Chapter 327

It's a pity, it seems that King Xuan has already abducted him, otherwise he really likes Li Lier, he has so many sons, no matter what, he is worthy of Li Lier.

The regret in Zhongyonghou's heart.

No matter how you look at it, the youngest son and Li Li'er are walking very close together, so why didn't they abduct him? His appearance is no worse than Jun Yi's, right? The two of them can be said to be on equal footing, but each has its own merits. .

Well, maybe it's because radishes and vegetables have their own loves, and love can't be forced.

"Miss Li, Yi Yang wrote to me saying that the poison in my body can be cured? Is that right?" Even after receiving a letter from his eldest son, Zhongyong Hou came to Jinxiu Village in such a hurry, and he would not reconcile with Jin Jing. We left the capital together.

"Yes, but I suggest to force the cold and moisture out of Lord Hou's body first, because the detoxification process must be carried out in ice water. If your cold syndrome is not cured first, when the time comes It can take a lot of pain."

"Okay, let's treat the cold syndrome first as Miss Li said. Anyway, it's been so many years, I don't care about these few days." Zhongyonghou was so excited, but he still tried his best to restrain his emotions, otherwise he would wait a while. It's painful.

"Then, Li'er, let's start now." Bai Luofeng was more excited than Zhongyonghou, and couldn't wait to come.

"Afternoon, I'm not ready yet?"

"What else do you need to prepare, Li'er, tell me, and I'll prepare right away." Bai Yiyang said, he had gone to collect herbs with Li Li'er before, and he really gained a lot of knowledge. He didn't expect those weeds that they treated as weeds , It also has great medicinal value, and some can make some simple poisons.

He also knew why the poison Li Lier made could not be undone even by his master. She used some herbs that they didn't know to make the poison, let alone the herbs themselves. Not to mention detoxification.

"Okay." She understood that he was in a hurry to get medical treatment.Li Li'er told Bai Yiyang what to prepare next. In fact, she didn't need to prepare a lot of things. She mainly wanted to have treatment in the afternoon and use the time in between to rest.

Bai Yiyang went to prepare things, and Li Lier took Zhongyonghou and the others to the apartment building.

The room she arranged is on the third floor of Building A, next to Jin Jinghe's room. On the third floor, the school can be seen from the corridor. The apartment building is opposite the teaching building of the school, and the cafeteria is Its back is facing here, and the playground is in the middle.The building under construction at the back of the teaching building is the dormitory for the students. At that time, each room will have two or three iron beds, and then there will be tables, chairs and cabinets. Each room will also have a clean room. room and a washroom.As for hot water, it is the same as in modern times, it is provided by the cafeteria.

The dormitory has not been built yet, so those students who need to live on campus live in the apartment building. Each apartment can accommodate more than ten students. After all, the apartments have not yet been renovated, and they are all empty. The iron beds are casual. Once released, people can live there.

Zhongyonghou and the others were guests, so Li Lier asked Twelve to choose a few rooms when he knew they would come. The floor could not be laid temporarily, but it was cleaned up anyway, and the equipment in the room was also Fully equipped.

Beds, couches, tables, chairs, and cabinets are all available. Because the building has been flooded for a long time, even if the decoration is not complete, the clean room can still be used.

Zhongyong Hou looked at the room carefully, and then stopped on the side of the French windows. He had already found out that the French windows are very different. There is a balcony outside, but there is no door installed. He was still puzzled at first. In this way, won't the wind and rain in the house also be affected?

(End of this chapter)

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