Chapter 77

On the peak of Tongarm Gate.

A giant eagle mount was circling, roaring and swooping down towards the wing room on the second mountain peak.

Such a scene attracted many people from the hall to stand up and stare sideways.

"That's Elder Feng, he came back from Xianyun Peak..."

"Only Elder Feng dared to steer his mount directly to the bottom of the main peak. Who is behind him? Why isn't it Yuan Er."

"That's Lin Feng! This guy provoked Yuan Er. It seems that he was captured by Elder Feng at this moment. Is this direction going to Feng Xingyun?"


Everyone exclaimed incessantly and began to speculate.

The feud between Lin Feng and Feng Xingyun because of Lin Qingxuan is well known, and it is no secret that Tian Xingyun asked Yuan Er to find trouble with Lin Feng.

"It's just that he shouldn't have provoked Feng Xingyun, let alone offended Yuan Er!" A student outside Zangshu Pavilion shook his head.

"Let's go, go and see the excitement. What Lin Feng said is a five-star seedling. I don't know what happened."

The giant eagle landed, Elder Feng walked in front, Lin Feng and others were behind, quite puzzled.

"Why is Elder Feng looking for Tian Xingyun..." the elder of Zangshuge asked.

Lin Feng also frowned slightly, not knowing what Elder Feng meant by doing this.

Elder Feng didn't answer, and led the crowd outside the door of the wing...

Immediately, two disciples greeted him inside the door, and respectfully said: "See Elder Feng."

"Call out Tian Xingyun!" Elder Feng felt a little chilled.

The two looked at each other, bowed and walked towards the courtyard.


I saw Feng Xingyun and an old man walking out of the courtyard, slowly walking towards Lin Feng and Elder Feng.

At this time, there were more and more people watching around, all of them didn't understand why Elder Feng brought Lin Feng to find Tian Xingyun.

"Lin Feng offended Yuan Er in front of Zangshu Pavilion early in the morning, and now Elder Feng has captured him but came to find Tian Xingyun. Could it be that he wants him to admit his mistake in front of Tian Xingyun?"

"Tian Xingyun and Yuan Er have always been friends, and the reason why Yuan Er deliberately found fault may have something to do with Tian Xingyun."

Everyone started guessing, and Tian Xingyun, who was walking towards him, had a stern look on his face when he saw Lin Feng.

"See Elder Feng!" Tian Xingyun cupped his fists and bowed to Elder Feng.

However, Elder Feng remained calm, and said indifferently: "Yesterday you went to the Pill Hall to find Yuan Er? Is it because of this person beside me..."

Everyone heard Elder Feng's words, and they immediately understood.

I only felt that Lin Feng's luck was more than luck.

Among the crowd, Yun Zheng rushed out from nowhere, stood in front of Lin Feng, saluted Elder Feng, and said eagerly: "Elder Feng, Lin Feng didn't know how powerful he was when he first entered the sect, please don't be as knowledgeable as him !"

Yun Zheng had a look of guilt on his face.

Elder Feng remained silent, just staring at Tian Xingyun, but Lin Feng had a strange expression on his face, wondering what kind of medicine this elder was selling in his throat.

"Xingyun, since Elder Feng asked you, you should answer truthfully..." the elder beside Tian Xingyun said lightly.

Tian Xingyun nodded, feeling that Yuan Er was quite efficient in handling affairs, and after only one day, Elder Feng actually captured Lin Feng with his own hands and brought him to him, which made him a little unbelievable.

Originally, according to the sect's rules, he had to wait a month before taking action against Lin Feng, but Tian Xingyun couldn't wait any longer.

That's why he mobilized Yuan Er to use Elder Feng to deal with Lin Feng!
"Report to Elder Feng, there is indeed such a thing, this Lin Feng is arrogant and domineering when he first entered the sect..."

Tian Xingyun kept sneering at the corner of his mouth, staring at Lin Feng, as if you were dead, but before he finished speaking, the front was blurred.


Immediately, the whole person seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground, and the ground even sank a little.

Elder Feng's beard and hair were all bulging, and the robes around his body were automatic without wind. He said in a cold voice: "Over the years, if it wasn't for you, Yuan Er, you wouldn't have become so arrogant, and he wouldn't have died by my hands today!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, Yuan Er is actually dead!
And he died at the hands of Elder Feng.

"Elder Feng, this matter is related to me..." Tian Xingyun prostrated himself on the ground with an earthy face, and spoke with difficulty, as if he wanted to explain.

However, before he could finish his words, he flew a thousand meters away, crashing into a rockery, billowing in smoke and dust, and being buried in the ruins.

"This is the first, and the second is that Lin Feng's benefactor saved my life today, and I will repay this favor today!" Elder Feng's voice was cold and murderous, and all the people around were all excited.

They had never seen Elder Feng so angry.

But what shocked everyone even more was what he said. He actually called Lin Feng a benefactor?

This is simply too unbelievable, could it be that Elder Feng came out for Lin Feng today!
"Elder Feng, you have a noble status, how can you attack juniors, besides, Tian Xingyun has already recognized me as a teacher, so I should discipline you if you make mistakes..." The elder who was with Tian Xingyun said in a deep voice with a very ugly face .


Elder Feng yelled violently, and a golden pill appeared in his hand. It scattered all around, exuding terrifying pressure, and everyone around retreated, even the elder who spoke turned ugly.

Standing behind Elder Feng, Lin Feng never said a word. He knew that Elder Feng's anger today was not just for repaying his life-saving grace, but also for Yuan Er...

Although Elder Feng killed Yuan Er with his own hands, he has been tolerant all these years, and he is very clear about Yuan Er's actions, which shows that he has used his affection.

Now that Yuan Er died, he died because of Tian Xingyun's troubles, he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Following Elder Feng's yell, the master Xingyun that day had no choice but to stand aside, silent, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Elder Feng snorted coldly, and with a move of his right hand, a golden light radiated out, and Tian Xingyun flew out of the pile of rocks and landed heavily in front of Lin Feng.

"Although Yuan Er's death was deserved, it has an inseparable relationship with the two of you. It is a great kindness for you to save my life, but I don't want to owe you... Tian Xingyun's life is entrusted to you today, you I'm clean!" Although Elder Feng's face was a little old, his voice was full of spirit.

As soon as these words came out, the people around them all lost their voices in shock.

Elder Feng actually wanted to kill Tian Xingyun... and handed it over to Lin Feng!

"This Lin Feng saved Elder Feng's life, how is this possible?"

"Didn't you say that Elder Feng was trapped in Xianyun Peak in the early morning? Elder Qi and the three formation masters were invited there, but what does this have to do with Lin Feng?"

"Does Lin Feng really want to kill Tian Xingyun?"

Everyone didn't know why, and they couldn't believe it at all, that Tian Xingyun, who was extremely ranked among the fairy seedlings of the Tongbi sect, would be offered as a favor by Elder Feng... to give him his life as a favor!
"Feng Qianye, don't bully people too much!" The master who Xingyun was angry that day shouted violently.

(End of this chapter)

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