Chapter 31

Standing on top of the giant tree with a giant hammer in his hand, Lin Feng looked at the members of the Sun family from a distance.

The members of the Sun family actually surrounded several Lin family children in the center, and three of the young Lin family children had their arms broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and a long rope was tied around their necks, like pigs and dogs.

Beside this bloody scene, the two women from the Lin family, their clothes torn and bruised... screamed in pain.

One after another, the children of the Sun family took turns rushing at the two women like wolves!

"Bastard!" Lin Feng felt a surge of anger in his chest.

The behavior of this group of people in the Sun family is simply outrageous.

Lin Feng frowned deeply, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and observed carefully.

Now there are still more than a hundred people from the Sun family and Xianzong, and this force cannot be shaken by himself.

"If I want to save them, I must reach the Spiritual Martial Realm. Only in this way can I completely ignore the attacks of the Mortal Martial Realm, and use my monster-like body to crush the Spirit Martial Realm experts... Even if I fight against a hundred, I may not be able to fight! "

After the words fell, Lin Feng slowly fell from the giant tree, and hid again to approach the Sun family.

Although the Shadow Killing Skill he practiced was incomplete and unable to completely conceal his aura, he was sure that he would not be noticed by the Sun family at a distance of hundreds of meters.

"Brother Sun Gong, monsters are too difficult to control, and it is even more difficult to break the trap left by the Li family. Fortunately, these Lin family children can open the way for us!" The woman brushed across her body, and then said to the leader, Sun Gong.

Sun Gong nodded, and said lightly: "Which two women don't play to death, use it to scout the way, so that your speed will be much faster..."

The members of the Sun family shouted suddenly, their spirits at this moment were much more excited than before.

A smile appeared on the corner of Sun Gong's mouth, secretly thinking that these people from the Lin family came in time, otherwise everyone in the Sun family might be frightened by these traps.

On the other hand, the two young women of the Lin family lay on the ground like walking corpses, their eyes full of despair and pain.

"Kill us... Sun Gong, you must die!"

"We sent you the antidote, and you actually repay your kindness..."

The few disciples of the Lin family roared angrily, their faces almost distorted.

When the few of them saw the Sun family member being poisoned, they sent antidote immediately, but they didn't expect that what was waiting for them was so cruel and inhumane!
"Pull out their tongues, hurry up..." Sun Gong's voice was calm, as if such cruel things were very common in his mouth.


Lin Feng in the distance could almost hear the words of several people, as well as the shrill screams.

"Now I have condensed ten demon veins in my body, and if I kill a few more people, I will have a chance to break through to the spiritual realm! At that time, I will definitely ask you to pay in blood..." Lin Feng almost bit blood on his tooth crown. He was originally from the Lin family. , Seeing such a scene is like a knife twisting in my heart.

Seeing the Sun family walking forward, the leader controlled the members of the Lin family with a rope to trigger the trick left by the Li family.

"Little demon, help me see if there are monsters over ten levels around!" Lin Feng's voice was cold.

A tenth-level monster is equivalent to a warrior at the tenth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, and those above the tenth level are called spirit beasts. The tenth level of spirit beasts corresponds to the tenth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. Of course, most people would not choose to provoke a spirit beast.

You must know that once a monster transforms into a spirit beast, it will be able to arouse the supernatural powers of the blood, and at the beginning of the mind, even a random spirit beast of the first rank is enough to cause headaches for people at the third level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, even in the middle of the Spiritual Martial Realm. provoke.

Although the little demon didn't understand what Lin Feng wanted to do, he immediately dispersed his spiritual thoughts to search for it.

Results came soon.

"About [-] meters in front of them, there is a Qingyun rhinoceros, which belongs to the first grade of spirit beast, and has activated the bloodline supernatural power." The little demon whispered in Lin Feng's ear.

Lin Feng frowned and said, "Are there any other spirit beasts nearby?"

The little fox transformed by the little demon ran back and forth on Lin Feng's neck, shaking his head in a humane way.

"You two tell me about the trap formation in front, and we will go around as quickly as possible..." Lin Feng thought for a moment.

Under the guidance of the spiritual thoughts of the two little foxes, Lin Feng made a huge circle before appearing a kilometer in front of the Sun family members.

"The Li family is really bothering you. Once you step into these traps, you can only go head-on. If you don't have the help of the two of you, you can't get out of it... This time I really need to thank you." Lin Feng turned to Qingyun. Rhinoceros ran away, talking to himself.

"Thank you Shengjun for your compliment." The two little demons seemed very panicked.

This made Lin Feng speechless for a while. Obviously, these two little guys had always regarded him as a strong man at the level of acacia child prodigy, but now they really never walk the road of life...experience life.

"Holy Monarch, with your current cultivation, it may be dangerous to approach Qingyunxi." The little demon persuaded.

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and with a flick of his right hand, he took out a beast circle from the cloud space.

"The Beast Fencing Circle of Ten Thousand Domains!"

As soon as the circle of beasts appeared, the big demon and the little demon immediately got into Lin Feng's clothes, obviously quite afraid of this thing.

Lin Feng said: "You two recognize this thing?"

"Last time, Sage King Acacia also played with this object for a few days. This object is so powerful that every living thing will be trapped by him, and it will never be removed forever."

"My lord, please don't bring this thing to us, otherwise we will only be able to appear as our bodies for the rest of our lives."

The big demon and the little demon cried pitifully.

Lin Feng was quite shocked and didn't expect this thing to be so powerful, but he was the worst one to grab red envelopes at the beginning, so the effect might not be so strong.

"It must be no problem to use him to manipulate a spirit beast!" Lin Feng muttered to himself, "Although it is a bit wasteful, it is still a good way to attack the Sun family at this moment."

If the spirit beast rushes to kill, it will definitely injure more than a hundred members of the Sun family, and then they will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the spirit realm!

"Sage Lord, you want the Ten Thousand Realms Beast Fencing Circle to capture a cow that is only a first-grade spirit beast?" The big demon and the little demon couldn't believe it, "This thing can only be used once, and if it is successfully captured, it will disappear in the demon beast In the body of the beast, unite with his soul."

Lin Feng frowned immediately when he heard it. It would be a pity if this thing only captured a spirit beast as the two said.


At this moment, the trees swayed less than a thousand meters away, and many birds roared up. Lin Feng hurriedly said, "The people of the Sun family have escaped from the trap. We are running out of time..."

At this moment, there was no time to choose, so he rushed towards the cave where Qing Yunxi was.

"My lord, they are coming to where we are, and they seem to know this place."

Lin Feng nodded, with a firm expression on his face, he rushed directly into the cave.

This cave is located under a low mountain of more than ten meters. The inside of the cave is extremely dark, and the air is filled with a foul smell, which is disgusting.

The cave was not deep, and Lin Feng had just walked tens of meters when he saw two scarlet eyes looking at him in the darkness...

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Feng had already tightly grasped the beast circle with his right hand.

A loud roar sounded in the cave, and the whole mountain was shaken, and the dust continued to fall.

However, at the moment when the circle of beasts appeared, those scarlet eyes seemed to feel the trembling from the soul, and they ran back in horror.

Knowing that the members of the Sun family were also coming here, Lin Feng didn't dare to hesitate, and with a flash of light, he threw the circle of beasts with his right hand towards those scarlet eyes.

The moment the beast circle was thrown, countless complicated inscriptions scattered in all directions, and the light instantly lit up the entire cave, as if countless scriptures were chanting in the air.

Falling towards Qingyun Xi.

It's just that the scene that happened before him was far beyond Lin Feng's imagination, and was quite different from his previous thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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