Chapter 49
The sea of ​​clouds of all spirits is now barren.

Only the broken body of a Nuo Daxuan tortoise was lying in the void, and the Golden Palace was shining brightly in its eyes.

Lin Feng's body was still in the posture of performing the secret technique, but there were drops of blood and tears flowing from his eyes...

"What a ruthless person! What a murderous intent... He was the one who used that sword at the beginning!" The phantom of the old man like a golden lion flickered as if it was about to dissipate at any time.

"Haha, I have lived in vain for thousands of years. It turns out that the real enemy is him, and the person who sealed me in the spirit beast cave is my benefactor, haha! Good luck tricks people!"

As his voice sounded like crying, laughing, and roaring, Lin Feng's body slowly moved again.

"This person, really deserve to die!"

Lin Feng kept using the secret method to seize the sea of ​​​​qi, and at the same time he said to himself icily.

At this moment, it was only two days before Wanling Yunhai collapsed, but Lin Feng had experienced half a month in the golden phantom, and everything seemed to empathize with him.

For half a month, there was massacre every day. Thousands of years ago, the entire cave was almost stained red with blood.

A man with a ghostly face practiced magic skills and killed more than [-] people...

Only at this moment did Lin Feng understand the meaning of the golden palace and the mysterious turtle in front of him that raised the sea of ​​energy for thousands of years.

These things are the heritage of the entire Spirit Beast Cave, something preserved by the owner of the cave with his life. What I look forward to is that one day someone will rebuild the Spirit Beast Cave!

With the Golden Palace and Temple as the root, and the boundless sea of ​​energy as the supplement, it is enough to establish such a huge sect!

But God's will is unpredictable. After the prosperity of ancient times, martial arts practitioners are not as good as one generation after another.

It was the first time in thousands of years that such a secret place could be opened. The Golden Palace was dilapidated and decayed. There was a vast ocean in the sky but no foundation.

"This person's cultivation base has already passed through Xuan Shouyuan, and it must have been thousands of years!" Xuangui's figure became thinner and thinner, and it began to slowly dissipate, "I really can't stop you from taking this sea of ​​energy, but you have to help me in the future Take revenge for this sword."

Lin Feng looked out through the golden hall, and saw that the huge body of the black tortoise began to rot at an extremely fast speed, and countless tentacle monsters came out of it. It turned out that these monsters were born from the carrion inside the tortoise .

Seeing the mysterious turtle's soul thoughts dissipate, and the corpse also turned into nothingness at a speed visible to the naked eye, Lin Feng shook his head, feeling that the mysterious turtle was really pathetic.

It's okay to be killed by someone with a sword, but to be suppressed for a thousand years. There should be a glimmer of life that was lost in the thousand years.

Cloud space!
At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt compassion, he tentatively opened the cloud space, clicked the charge button, and then pointed the camera at the soul of the black turtle.

"This...what's the matter?"

I saw a breath-taking aura generated out of thin air, shot out from the small camera, and landed on the almost invisible soul of the black turtle.

The phantom instantly turned into a solid body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black-haired old man lost his voice in shock. He stared at the brick-shaped mobile phone in Lin Feng's hand in disbelief, and immediately felt a terrible suction sweeping his whole body. .

Lin Feng stared blankly at this scene, Yunkong could even store the soul of this ancient monster...

A column suddenly appeared on the cloud space, on which it was marked: a thousand-year-old black tortoise beast soul, excellent material for weapon spirits.


Lin Feng didn't have time to think about it, he saw a few red envelopes and planned to grab them, but he saw that the golden palace started to crack, and a thumb-sized gap gradually appeared.

"We can't delay any longer. With the movement of the sea of ​​air, the body of the black tortoise will disappear, and this entire space will completely collapse and be annihilated in the void..." Lin Feng said without hesitation, and continued to cast secret techniques with more force with his hands.

The boundless sea of ​​air finally appeared in front of him, and the entire Golden Palace sank several meters, as if it could not support this majestic force.

Lin Feng turned his hands into energy, and the black light flowed as if there was a way, and he saw that the originally boundless and vast sea of ​​energy gradually solidified, and finally turned into the size of a fist. The color is very extraordinary.

"Take the moon from the yang, and all things are born together. Its body is yang, and its sea is yin..."

Lin Feng spoke lightly, his hands kept falling on his dantian, and the sea of ​​red gold energy slowly fell towards his dantian.

Outside the Golden Palace, a flood dragon roamed around and roared continuously!
He was actually waiting for Lin Feng!


In Scarlet Blood City, on the Lin Family Square, dozens of heads were standing alone on the ground, and the bloodstains were shocking.

In the Lin family, there was a loud noise at the place where the animal den was located, and the huge black iron wall collapsed...

"Lin Qingshan, you are crazy! Once the animal den is opened, the entire Lin family will experience an unprecedented crisis!" A Supreme Elder stood in front of the animal den and shouted at Lin Qingshan and others.

"The Supreme Elder? Hehe, from now on, the Lin family doesn't need the Elder Hall. Wan Jianmen is the biggest support of my Lin family. Today, the main line will not be left behind by all ages!"

Before Lin Qingshan could speak, Lin Qingyun stood up first, with a harsh voice.

"Lin Qingyun, you are leading a wolf into the house! If you compete with Lin Feng legitimately, my elder hall will never interfere."

Before the words were finished, Lin Qingyun saw a long blue sword appearing in Lin Qingyun's hand, covered with layers of frost, his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the two Supreme Elders.


The blood sword spewed out, and two elders of the seventh floor of the Lingwu rank were killed by this sword...

This scene made many of the Lin family's children feel terribly cold, and they kept silent like greetings. Even Lin Qingshan felt a little reverence for his son.

Lin Qingshan touched the blood on the long sword in his hand, and said coldly: "Compete with Lin Feng justifiably? It's ridiculous, does he have the qualifications to be my opponent? He should be glad that he died in the sea of ​​clouds, otherwise I will decide to come out." Let him live and die!"

"The people in the Presbyterian Hall are really pedantic. Then Lin Feng is just a waste who relies on pills to improve his strength. How can he be compared with Brother Lin Qingyun!"

"Get rid of the main branch, and disband the elder hall!"

"A hundred Lin Fengs are nothing more than a single sword, nothing to worry about! Brother Qingyun, don't get angry..."

The children of the Lin family around shouted one after another, and quickly complimented them. At this moment, the situation is still clear, and there will be a bloodbath in the Lin family today!
"Press all the people from the main line up and open the beast den! I want to see if the people from the elder hall can block these monsters for the family if they can't get out! Haha..." Lin Qingyun laughed wildly, It was as if everything was in his calculations.

At the same time, all forces in Scarlet Blood City had quietly approached the Lin family.

It's just that no one noticed that a woman with a light veil and a body like a wanderer in the city lord's mansion galloped out with hundreds of cavalry...

No one even noticed that strange clouds appeared in the sky in the night, just like when the sea of ​​clouds opened.

(End of this chapter)

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