Chapter 96

How many contribution points can more than ten of you gather?
As soon as Lin Feng said this, more than a dozen people in front of us were stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized, and said angrily: "Why do you still want to rob us by yourself?"

More than a dozen people immediately looked at each other, and then they came to understand what Lin Feng meant, and immediately roared with laughter.

If they had said anything in the past, they would not have taken action against a five-star fairy seedling, but now there is the temptation of a sub-king elixir, and Lin Feng happened to enter the training room area...

Although more than a dozen of them are not high in cultivation, most of them are at the second or third level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, but ten people teamed up and they are confident that even the fifth or even sixth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm can be defeated!
"Speak wildly, so what if a brat like you is a fairy seedling..."

"You're not old, but your tone is not young!"

"Why are you talking nonsense with him, just beat him!"

More than a dozen people saw that more and more people gathered around, and they didn't dare to hesitate any longer, for fear that the news would leak and someone would rob them of the opportunity.

The leader shouted loudly: "Take him down for me, and be merciful in every shot, don't make him crippled... when the time comes, the things will be sold and split equally!"

As the boss yelled loudly, a stern look flashed across the faces of more than a dozen people. They were all ordinary disciples, and now they could bully a five-star fairy seedling, and they felt inexplicably refreshed!
It's just that they didn't realize that the people around them were all looking at Lin Feng attentively, and they didn't mean to belittle what Lin Feng said just now.

After a dozen people from a distance entered the training room, three disciples wearing fairy seedling badges followed closely behind them, staring at them from a distance, as if they were about to perform a scene of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind them at any moment.

More than a dozen people didn't procrastinate at all. If there was a disagreement, more than a dozen people came out to fight, and countless attacks fell on the ground!
It was as if he wanted to win Lin Feng in one fell swoop.

Lin Feng gave a cold shout, and the giant hammer in his right hand suddenly appeared, with a mighty and simple meaning, and the inscription flashed on it!
As soon as the giant hammer came out, the onlookers swallowed their saliva immediately, and subconsciously backed away a few steps.

They can still vividly remember Lin Feng's power of three hammers today.

The sledgehammer appeared, and streaks of dazzling golden light flooded it. In an instant, Lin Feng looked as majestic as an ancient god of war!
Refining and Hammering Method, the first type: Hammer!
One word 'hammer' means nine blows, a chain of moves, one hammer is better than one hammer!
Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng swung his giant hammer like the wind, almost forming a circular light curtain on his right side!
At this moment, in Lin Feng's eyes, these ten people are like red-hot black iron on a stone platform, waiting to be tempered!

bang bang...

As soon as Lin Feng made a move, the two who were rushing towards him were thrown away, and the weapons in their hands were broken into several knots!
Lin Feng jumped up and fell into the crowd, the shadow of the hammer around him was like an oval light curtain on all sides.

And he struck out with one hammer after another, and with each blow, a figure was thrown flying, spitting blood...

A blow is worth a blow, and the shadow of the hammer all over the sky made everyone feel as if they had been struck by lightning, and felt depressed for a while.

"So strong! How could this person have such combat power..."

"Boss, get out, this man's martial arts are like a tsunami, one hammer is stronger than the other, I don't think he is afraid even if we are at the sixth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm!"

Lin Feng stood among the crowd like a god of war.

In an instant, the people around him were all trembling with fear, and the dozen or so people who had vowed so firmly were defeated in the blink of an eye!
"Stop! We admit defeat..."

Only the remaining two or three shouted loudly, their voices full of fear.

It's a pity that it was still blown away in the next second.

After more than a dozen people were lying on the ground in disarray, Lin Feng put away the sledgehammer and muttered, "This is the seventh hammer. I haven't used up the first chain skill yet, so it's boring..."

People around stared at Lin Feng, their eyes widened, and their lips felt a little dry.

The Seven Hammers defeated more than a dozen third-level spirit martial artists!

Chicken tile dog is nothing more than that...

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Feng walked slowly in front of more than a dozen people, and said lightly: "Do you still have to do it yourself..."

More than a dozen people stared at Lin Feng as if they saw a monster, and quickly put all the badges into the hands of the leader.

The leader collected everyone's contribution points and handed them to Lin Feng slowly with an ugly face, and said in a deep voice, "There are more than 2 contribution points here, can you tell me, what is your cultivation..."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, he took the waist card, and then he was in a good mood, and said casually: "It's only the third level of the Spirit Martial Realm."

"What, this talent is at the third level of the Spiritual Martial Realm!"

"How is this possible, a third-level Spiritual Martial Realm can defeat more than ten third-level Spiritual Martial Realm with seven moves..."

"Does this person have an ancient anti-sky physique? I'm afraid he is almost invincible at the same level!"

Lin Feng's words set off a turbulent wave in the crowd. He defeated more than ten people with seven moves at the same level, making everyone's mind go blank.

"This time we admit it, but I think you are a five-star fairy seedling..." The leader looked at the long sword that had been broken into several sections, and smiled wryly.

Lin Feng didn't think so in his heart, the exercises he was practicing at this time were perfected by the God of Nine Suns who was in charge of the destiny, and it would be a shame if he couldn't be invincible at the same level.

What's more, Lin Feng also has a great advantage in martial arts.

Lin Feng roughly counted the contribution points in his hands, frowned slightly, thinking in his heart that these contribution points were not enough to stay in the superior training room for eighteen days.

He grabbed a total of [-] contribution points before and after, and these contribution points are only enough for fifteen days.

There are still three days of contribution points...

A smile flickered across the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and his eyes slowly fell on the few fairy seedlings in the corner.

Feeling Lin Feng's gaze, several people felt excited all over.

"Didn't you guys line up to get the pills from Elder Feng just now? Why did you follow here? Are you trying to snatch my things like them..." There was a narrow smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

These people were standing not far behind him in the pill hall just now, Lin Feng remembered it clearly.

The waist tags worn by the three of them were three three-star fairy seedlings. The three of them felt cold when they were stared at by Lin Feng, and said with a stiff smile: "Brother, don't be joking, I never think so..."

The few people felt very distressed. They wanted to have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind them, but now they have no idea at all.

The three of them could defeat the dozen or so people just now, but they would never be as easy as Lin Feng... This also means that even if they can't beat Lin Feng!

After the three of them finished speaking, they were about to leave the practice room immediately.

But he was stopped by Lin Feng, and he said calmly: "Stealing a chicken is not worth losing money, have you heard of it?"

The faces of the three of them were gloomy, and they were very angry.

People around were staring at Lin Feng in disbelief...

This guy has changed from being robbed to being robbed!

"There are [-] contribution points here, if you let us go, you can count as making friends... How about it?" The faces of the three were ashen, and the leader said in a deep voice.

When Lin Feng heard it, not only did he not accept it, but he showed joy. It seems that these three people have huge sums of money!
"I don't know how many contribution points are needed for the ultimate training room..." Lin Feng thought involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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