Chapter 279

Emperor Chongshun was sitting alone on the single sofa, and on the main seat, while Jun Yi and the others were sitting on the multi-person sofa.It's just that only the four of them can enjoy this kind of honor. The other officials in Dali are all standing, except for some older Emperor Chongshun who thoughtfully gave him a seat.

As for the people at Chu Yue's side, the visitors are guests, so Emperor Chongshun naturally wouldn't let them stand, he also asked someone to move chairs over for them to sit on, but compared with the sofa they were sitting on, there was really nothing comparable up.

This inevitably made Chu Yue's envoys look down, but it was only a matter of chairs, and here was what they could say in Dali. It's their business that they sit together, what qualifications do they have to talk about others, maybe they will cause a commotion.

So Chu Yue's envoy was very aggrieved in his heart, and he was very aggrieved from the moment the sofa appeared.

And the most displeased person among them is probably this delicate girl, Miss Feng. Miss Feng's name is Qingcheng. title of
The beauty is picturesque, and the muscles are fat.Feng Qingcheng has a very perfect oval face, her eyebrows are like black willow leaves, her slightly raised phoenix eyes seem to be calm but hide sharpness, under her small and straight nose, her plump lips are untouched and vermilion. Lightly sipping but also revealed a trace of charm.

She just sat there quietly, like a carefully drawn picture of a lady, full of elegance and nobility, but she was still calm and calm in the face of such a big battle. Compared with ordinary ladies, she was already taller. Out a lot.

When Feng Qingcheng was looking at Li Lier, she was actually looking at Li Lier, but Li Lier was looking at her openly, while she was much more subtle.

She could see that Li Lier was different from ordinary people. Li Lier's no pressure in front of Emperor Chongshun, and even some rude behaviors, all showed that Li Lier was unusual, as if Bai Luofeng saw Chongshun Emperor Shun saluted, but Li Lier just nodded to Emperor Chongshun, and didn't kneel down. The strange thing is that Emperor Chongshun didn't say anything, even the officials of Dali didn't say anything. .

As a subject, which person does not need to salute the Lord of a country?Even when she saw the Emperor Dali, she still needed to salute, and she felt a little jealous of Emperor Chongshun's Long Wei, but she concealed it very well on the surface, but Li Lier was different, she seemed to be really not afraid of Emperor Chongshun, and she did not salute. Could it be that she, like King Xuan of Dali, was exempted from kneeling and worshiping?Who the hell is this Li Lier?

At first she disdained Li Lier, after all, Li Lier's clothes all showed that her status was actually very low, maybe she was just a village girl who was recruited by Dali to humiliate Chu Yue in turn. After all, the competition was proposed by Chu Yue. If she loses, then Chu Yue will bring shame on herself, and the other party is a village girl. This will spread, and people in the world don’t know how to laugh at them. moon.

But couldn't they see clearly that the focus of this competition was actually on the women's competition, otherwise they wouldn't have proposed that a woman must participate.

It is not a lie that she has the title of the world's most talented woman, so Chu Yue is bound to win this competition. If she wins, she can get cheap cement from Dali. To be able to ridicule the incompetence of the Dali woman is a slap in the face.

And they also took into account the two Gods of War in the Dali. The talents of these two people are what they taboo the most. Even the later Bai Luofeng and the others don't pay much attention to them, so they may be destined to lose the two games Yes, but it doesn't matter, isn't there two more rounds, she just needs to guarantee that she can win, even if Chu Yue loses the competition in the end, they still have a chance to embarrass Dali, right?

(End of this chapter)

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