Chapter 336

"What did you say?" Jun Yi asked Bai Luofeng in a cold voice.

He didn't expect that when he came back, what he heard was that Li'er had been missing for half a day, and she came out chasing him.

At that time, Lier's avoidance made him very angry, but he still maintained a trace of calmness. He knew that the relationship between himself and Lier was not clear, and Lier didn't seem to realize his feelings for her, so Even if he was angry, he had no way to initiate it, so he chose to come out first to be quiet.

He didn't want to scare Li'er, so he has been taking it step by step all the time. He didn't dare to show it too obviously, so he expressed his emotions through occasional teasing, but Li'er's feelings are really Very dull, although she would lose her mind and blush because of her teasing, she still didn't seem to notice it.

And when she left the capital a few days ago, he really couldn't help it, and wanted to stimulate Li'er, so he didn't hesitate about that kiss. Although it was just such a touch, it was so beautiful. But it instantly became an addictive poison, making him think and think about it all the time.

In fact, he also thought about whether Li'er would hide from him because of this, but when he faced it, he was really angry, just like he had been giving but could never get anything in return, making people arrogant and angry .

He had an impulse to ask Li'er if she really didn't feel her feelings for him.

But he was just afraid, thinking about his majestic King Xuan, the majestic God of War, when was he ever afraid, but when facing Lier, he was really afraid, afraid that he would scare Lier, and thus create distance from each other and make people Li'er resisted herself, in that case, it would probably be more painful than killing him.

So he chose to leave, he needed to sort out his emotions, and also think about what he should do next, how to win Li'er's heart.

So, when he was about to come back, he found Bai Luofeng and the others calling his and Li'er's names in the woods.His heart skipped a beat, they were calling Li'er's name anyway, could it be that Li'er had come to look for him before.

With this thought, he suddenly appeared in front of Bai Luofeng, and sure enough, not long after he left, Lier ran out to chase him.

But at that time, she was already in the woods, how would Li'er chase after her, how would she find her?
There was a moment of ecstasy in his heart, but more worry, Li'er chased after him after he left, but it was already so late, and so many people from the village were sent to find him.

"Master Jiu, Li'er isn't with you?!" Bai Luofeng raised his voice a little bit. Although they had this guess, it was hard to accept that it was confirmed. They all hoped that this guess was just a guess. Actually, Li'er was with Master Jiu, the two of them just lost track of time because of their intimacy.

But now, Bai Luofeng is even more worried. You said that the forest is so big and there are traps. They called all the people in the village to look for them, but it was already so late and the torches had been lit for a long time. Didn't find anyone, doesn't this make people have to think badly?

Bai Luofeng answered the wrong question, which indirectly confirmed his guess. Jun Yi didn't have time to think, so he turned around and searched deeper in the forest. Bai Luofeng yelled several times but failed to stop him, and then looked at his figure Disappeared in the night.

Li Li'er on the other side was already so hungry that her stomach was growling. She didn't eat at noon, and she didn't eat at night. It might be around nine o'clock in the evening and it's time for supper. Now she is tired and hungry Thirsty and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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