Peerless Killing God

Chapter 13 Relief!

Chapter 13 Relief!

In the Ninth Army Battalion, Long Feng tapped his fingers back and forth on the map, and when plans kept coming out of his mind, Pang Xiong, who was washing his clothes, rushed in from the army tent anxiously.

"My lord, it's not good. Lin Hao and the others were arrested by the City Defense Department for making trouble with others in Xiaoyao Restaurant, and they are being tortured and questioned about spies." At this time, Pang Xiong's rough face was full of uneasiness. , this news spread throughout the entire barracks just now, naturally he heard the news soon, and immediately came to report to Long Feng.

Hearing this, Long Fengxu squinted his eyes, shook his head slightly and got up and said: "It seems to be a bit troublesome, you wait in the barracks first, I will go find someone."

For this matter, Long Feng naturally wanted someone to help him. If he was a centurion, if he said something slightly, it might not be of much use, and he might even be bitten back.

The person Long Feng was looking for was naturally Meng Ku. In the barracks, he only had a little friendship with Meng Ku. In fact, the commander of the 76th Corps was Meng Ku. Of course, only the rank of regiment commander and above was qualified to be in charge of such an important position as the treasure house. .

For Long Feng's arrival, Meng Ku seemed to have known about it for a long time, and had been waiting for Long Feng at the gate of the treasure house. Seeing Long Feng's arrival, he said solemnly: "Little brother, it seems that you also know what happened."

Hearing this, Long Feng nodded and said solemnly: "I hope Brother Meng can help me, I believe my soldiers are not spies."

"Of course, your soldiers were all recruited by my elder brother. They are all serious children of Fengguo. It's just that many noble children are involved in this matter. It's not easy to handle." Frowning, Meng Ku said with some helplessness.As the head of the 76th Corps, he naturally cared a lot about his soldiers. If these soldiers were spied on the spot, wouldn't he be the head of the spies?

For Mengku's eldest brother, Mundo, Long Feng still knew a little bit. The middle-aged general who recruited him into the army was also one of the three commanders of the Eighth Army, in charge of three regiments.

"Fortunately, I told my elder brother about this matter, and my elder brother has already discussed it with the city lord of Yuxuecheng. Now I will go to Yuxuecheng with you. As long as those noble children are willing to let go, those soldiers can be released. If Those noble children don’t let go, and the city lord of the Bloody City can’t do anything about it.”

Speaking of which, Mengku instead turned his attention to Long Feng. Long Feng possesses a space ring, so he must be the core disciple of those powerful forces in the Longteng Empire. Be obedient, after all, facing a son of an imperial power like Long Feng, even the royal family of the Gale Nation can treat him with courtesy.

Seeing Meng Ku's gaze, Long Feng thought about it for a second, and suddenly felt that this was a good plan. The Long family is the second largest among the top ten forces in the Longteng Empire. Naturally, a small nobleman of the Great Wind King would not dare to offend Long Home.

"So, I will go to the City Defense Department with Big Brother Mengku!" Nodding his head, Long Feng and Mengku got up and went to the city defense department's execution room in Yuxue City.

In the execution room, Li Yue was beating Lin Hao and the others with an iron whip full of thorns. While beating, he said happily: "Isn't it awesome just now, now I want to let you know what life is better than death."

Similarly, like Li Yue, dozens of centurions were also torturing Lin Hao and others, but after so long, none of Lin Hao and the others were willing to admit that they were spies.

They were also deeply surprised by this, because they knew that they would never be able to bring out such recruits, but the more they were like this, the more frightened they were, and they had to be convicted first.

As for Liang Qi at this time, he was not here, but was a guest at the City Defense Department, enjoying delicious food with Wang Feng's careful company.

"My lord, Meng Ku, the commander of the 76th Corps, is here." Suddenly, one of his subordinates walked up to Wang Feng carefully and whispered.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's expression changed slightly, he raised his head to look at Liang Qi, as if thinking of something, he secretly calmed down again.Didn't get up and go out to meet Moncu.

Outside, after waiting for a while and seeing that Wang Feng didn't come out, Mengku couldn't help but snorted coldly, and strode straight to the attic where Wang Feng was.

Long Feng, who was following Mengku, raised his brows slightly. It seems that Mengku was really angry. He was a dignified regiment commander who was waiting here to give him face, but now the other party didn't come to see him. I'm afraid Ku's face couldn't hold back anymore.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound of breaking the door, and several dancers who were dancing lightly screamed all of a sudden. Liang Qi and Wang Feng, who were originally excited, couldn't help but change their expressions. They immediately got up and found Mengku standing at the door with an angry expression on their faces. look.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's expression did not change, but Liang Qi's expression changed in vain.You must know that he is also the centurion of the 76th Corps, and his immediate boss is Mengku.

