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Chapter 62 The first time, the stars move!

Chapter 62 The second time, the stars move!

The star light slowly dissipated, and Lin Feng's first star movement vision shook the four directions.

The starlight on the latent star stone slowly lit up.



After everyone saw it clearly, they couldn't help being stunned and lost their minds, and they were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Why is Lin Feng's first star movement vision so terrifying that it only has two stars...

"Hmph, it turned out to be an embroidered pillow! For the first time, the movement of the stars can measure the strength of a person's muscles and bones, and the strength of the sea of ​​energy can be used to deduce the future potential. It seems that your bones are so poor!" Yuanfang Tianxingyun took the lead Speak out, the words are full of ridicule.

"Why is his vision so terrifying that the first star movement only has two stars?" Hai Wuya couldn't help frowning, then stared at Lin Feng for a while and muttered: "I see...according to the vision and the first movement just now Guessing from two starlights in a single star movement, this person may be very talented, but the skills he cultivated are of extremely high rank, and the sea of ​​energy is extremely strong!"

Hai Wuya couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

After all, relying on past experience, the first star movement almost determines the improvement rate of the next two star movements.

Talent, and the strength of the current state are equal to the foundation, especially talent... There are seven levels of a person's potential strength, which lies in the word talent.

Those who can become immortal seedlings are all those who are extremely powerful in the same realm, but their common feature is that they are extremely talented. Many of them have ancient blood and are endowed with extraordinary talents.

Hai Wuya's voice fell into everyone's ears and immediately spread, and a red blood disciple suddenly realized, and exclaimed: "I remembered, Lin Feng is the son of the previous head of the Lin family, it is said that when he was kicked out of the family, he didn't No qualifications for cultivation!"

"What, a person without cultivation qualifications can become a fairy seedling?"

"This guy's first star movement has two stars. I think it is the limit. In the next two star movements, I am afraid that none of them will be able to light up..."

"So what? At the beginning, the Tongarm Gate was boastful. As long as this person enters the Tongarm Gate, he will definitely have the position of Immortal Seedling! Even if he fails the test today, the Immortal Miao will not be able to escape...haha!"

Fenxianggu and Wanjianmen sneered one after another, and the faces of the elders who brought Lin Feng and Ye Hailan back from the Scarlet Blood City were bluish.

But they never thought that Lin Feng's combat power was amazing, but his natural aptitude was unable to light up the first submerged star.

In the distance, Zhang Qian slowly came out from behind in the crowd and stood beside Qingxuan.

Staring at Lin Feng for a long while, he finally shook his head and said to Lin Qingxuan: "Qingxuan, what Master said is wrong? Although this person has a good chance and can get to this point with extremely poor aptitude, how can the journey of a warrior rely on chance? Going forward with the word luck, Tian Xingyun is born with a body of fire, and his future is boundless, if you form a Taoist partner with him, you will have a bright future!"

Zhang Qian seemed to have seen through Lin Feng, and decided that he could only go so far with this sound.

"Brother Feng, if his cultivation is limited in this life, I will return to the mountains with him. If the journey of a warrior is too bumpy, then we will not set foot on it again..." Lin Qingxuan never left Lin Feng's eyes, and muttered in her mouth The words seemed to be speaking to Lin Feng from afar.

Lin Feng seemed to be quite responsive too, turning around with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, he bared his teeth and raised his eyebrows at Lin Qingxuan, his expression was quite funny, but it made Lin Qingxuan giggle.

This scene made Zhang Qian's complexion suddenly ugly. Tian Xingyun's complexion in the distance was already blue and furious, and he shouted violently: "Trash! Junior sister Lin Qingxuan tested the five-star fairy seedling three times in the star-moving stone, how do you match him?" !"

"With your talent, how can you have any potential? I'm afraid the next two star movements won't be triggered at all. How can you compare to me, a waste like you!"

Inside the Tongarm Gate, Tian Xingyun was infatuated with Lin Qingxuan, and even Zhang Qian agreed that the two would form a Taoist couple. Now everyone listened to his words and looked at Lin Feng, but they couldn't help but nodded.

Tian Xingyun has the body of ancient flames, and has tested the potential of five-star fairy seedlings, and Lin Qingxuan is the same. Apart from their looks, the two are not compatible, but they are also very suitable. After all, the most important thing for a warrior is to cultivate.

"Noisy, talk less if you look like a buffalo, don't come out to meet people if you're ugly!" Lin Feng retorted.


These words made Lin Qingxuan couldn't help laughing, and the laughter of the three great immortal sects around him was also rising one after another, Tian Xingyun's appearance was unbearable, but Lin Feng's analogy... was really just right, but no one dared to say it before That's all.

Tian Xingyun trembled all over, but it's a pity that Lin Feng turned away in hatred after he finished speaking, and didn't even look at him anymore.

"He's going to test the second star movement. I hope he can light up another one, so that at least he has passed the test, and I won't be too embarrassing if I pass the door."

"Three-star seedling? I think if he really stepped into the sect with the qualifications of a three-star seedling, he might not live long..."

It was really not a wise move for Lin Feng to anger Tian Xingyun in the eyes of everyone.


At this time, the second star movement appeared on the potential star stone!

This time, there was no dazzling aura or vast vision, only a ray of light slowly falling from the top of Lin Feng's head into the Latent Star Stone without showing any trace.

Immediately afterwards, the starlight was shining brightly, on the potential star stone, the starlight flashed at an extremely fast speed, and immediately after the first star movement, two starlights lit up!

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

Looking at the three stars that lit up once on the potential star stone, tens of thousands of people gasped, and in just one breath, three stars lit up again in the second movement of the stars!
"Five-star seedlings! How is this possible..."

"With this talent, this person can actually light up three stars in the second star movement!"

"Didn't it mean that he doesn't have the aptitude for cultivation? Then where does his potential come from? He also said that he can't reach three stars, but now he has five stars..."

Even Hai Wuya, the patriarch of the Tongbi Sect, was stunned at this moment. He didn't know what to say. On the other side, Master Qingxuan Zhang Qian's eyes were as round as the clouds in the sky. It was like being slapped on the face by Lin Feng invisibly.

Just when everyone was astonished, the star light of the latent star stone stopped for a moment, but jumped again...

In the blink of an eye, there were two more starburst arcs, and now there are seven starbursts on the potential star stone.

At this moment, tens of thousands of people from the three great immortal sects had their eyes wide open, and the scene was silent for a while.

The three masters of Fenxiang Valley, Wanjianzong, and Tongbimen flew across the sky and landed beside Qianxingshi together!

The three people's faces were full of shock. For hundreds of years, no one has accumulated more than six stars in the second star movement... Even if it is Ye Hailan's second star movement, the Qianxing Shi Shengsang is only Only six stars.

During the second star movement, there were already seven starbursts on the hidden star stone, and five of them were lit up by the second star movement... This kind of situation is unheard of!

However, at this moment, Lin Feng's right hand fell to the potential star stone again, and he was about to trigger the third star movement!

Could it be that another nine-star top-grade fairy seedling will be produced today?
Everyone subconsciously shook their heads, secretly saying that Seven Stars had already reached the top of the three sects of fairy seedlings, and nine star seedlings were hard to come by, how could there be two in one test!

This is impossible……

(End of this chapter)

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