originally small hammer became huge at a speed visible to the naked eye...

(End of this chapter)

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