"Wang Feng, you are so proud of yourself! I came to see your father in person, I'm afraid your father would not dare to expose me to the outside." With a cold face, Meng Ku's gaze fell on Wang Feng.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's face suddenly changed, and he glanced at Liang Qi, seeing that Liang Qi didn't intend to stand up for him, and immediately said bitterly: "Master Meng, it's all my fault, I just gave the order and I didn't see anyone." Damn, now I can't compensate you."

After finishing speaking, Wang Feng immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times. Seeing Wang Feng admitting his mistake, Mengku couldn't get angry about this anymore, instead he said to Long Feng: "Brother Long, this is the son of Prime Minister You Liang Qi, you can chat with him."

After finishing speaking, Meng Ku threw the trouble to Long Feng, turned around and left. He really didn't dare to offend Prime Minister You's son. No matter how much credit he or even his eldest brother made, the hall would lose his official position no matter how much he said.

Liang Qi saw that Meng Ku, who was somewhat respectful to Long Feng, suddenly changed his face, and his gaze fell on Long Feng. Originally, he didn't care much about this young man who was also a centurion like himself, but now But he paid extra attention.

"Others go out, Wang Feng, you go out too!" Liang Qi waved his hand after taking a deep look at Long Feng.

Hearing this, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked everyone else to leave the attic, and soon Long Feng and Liang Qi were left in the attic.

"I don't know who your Excellency is? Can I have a glass of thin wine for the next time!" Holding a glass of fine wine in his hand, Liang Qi smiled slightly.

He has long been familiar with such things as emptiness and falsehood, so Long Feng also smiled and came to the place in front of Liang Qi, picked up a glass of fine wine and said with a smile: "At Xia Longfeng, you actually invited me to drink. To reward the face."

When Long Feng picked up a glass of fine wine, Liang Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes fell on Long Feng's right hand holding the wine glass, where a golden dragon head ring made his eyelids twitch.

Recalling Mengku's phrase "Dragon Brothers" before, and seeing this dragon-shaped gold ring, Liang Qi suddenly knew the identity of Long Feng, the core child of the Long Family, the second power in the Dragon Empire.

At that moment, Liang Qi immediately let go of his identity, with a smile on his face, and asked with a smile: "I don't know why Brother Long came here this time?"

Seeing the smile on Liang Qi's face, Long Feng knew that the other party probably regarded him as a child of the Long family, so he smiled slightly and said: "Not long ago, a group of my subordinates seemed to be arrested by the city defense department, so I Just came here to have a look.”

Hearing Long Feng's words, the corners of Liang Qi's eyes twitched suddenly, the smile on his face froze immediately, and he called damn it in his heart.

At that moment, Liang Qi's expression changed and he forced a smile on his face and said, "I don't know if Brother Long is here to ask for these soldiers?"

"Don't mention these useless things, they embarrass me, because I came to their barracks to punish them." Seeing Liang Qi's nervous expression, Long Feng calmly drank fine wine and ate delicious food.

"It's okay!" Hearing this, Liang Qi immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the son of the Long family didn't pay too much attention to those soldiers, otherwise this matter would be troublesome.

"However, if my incompetent soldiers are beaten and punished, the result will be different." Suddenly, Long Feng's voice changed, and his voice became a little cold.

Hearing this, Liang Qi's expression changed drastically, thinking that Li Yue and the others were still torturing those soldiers, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Of course, this matter will not have anything to do with Brother Liang." Looking at Liang Qi with an ugly face, Long Feng's voice changed again.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Once again, Liang Qi climbed from the abyss to the clouds. It can be said that he experienced two big ups and downs in just a few minutes.

In this regard, it can be seen how well Long Feng treats people. It can be said that from now on, Liang Qi may not dare to do anything behind his back. Next, he will use a strong dose of medicine. I am afraid that Liang Qi will see him in the future You have to go around.

Soon, accompanied by Liang Qi, Wang Feng and others, Long Feng and Meng Ku came to the torture room of the city defense department. Before they got close to the torture room, they could hear the heart-piercing screams in the torture room.

Hearing these screams, Long Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold, his expression gradually became colder, and he stepped slowly and vigorously.

"Stop!" Under Liang Qi's order, Li Yue and the others, who were constantly tortured, stopped what they were doing, and turned their heads to look at Liang Qi and the others suspiciously.

"Very good!" Looking at the group of people who were almost dying with bruises, Long Feng's expression was extremely cold, as if the eyes of death fell on Li Yue and others, with a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth.

For some reason, under Long Feng's gaze, everyone present couldn't help shivering, and then, inhuman screams sounded in the torture room, but this time the protagonist was replaced by Li Yue et al.

(End of this chapter)

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