Chapter 64

Afterwards, Hai Wuya seemed to have made some decision in his mind, and said in a deep voice, "Let's stop here for now, Lin Feng, follow the Five-Star Immortal Seedling and enter the Arm Gate, and then do the test later, and you will be able to find out how many stars you are at that time." Fairy seedlings."

As soon as Hai Wuya said these words, a turbulent sea immediately set off.

Is he going to use the latent star stone condensed by the first generation founder of the ancestor...

As we all know, only one star potential stone that has been used for hundreds of years has been damaged in the three cases, and now only three star potential stones are left in each case. At this moment, two more pieces of the arm door are broken, which can be said to be a great loss .

And Hai Wuya's words obviously meant to use the hidden star stone left by the founding ancestor who had never been seen before!
This potential star stone is also known as the ancestor potential star stone. It has never been used for hundreds of years. It is rumored that it will cost a lot of resources to use it once, and the starlight on it is far more than nine stars!
Could it be said that Lin Feng's potential exceeded the limit of the imitation latent star stone?

This question could not be dispelled among the people, but immediately they all shook their heads fiercely. Ye Hailan's sky-high posture is also worthy of nine stars. Could it be that this ordinary Lin family child is stronger than Ye Hailan?
"It's all gone..." Just when everyone was puzzled, Hai Wuya said in a deep voice, "Lin Feng, this is the five-star fairy seedling waist card, which enjoys the treatment of five-star fairy seedlings in the sect."

Lin Feng cupped his fists to receive the purple sapphire tablet, and it was cold, with a five-character seal engraved on it.

And Ye Hailan directly issued a nine-star waist card with the word "Hai" engraved on it... This seems to be made by Hai Wuya's waist card. I am afraid that Ye Hailan will be able to use this waist card in Tongarm Gate in the future. s right.

Tens of thousands of people also gradually left the main peak amidst noisy quarrels.

Above the main peak, the crowd gradually dispersed.

After a long while, there were only a few figures still standing in place. On the main peak of Nuoda, Lin Qingxuan and Lin Feng stared at each other. Not far from their right front were Tian Xingyun and Zhang Qian, who stood more than a dozen behind them. Disciple of the Tong Arm Sect!
On the left is Ye Hailan, looking at them with interest.

"Qingxuan, come here!" Zhang Qian stared at Lin Feng with an ugly expression, and shouted in a deep voice.

He didn't believe that Lin Feng could possess the potential of the nine-star super fairy seedlings. Even the five-star status that Hai Wuya gave him at the moment was just a stopgap measure. After all, the test was held in front of all the three great immortal sects. .

Moreover, he was fortunate enough to see the Ancestral Possessed Star Stone...

Just one glance at that thing can shake people's minds. Every time it moves, it takes more than a dozen spiritual powerhouses to pull it with great power. This thing is so terrifying that it can be seen. The star stone is just a tactic to delay the attack, and he said it casually.

Compared with Lin Feng, Tian Xingyun's position in the Tongbi Sect is already extremely high. If Lin Qingxuan and Tian Xingyun form a good relationship between Qin and Jin, it will definitely benefit him incomparably.

Lin Qingxuan had a very embarrassed expression. On the one hand, she was disgusted with Tian Xingyun, but on the other hand, she was in awe of Zhang Qian.

At this time, Lin Feng's figure turned into an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Qingxuan, stopped him in his arms, turned sideways to Zhang Qian and Tian Xingyun, and said, "You just took Qingxuan with you. Entering the Tongbi Gate, it's just a kindness to know you, don't really treat yourself like a green onion!"

"Brother Feng, you..." Lin Qingxuan was a little flustered when she heard Lin Feng's words, and she didn't even dare to look at Zhang Qian.

At this moment, Zhang Qian and Tian Xingyun's faces were so gloomy that they almost dripped water. Zhang Qian's fingers trembled in anger, and he was speechless for a while.

Seeing that Lin Feng and Qingxuan were so close, Tian Xingyun was furious, the air around him suddenly exploded, and clusters of red flames burst out of his skin out of thin air, flying straight several meters high, a very strong aura Spread out from him.

Even Zhang Qian couldn't help but retreat from the dozen or so Tongarm disciples behind him.

"Lin Feng, you can be regarded as a fifth-grade fairy seedling at this moment. There are no less than [-] disciples of the Tongbi Sect. What kind of woman doesn't come at you with a wave of your hand. Do you really want to fight against Senior Brother Tian Xingyun?" Behind Tian Xingyun, a disciple of the Tongbi Sect Walking in front of Lin Feng, "Brother Tian Xingyun has been in the Tongarm Gate for two years and has used up countless rare treasures in his hands. You should make friends with these things..."

This person held a lot of rare elixir and talisman papers, among which the grade was not low, but Lin Feng stared at this person's eyes with a sneering smile.

Such low-level sowing dissension is really an insult to IQ!
If it were another person, maybe he would be attracted by the pile of valuable things in his hands, but Qingxuan would be sad if she was a little dazed, and would be scorned by this person in the end.

"Make a friend, you are not worthy!" Lin Feng sneered suddenly, and swung his right hand forward vigorously, the red gold color spread all over his right arm.

This person's complexion suddenly changed, never thought that Lin Feng would dare to attack him directly in front of everyone!

It happened only in a split second, this person just finished speaking, took out a bunch of things, and what greeted him was Lin Feng's red gold palm...

This person is full of spiritual light, and the phantom of the sea of ​​energy in his body is about to emerge in an instant, but the two are too close!
The rare and elixir talisman papers in this person's hands were scattered all over the ground, and the whole person was thrown away, and was directly blasted thousands of meters by Lin Feng like a cannonball. Like falling down a staircase...

Everyone behind Tian Xingyun stared at Lin Feng, his scalp became numb, and he took a deep breath of the cold air. The man just now was a strong man at the third level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. Even though this blow was a bit unexpected, it knocked him into the air with one punch. Kilometer's life and death are unknown, which is enough to explain the power of Lin Feng's blow.

At the same time, Lin Feng stretched his right foot forward slowly, and crushed all the talisman papers, elixir, and pill bottles on the ground in front of everyone, and said lightly: "I don't like these things. !"

Tian Xingyun was completely angry at this moment, and the rocks under his feet turned red as if they were about to melt. He grabbed his hands out of thin air, and a flaming spear appeared.

"Do you really think that you are invincible at the same level? I will let you die here today!" Tian Xingyun's eyes moved with murderous intent.

"Tian Xingyun can't..." Seeing that Tian Xingyun was about to kill Lin Feng at this time, Zhang Qian's face changed and he quickly shouted.

Lin Feng continued to sneer, and his right hand was already in his hand.

"Go away, even if he breaks the rules today, I will teach him a lesson!" Tian Xingyun was shocked, and he shouted Zhang Qian back, holding a flaming long spear in the air and stabbing thousands of flaming spear dragons at Lin Feng!
This day, Xingyun's flames are powerful enough to swallow tens of meters, like a Vulcan, and his aura may have reached the middle and late stages of the Spiritual Martial Realm!

"If you want to die, I'll play with you today!" With a move of Lin Feng's right hand, he was about to summon the dragon mount from the cloud space, and at the same time, the sleepy rope roared out, heading towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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