WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 54 One knife after another!

Chapter 54 One knife after another!

Today, I will cut you a thousand swords!

Lin Feng walked slowly towards Lin Qingyun, and pointed to the corpse of the main line in the distance. Today, almost all the main line was killed by Lin Qingyun, and died at the mouth of the monster. No bones left, no old or weak left behind!

Lin Qingyun looked around but showed a disdainful smile: "They should have died long ago, they should thank me, and then I think you will thank me too... Sending you all together!"

The long sword in Lin Qingyun's hand flashed a cold light. Even though Lin Feng showed unimaginable physical strength just now, he still ignored him. The difference in realm made him very confident.

It's just that the dragon monster behind him made him feel like needles on his back.

"Go to hell!" Lin Qingyun said and slashed out with a sword.

The sword light flickered, and the sword net shot out within more than ten meters in an instant, covering the sky and the sun.

Lin Qingyun's strength at the sixth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm is already well-known in Wanjianmen. There are hundreds of spiritual powers in this sword, each of which is extremely solid. In the middle of the Spiritual Martial Realm, his sea of ​​​​qi is no longer Exists in a gaseous state, but is nearly substantive.

Such a move is enough to instantly kill any early stage spirit martial artist!

When people around saw this scene, they all shook their heads non-stop. They only thought that Lin Feng was too ignorant and overconfident, and knew very little about the Spiritual Martial Realm.

However, Lin Feng smiled coldly, and disappeared in place with a movement of his body, leaving a scarlet gold afterimage in place.

Then a slender cold light tore the sword net apart!
The next moment, Lin Feng appeared next to Lin Qingyun, and his speed had reached the level of appalling!


A blood sword shot out, and Lin Qingyun's abdomen was instantly dyed red...

"It's impossible!" Lin Qingyun felt his scalp go numb, and he backed away crazily.

Lin Feng didn't pursue, but stood still, gently wiped the blood off the dagger, and said calmly, "First cut!"

At this moment, all the people and horses around took a deep breath, the scene was terribly silent for a while, Lin Qingyun, who was on the sixth floor of the Spiritual Martial Realm, didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back!

With one move, he was defeated head-on!

With this knife, if Lin Qingyun had the intention to kill Lin Qingyun, he would surely die...

At this moment, the eyes of many elders from Fenxiangmen and Tongarmmenmen flickered, staring at Lin Feng as if they were staring at a piece of precious jade!
"What kind of good fortune did this child get in the Sea of ​​Thousand Spirits? It's incredible to crush Lin Qingyun in the middle and late stages of the Spiritual Martial Realm at the early stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm!"

"He didn't even appear in the phantom of the sea of ​​qi, and his strength must be reserved. Scarlet Blood City has only produced a few people with such talents in these years... This is a fairy seedling!"


Many elders muttered to themselves and spoke highly of Lin Feng. Ye Hailan, who was standing behind Lin Feng not far away, never spoke, and his eyes never left Lin Feng, as if he was thinking about something carefully.

At this moment, all the elders of Wanjianmen were suppressed by the dragon monster, and they were all in a panic. They expected Lin Qingyun to kill Lin Feng, but they didn't expect Lin Qingyun to be defeated by Lin Feng. This is really unacceptable!
"I want you to die!" Lin Qingyun's face was ferocious and crazy, but after just one fight, he still lost the confidence he had just before. He flipped his right hand and another pill appeared in his hand, and he swallowed it immediately.

Then I saw waves rising out of thin air in his phantom of the sea of ​​qi, and the phantom of the green wood regenerated several feet.

Qingyue Seven Kills!

Then he moved forward with a sword, slashing across the sky like a bright moon alternately, without a trace... A terrifying breath spread out!
Seven and a half moon phantoms appeared out of thin air, spinning and crisscrossing continuously. Even though they were separated by hundreds of meters, many mortal warriors couldn't help but feel a bit of suffocation and feel the bitter chill.

"Qingyue Seven Killing Sword, this is a very famous sword technique of Wanjianmen, and it is a martial skill of the seventh rank of the spiritual rank. His strike has already achieved great success with the help of pills, and it has seven and a half moons of sword energy... ..."

An elder immediately saw the danger of this move, and everyone immediately stared at it, wanting to see how Lin Feng would deal with himself.

It's a pity they were disappointed.

Lin Feng still stared at Lin Qingyun indifferently, the dagger in his hand was wiped white, and immediately left an afterimage and walked towards Lin Qingyun, as if turning a blind eye to this seventh-rank sword skill!

The person is still the same person, the dagger is still the same dagger... The blood spurted out again.

Lin Feng's dagger faintly flashed a red gold color, and if a strong person observes it closely, he can find that this red gold color is a series of spiritual energy, which is extremely dense!
With an easy slash, the brilliance of the seven sword qi was torn apart, and the cold light was bleak, dazzling like phosphorous fire in the dark night.

This time, Lin Feng's dagger completely sank into Lin Qingyun's left abdomen.

"Second knife!"

Those three simple words and a faint voice, when heard by everyone, caused huge waves!
Lin Qingyun, who had taken the elixir, used the martial arts of the seventh rank of the Spiritual Martial Realm, but was still defeated by a simple move... This second strike was far more shocking than the first one!
Crushed, crushed thoroughly!
An early stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm completely crushed the middle stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm...

A family member from Scarlet Blood City crushed the core disciples of the Wanjianmen Immortal Sect!
The minds of all the people are not only shocked, but also how to win him over. Everyone knows that Lin Feng's future achievements will be limitless!

Only the ferocity and madness on Lin Qingyun's face just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a sluggishness, as if the whole person's thoughts were completely destroyed, and he kept muttering: "What the hell is going on? This is impossible……"

"I said, today is the day you pay off your debt!" Lin Feng said.


"One knife is a life, the main line of debt, today you have to pay back all!" Lin Feng turned the dagger, and immediately left a deep bloodstain on Lin Qingyun's shoulder again.


Lin Qingyun yelled miserably, and subconsciously wanted to quickly back away, but Lin Feng followed him at a body distance like a ghost.

"Father, save me!!" Lin Qingyun was in a panic at the moment, his whole body was covered in blood.

Among the Lin family crowd, Lin Qingshan's hands trembled uncontrollably, his face was ashen.

All this happened too fast and too unbelievable, far beyond his expectation...

Lin Qingshan faltered, every step was extremely difficult, he walked out of the crowd slowly and stared at the dragon monster for a while, and finally said to Lin Feng with a gloomy face: "Lin Feng, I don't want to fight with you, he is yours after all Cousin, can you spare his life for the sake of his bloodline?"

Lin Feng's hands froze, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He pointed to the blood stains all over the ground in the distance, and said coldly: "They are the blood of the Lin family. I'm afraid many of them are even your elders? When they died, you remembered Blood relatives!"

Just as Lin Feng's voice fell, another knife landed on Lin Qingyun.

Lin Qingyun's eyes were blurred at the moment, and the intense pain made him even want to commit suicide!

"This son is so cold-hearted that he really intends to kill Lin Qingyun with a knife!" Manager Yun stood beside Ye Hailan, frowning slightly.

Ye Hailan was silent for a while, and said lightly: "The road of a warrior has been full of bones since ancient times, and once he succeeds, his bones will wither... If there is no such heart, no matter how talented he is, he will die in the future. Maybe I should leave Chi Blood City."

Ye Hailan's words surprised Mr. Yun, and he stopped talking immediately, and just stared at Lin Qingshan from a distance.

 It is shameful to ask for a reward and recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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