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Chapter 33 Then try it out!

Chapter 33 Then try it out!
Everyone in the Sun family was disheveled, but their faces were flushed with boundless anger.

Sun Gong was even more murderous, and even wanted to kill all the people around him. If the news of what happened today was spread, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of Xianzong!
As he said that, he punched the body of the fox transformed by the little demon, the huge force sent out waves of ripples in the air, and the full force of spiritual energy even made the whole cave tremble.


The little demon bet on the entrance of the cave with her body, separating Lin Feng from the children of the Sun family. The fist landed firmly on her soft and white fur, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth, trembling and whimpering uncontrollably. cried out.

"Little demon, you step back, I will block it!"

With the sound of the big demon falling, the little demon quickly shrank and retreated behind her from the gap exposed by the big demon. The big demon blocked the cave again without the slightest hesitation.

Such a scene stunned all the children of the Sun family. These two fox monsters can speak human words, and they are also proficient in the art of changing sizes!
"Brother Sun Gong, if you can catch these two demon foxes regardless of the fur, it will be a sky-high price if you just spit out the magic power of changing eyes!"

"The two fox demons seem to be protecting the things in the cave. Could it be that there are strange treasures born in it... Bombard quickly!"

Sun Gong's expression also jumped, and he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart. As everyone said, these two foxes are probably extraordinary!
Bang bang bang!
There were muffled noises from the cave the size of several people, and the powerful force of warriors hit the soft back. Layers of soft fur like snow fluctuated layer by layer, but blood gradually overflowed from under the fur...

Woo woo woo.

The sobbing sound became more and more miserable.

"Sister, why hasn't Sheng Jun woke up? If this continues, you will die... Huh." The little demon stood between the big demon and Lin Feng, his face was full of anxiety.


Just as the little demon's voice fell, cracks finally formed in the cave due to the huge impact, and the big monster was completely blown away, shaking the earth and rocks in the surrounding caves to roll down.

Seeing that she was about to fall on Lin Feng's body, her figure shook into a human form.

The little demon also quickly transformed into a human form to support the big one, crying: "Sister, you have been seriously injured..."

The big demon was on the verge of falling, and blood kept spilling from his clothes, but he still held the little demon's hand and murmured: "The Holy Monarch said, before he wakes up, he must hold them back. A moment is a moment!"

The little demon rolled down his tears, and the two held hands to block Lin Feng behind him.

"It's so beautiful! This... what's going on!"

"These two demon foxes obviously don't have the slightest cultivation, but they can transform into human forms, and they are so beautiful, they are really rare treasures in the world!"

Under the light of the fire talisman, Sun Gong and the others watched the two demon foxes transform into human forms with their own eyes. They stood there in a daze, and all of the dozen or so people on the spot showed astonishment, and even had a strong luster from their eyes without modification. flashed.

Sun Gong frowned tightly, looked at the blood stains on the big monster's body, and then showed a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "This time we found the treasure, these two monsters obviously don't have the slightest strength, but they have many strange things... And such a skin!"

As he spoke, even in Sun Gong's state of mind, he couldn't help revealing a hint of greed and endless desire.

Seeing Sun Gong and the others staring at them like wolves and tigers, the two Xiao Yao couldn't help taking a few steps back, their faces turned pale immediately.

"Brother, look, isn't that the Lin family's boy... He's here too!" Just as they took a few steps forward, they saw Lin Feng behind them, and immediately exclaimed.

Hearing this, Sun Gong's eyes shrank suddenly, he stared at Lin Feng, and there was a large pile of yellow talisman papers on the ground, and then he just thought that today was his Sun Gong's chance day!

"Haha, God helped me, God helped me too! Kill this kid, the two demon foxes... let me enjoy it first!" Sun Gong narrowed his eyes into a line, wantonly lingering on the bodies of the two little demons .

As he spoke, his hands turned into claws and suddenly grabbed forward, while the people around him stabbed Lin Feng straight with swords in their hands.

At this moment, Lin Feng's whole body was suddenly radiated with spiritual light, instantly illuminating the originally dimly lit cave like daytime!
Lin Feng's eyes were like lightning, and there was a great glow between his chest and abdomen, and the voice in his mouth was like the roar of a monster, rolling and thundering, and the dust around him jumped and fell!

Such an astonishing scene made Sun Gong stop his outstretched hand suddenly, and took two steps back unconsciously.

On the other side, the moment the sword was about to fall on Lin Feng's body, the few people felt a wave of turbulent air attacking their chests...


Four or five people flew upside down as if being hit by a giant hammer on their chests, and hit the mountain wall fiercely. The blood from their mouths spread all over their faces, and they were as pale as paper. The mountain they hit vibrated.

"Shengjun, you finally woke up..."

Seeing Lin Feng wake up, the big demon and the little demon burst into tears of joy, and the big demon passed out directly, turning into a little fox the size of a palm.

The little demon also moved and dragged the big one into Lin Feng's arms.

"Sage Lord, you must avenge us!" Xiao Yao stared at Sun Gong and said fiercely.

Lin Feng saw lightly stroking her snow-white smooth fur, and said lightly: "Don't worry, he won't be able to leave today!"

The appearance of Lin Feng shocked everyone, especially the loud shout just now directly knocked back several powerhouses at the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, which is simply unbelievable!

Sun Gong frowned, his eyes kept scanning Lin Feng like torches, he felt that Lin Feng's aura was like a sea, his blood was like a furnace, like a raging fire!

But... there is no trace of spirit martial spirit!Strange, really strange.

Sun Gong is a strong man at the third level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and he can be regarded as the best among those who have entered the sea of ​​​​all spirits this time, and his strength can be seen.

"Boy, if you hand over those two foxes today, and then offer the high-level pill that was used in the Lin family square that day, I can forget about what happened in Wanlingyunhai..." Sun Gong was silent for a while, but finally still looked down on him. Qing Linfeng's depth, so said in his mouth.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone behind Sun Gong shouted loudly, quite dissatisfied.

"Brother Sun can't, this person killed dozens of members of my Sun family, even though he is weird today, he must be killed!"

"That's right, I think this person is just as strange as those two foxes, but it's just a bluff, and he definitely hasn't reached the state of Lingwu. Today, I'm waiting for so many people to spit and drown him!"

"Kill him, kill him!"


Hearing the shouts from the crowd, Lin Feng revealed a cold smile, stared into Sun Gong's eyes and said indifferently: "Why, do you really think I'm an idiot? I'm afraid I will hand over the things to you now, and I will be killed as soon as I walk out of the cave." Hacked to death with random knives..."

Hearing this, Sun Gong's face suddenly became ferocious, and he said coldly: "It's not good to be a fool, it just requires me to spend a lot of time, a guy who hasn't even reached the Spirit Martial Realm... can only die!"

"Then, come and have a try!" Lin Feng raised the giant hammer thrown beside him, and Gujing was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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