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Chapter 41 The Holy Mountain Moves!

Chapter 41 The Holy Mountain Moves!
On the sacred mountain of the Forbidden Palace.

The light of the phantom is unconvinced, as if there are cranes soaring, and sometimes there are immortals flying across the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

Standing thousands of meters away from the phantom of the holy mountain, looking from bottom to top...

A group of pedestrians just seemed to have stepped into the mountain gate in the illusion, and also seemed to be stepping on the mountain peak and rocky ground, which seemed unreal.

This pedestrian is Lin Feng...

Zhang Yi, Wan Linhai and other hundreds of people in the distance have already stepped into the illusion and walked towards the mountainside. Their goal is the place where the chains and black beads disappeared.

The two were walking in the forefront, and at this moment they were staring at the holy mountain from afar, with joy secretly in their eyes, but a little anxious.

Nearly a hundred monsters were chased away by the crowd, and when they reached the mountainside, they stopped and fled in all directions.

"It's finally over..." Zhang Yi and Wan Linhai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Here they can't use their spiritual power, and they can't fully display their strength. These hundred monsters are also a big threat to them. Of course, the most important thing is that they seem to be eager to reach the holy mountain at this moment.

Zhang Yi and Wan Linhai walked in front of hundreds of people, their speed soared suddenly, even though their spiritual power was limited, their strength was far beyond the ordinary martial arts realm.

The two first reached the mountainside where Lin Feng was just now, and then stopped.

"I didn't expect that kid to have two broken tokens. I also have two here. If I'm right, you should have one too..." Wan Linhai flicked his right hand and two simple items appeared, the material of which seemed to be the same as that of Lin Feng's just now. There are some similarities.

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and two steel-like black scales appeared in his hands.

Then the two threw four things towards the fast boulder one after another. Immediately, the two of them narrowed their eyes, and these four things disappeared on the boulder like the items in Lin Feng's storage bag.

The moment the four objects fell, the boulders flashed bursts of black light, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. The grass was still on the ground, and there were still giant trees beside the grass, as if they had never existed.

"It's done. Every time I enter the three major immortal sects of Wanlingyunhai, I will find a way to open Wanlingyunhai. I didn't expect that I guessed it right this time..." Wan Linhai couldn't stop laughing.

Zhang Yi also trembled a little because of the surprise, and replied: "The three cases are looking for these items at the same time this time, the chance is already great, I can only say that the two of us have a chance, and there must be a great chance here, you and I How about cooperation for now!"

In a short period of time, Zhang Yi and Wan Linhai formed an alliance, and immediately brought hundreds of children into the so-called battle formation.

When everyone just stepped into the formation, their figures seemed as real and illusory as Lin Feng and others, as if they were about to turn into a part of the illusion!

But they didn't know that the entire holy mountain was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Even the entire Myriad Spirits Sea of ​​Clouds, the earth is sinking...

At the same time, the three sky-covering behemoths in the extreme east, extreme north, and extreme south appeared again. It seems that the formation has a great temptation for them, even far more than when the secret cave of the third peak was opened!
It's just that in the depths of their eyes, there was a ray of fear. Finally, the dark clouds moved across the extreme north, and under the symphony of thunder and lightning, a black flood dragon loomed and slowly came towards the Golden Palace of the Holy Mountain!

As soon as the dragon moved, the other two monsters immediately came towards the Golden Palace Sacred Mountain not to be outdone...

The three giant tigers stepped on the top of the giant tree, and the distance was a thousand meters away in one leap, roaring and cracking the rocks!

In the south, however, there is a giant bird with fire feathers, its body is full of flames, and wherever it passes, there are endless fires, and the flames are raging!


Their goal was the peak of the Golden Palace Temple, but Lin Feng and the others in the Golden Palace Temple seemed to be completely ignorant of the outside world under the cover of illusion.

"Look over there, it's the Blood Demon Purple Qi Fruit! There is such a fetish in this place!!"

A disciple of the Tongbi Sect next to Qingxuan suddenly screamed, his eyes were full of surprise and shock, and his fingers tremblingly pointed to a crack in the rock below the peak.

"It's really a blood demon purple qi fruit. It is said that this thing cannot grow without being poured with the blood of the most spiritual. Once born, it will be a ninth-grade spiritual medicine. This plant must have passed the spiritual level and become a king-level elixir. It is rare in the world!"

Hearing what everyone said, Lin Feng couldn't help showing surprise. Isn't the king-rank elixir higher than the two elixir in Qingxuan's hand!

This place has not yet reached the peak, what kind of spiritual things are there on the peak.

But his target is not these spiritual creatures... but the holy mountain at his feet!
Lin Feng, who was walking in the front, had light in his eyes from time to time, and suddenly blocked everyone's progress.


Lin Feng's face was a little gloomy and he shouted suddenly, everyone around him stopped in their tracks, only two of them seemed not to be impressed by Lin Feng's words, and they still walked towards the blood demon purple qi fruit with greedy faces...

The two had just walked a few meters away, when they saw more than a dozen tentacles suddenly sticking out from between the rocks. The barbed spines on the tentacles were arranged sequentially like countless daggers. If you observe carefully, you can find that there are still more than a hundred tentacles under the ground!

Everyone suddenly felt their scalps go numb, their feet slumped on the ground, and they said in shock, "What is this? The two Spirit Martial Realm didn't even utter a scream..."

Xiao Yao and Lin Qingxuan actually leaned towards Lin Feng from left to right at the same time, holding his arms in his arms, paleness appeared on their beautiful faces.

"Holy Monarch, why is this place so dangerous that my spiritual thoughts can't capture a single bit, and there seems to be something under this earth that completely cuts off my spiritual thoughts..." The little demon's voice was a little puzzled.

However, Lin Feng shook his head. This place cannot be judged by common sense at all. Even the things in front of him can only be seen by the technique of using the sun to capture the moon. They are far more than Zhang Yi and the others...

"Follow me closely, don't make a wrong move, or you will die!" Lin Feng hesitated for a while before saying slowly.

After the scene just now, everyone believed in Lin Feng's words, even though they were afraid in their hearts, they still agreed.

Lin Feng's eyes faintly appeared black, and the secret technique in the eyes was continuously blessed. He took a deep breath and slowly collapsed, taking every step carefully.

After he walked more than ten steps behind, the people followed his footsteps and walked cautiously.

Lin Feng was sweating on his forehead, he held on to the cuff of his right hand tightly, and his left hand was the animal circle...

Lin Feng and the others walked within a short tens of meters of gravel area for a full quarter of an hour. Even so, they only walked halfway. They groped forward like blind men crossing a river, but their hearts were full of fear!
"Blood Demon Purple Qi Fruit, what did I see, there is a heaven-defying chance and there is such a rare thing before reaching the top of the mountain!" Wan Linhai's voice came from far behind.

"The aura on the top of the mountain is radiant, and there must be something peerless!"

The business of Zhang Yi and the others was extremely hot, and they were extremely fast in order to catch up with Lin Feng and the others. Seeing that Lin Feng and the others were right in front of them, and they were moving slowly, more than a hundred people rushed up!
Wan Linhai frowned and seemed to have noticed Lin Feng's abnormality, but he looked around without any dangerous aura, so he didn't say anything, even he and Zhang Yi only paused at their feet, for fear that the elixir would be killed Lin Feng and others took the lead.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he shouted angrily. At the same time, his right hand suddenly grabbed Qingxuan and Xiaoyao, and tried to protect as many people as possible, and threw them fiercely into the distance. go.

(End of this chapter)

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