Chapter 244

Because it was the busy season of farming, Yang and Qian also went to the field to help, and Ah Liu and Ah Xi had already been sent out, so there was no one at home at this time.

Ever since she walked out of the mountain forest, Yu Lianyu was so surprised that she didn't know how to express her inner shock. She had never seen such a tall building, and she had never seen the buildings that were still under construction around Li Lier's house. Style, where is this place, how can there be such a tall building.

After returning home, Li Lier asked Jiang He to put Shi Ying on the wooden sofa in the side hall, while Xiao Liu went upstairs to get her the tools to injure her. By Jun Yi's side.

Xiao Liu moved very quickly. After handing over the medicine box to Li Lier, he was ready to boil hot water. Jun Yi was even more satisfied to see him busy and still orderly. However, the child was still young, so he let him Jiang He went to help.

Shi Ying suffered knife wounds all on his upper body, so he needed to take off his clothes, but because some of the scars were obviously old for some time, the blood had dried up and even his clothes were stuck to the wounds, if he took off his clothes directly, the wounds would be It will definitely break again.

Li Lier thought for a while and took the scissors to cut.Yu Lianyu, who had been looking at her all the time, stopped her convulsively, "Girl, what are you doing, Guard Shi's injury is so serious, he can't be dealt with casually, let the doctor come over."

Is this the rhythm of thinking that she wants to deal with Shi Ying on her own? Li Li'er really seems to be saying something rude, shit, it's rare for her to show kindness so that people will accuse him openly and secretly, right?

But thinking about it, she still decided to ignore this woman. This person and herself are completely of two levels, two styles.After a few clicks, Li Li'er cut Shi Ying's clothes to pieces, revealing the firm and sturdy bronze skin inside. Seeing this, Yu Lianyu screamed artificially, and then turned around quickly.

Li Li'er couldn't help but give her a supercilious look, what's the point of turning around after seeing it?She didn't notice Jun Yi's slightly frowned brows, Jun Yi was actually a little tangled in his heart, he knew that Li Li'er was treating Shi Ying's wounds, but he felt uncomfortable when Li Li'er saw the victim's body, his figure Much better than Stone Eagle.

It means to look at his body as well.It's just Jun Yi, you all know that he is treating injuries, but you still care so much about your IQ.

Sure enough, people in love not only have IQ problems, but also people will become fussy and jealous anytime, anywhere.

Jiang He soon came over with Xiao Liu with hot water. The new wound was treated very quickly, and the earlier wound was about to come slowly. Use a hot wet towel to wipe off the dried blood bit by bit. Clean it, and tear off the cloth sticking to the wound little by little.

Li Li'er is a cruel person, but when facing her patients, she was very patient and acted like a benevolent doctor, so Shi Ying, who was unconscious during the process, felt no pain at all, while Jun Yi, who was watching at the same time, looked at Shi Ying with more and more unkind eyes.

It's really rare to see Li Li'er so gentle and careful. He was treated by Li Li'er in such a general way only once. He knew he shouldn't think about these messy things, but he just couldn't help it.

After dressing Shi Ying's wound, Li Li'er also fed him a big tonic pill.Shi Ying couldn't wear any clothes, and they didn't bring a change of clothes, so Li Li'er could only cover him with a blanket. Fortunately, he was wrapped in many bandages so that the wind wouldn't pass through, and the weather wasn't very cold. , Covering a blanket is just right.

(End of this chapter)

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