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Chapter 44 1 finger town 4 directions!

Chapter 44 One Finger Township!

The holy mountain of the Golden Palace trembled.

Viewed from a distance, a wave of dark beasts rushed towards the peak densely from the mountainside...

At this moment, the golden light illusion around the mountain peak began to tremble, and one after another golden pillars crashed down, standing on the giant mountain!

Layers of golden light illusions also quickly turned into entities at a speed visible to the naked eye!
A crack in the center of the entire holy mountain was created out of thin air. If someone pays attention, they will find that this crack is almost all over the entire Golden Palace Holy Mountain and even connects all the secret caves of the Nine Great Peaks!
And the source of the crack is obviously the pile of rubble where Wan Linhai died, and it is also where the phantom of the threshold of the Golden Palace Hall is located.

Such a scene, but the people did not notice it at all.

As for the piles of cracks under the pile of rubble, no one looked at them, because at this moment in front of them was an endless tide of beasts rushing towards them from the bottom of the mountain, and there were even three high-level monsters that were hundreds of meters tall. Shocking!

A disciple of the Tongbi sect fell to his knees in a hurry, trembling under the tremendous pressure.

"Brother Feng, why... why did these three monsters come out? It is said that they only guarded the other three directions in the past." Qingxuan's pretty face was also pale.

"Senior Sister Qingxuan, you are deeply loved by the sect, and you must have secret techniques. Hurry up and save us! Those three monsters probably already have the ninth rank of spirit beasts, even if they are powerful in the spirit path realm, they can't compete with them." ah!"

"What is he going to do? Today we are sure to die, what kind of secret treasure can save us from this beast tide!"


The disciples of Tongbimen sat slumped on the ground one by one, losing all hope. Seeing Lin Feng rushing out of the cage with the Godsend rope in hand, he just shook his head and sighed bitterly.

I saw Lin Feng frowning tightly, his right hand was like running like thunder, and he manipulated the sleepy cable with great strength from a thousand meters away!

Sleepy Godsuo landed on a huge monster covered in tentacles impartially. These monsters were those terrifying guys just under the gravel, each of which was extremely powerful.

Ka Ka Ka!
The barbs on the tentacles kept chopping on the rope without leaving any traces or even shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked everyone appeared, and saw that the Nuo Da monster burst directly...

The huge monster beast turned into countless blood clots, and many monster beasts around were also blown away.

This scene made Qingxuan and other Tongbimen's disciples look shocked, and they couldn't help raising a glimmer of hope for survival.

"What kind of monsters can be collected in the Beast Fending Circle of Ten Thousand Realms? Even such a powerful tentacle monster will be directly blown up..." Lin Feng couldn't help but wondered.

But at this moment, he also knew that he was definitely not surprised, and his right hand kept dangling.

The ray of light on the Wanyu Beast Fence is endless, and it seems to have a boundless force of traction, but anyone who becomes Lin Feng's target can't even dodge it, as if the Beast Fence has great power to suppress this group of monsters!
bang bang bang...

The sound of the explosion was imperceptible, and the monsters exploded out of thin air one by one. At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the beast tide couldn't help but slow down. The low-level monsters were instinctively afraid, and some even crawled on the ground and shivered.

Only then did the disciples of the Tongbi sect look overjoyed, as if hope of survival had been ignited.

"What kind of treasure is this? If any monster is instantly killed when it touches it, is this a royal secret treasure!?"

"The rope just now can almost instantly kill Zhang Yi in the middle stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm. The inscription on the whole body of this thing shows a ring outfit. Compared with this sleepy rope, it is a twin secret treasure!"


Everyone started guessing, and saw Lin Feng falling down with the rope in his hands, and the beast circle harvested the lives of one monster and one monster like a harvester.

Fortunately, they are condescending at the moment, and the distance of nearly a thousand meters is enough for Lin Feng to flex his muscles!

Seeing that the herd of beasts stagnated in fear, the three high-level monster beasts stared at Lin Feng from afar with their millstone-sized pupils.

I saw the three giant tigers leaping out, with earthy-yellow spiritual light like waterfalls under their four feet, they jumped in front of many monsters, one of them had a huge head and a huge mouth, as if there were countless rays of light rolling back, like a black hole, it was facing the monsters. Circle suck!
Lin Feng's whole body trembled suddenly, and boundless pressure came from his sleepy nerves!
Lin Feng snorted coldly, and stomped his feet heavily, half of his body was almost sunk under the ground.

At the same time, the flood dragon and the giant firebird in the sky also rushed towards the crowd, a hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and the overwhelming coercion shocked the four directions!

"It's over, it's over..." a Tongbi Sect disciple cried out.

If these two flying monsters get close, I'm afraid they will die without a place to die if they don't breathe together!
"Bastard! Dare..."

Suddenly, the radiance above the beast circle was bright, and the radiance was like a waterfall, which shocked the giant tiger and flew back backwards.

The Sky Firebird was the fastest, rushing hundreds of meters ahead of him first.

A sharp roar made people's eardrums tremble, and a series of flame blades began to accumulate in its mouth, which contained great power. If this blow was sent out, the half of the mountain would probably be destroyed by the flames.

When the time was running out, everyone didn't even have the thought of praying, they just closed their eyes and waited for the death to come.

However, Lin Feng's shout made them open their eyes...

It's raining?How come we are not dead yet.

The moment they opened their eyes, their faces were a little surprised. They felt drops of liquid falling from the sky, and they subconsciously wiped them with their hands.

Leading them to see clearly the things in their hands, and quickly looked up to the sky, everyone's body was shaking non-stop, and the shock had reached an indescribable level.

The [-]-meter Firefinch, which is at least the seventh-rank spirit beast, has disappeared, and countless blood rains pour down from the sky, mixed with messy red feathers...

"Then... is the spirit beast dead?"

Even Qingxuan was completely sluggish at this moment, looking at Lin Feng and then at the circling and beating sleepy rope and beast circle in the sky.

Above the sky, under the dark clouds and thunder, the dragon shuttled between the rain, and the huge body that was rushing towards Lin Feng and others suddenly stopped.

The [-]-meter-long black dragon suddenly stood still and did not dare to move an inch.

Lin Feng turned his head sideways, pointed his right hand forward, without any spiritual power...but with invisible coercion!

With this finger, the beast tide stopped suddenly!

The three giant tigers even groaned and retreated slowly...

"One more move, die!"

Lin Feng's voice roared out, and it spread like a wave, causing boundless waves of anger purely with the power of flesh and blood.

As his voice fell, the beast circle in his hand instantly traveled a thousand meters, and landed on top of the cautiously retreating giant tiger...

The giant tiger was covered in golden light and yellow feathers like a giant cat with blown fur. It screamed miserably, its whole body froze in place, and watched helplessly as the circle of beasts slowly fell towards one of his heads.

The expression in his eyes was extremely clear, no different from anyone else, and he obviously already had spiritual intelligence, but at this moment, there was only fear left.

The dragon above the sky was even closer to Lin Feng. Seeing this scene, he froze his figure. If he looked closely, he could even see his body a hundred meters under the dark clouds trembling!
It's just that even Lin Feng didn't realize at this moment that the spirit-forbidden rules in this illusion had already disappeared at some point, and the vast red-gold palace around them had already formed...

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(End of this chapter)

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