Peerless Killing God

Chapter 219 Nothingness Cloud Sail!

Chapter 219 Nothingness Cloud Sail!

Endless Sea City is more like a huge port than a city. Although there is a city wall at the entrance, the other side of Endless Sea City is the endless Dead Sea of ​​Death. Standing in Endless Sea City, you can look at the endless sea in the distance. dead sea.

Soon, everyone stepped into the Endless Sea City. Before they had gone far, a wave line in the distance appeared in the sight of the four of them. It was a sea area that was completely different from ordinary sea areas. There were no ships on it. The sea water is also dark blue, but the depths are dark and scary.

And the boundless and endless horror of the Dead Sea is full of dangers. The air of death permeating the void alone is enough to make ordinary strong people in the spiritual realm not last long before being invaded by death and then truly dying.

"This is the legendary endless Dead Sea. If we want to go to the Ten Directions, we have to cross this Dead Sea." Looking at the endless Dead Sea, Jun Qingkuang muttered to himself.

"This Dead Sea is terrifying. Even if it's so far away, I will feel an extreme force of death lingering around the sea area of ​​the Dead Sea. If we rashly enter this endless Dead Sea, I'm afraid we will only die."

Looking at the endless dead sea, Long Feng said solemnly, he also has the power of death, but it is far less pure than the power of death in the endless dead sea. kill.

Fortunately, the three of Long Feng were not ordinary people, so they were not very worried, not to mention that they could not rely on the three of them to cross this endless dead sea.

"Master, the space of this endless dead sea is very strange, perhaps because it is filled with the power of death everywhere, even the old slave I can't tear the void shuttle space, so I can only cross in the void, and because it is full of The power of death, I am afraid that this old slave can only display half of his strength."

At this moment, Mu Lao said slowly, he majored in the power of wood, and wood power is a branch of the power of life, so in this endless dead sea, he was extremely uncomfortable facing the endless power of death that was against him, If he was fighting with people in the endless Dead Sea, he might not be able to exert [-]% of his strength.

Hearing this, Long Feng pondered for a while and said: "Old Mu, we are going to enter the endless dead sea later, you go back to the small world first, if you stay here for too long, I'm afraid it will be extremely unfavorable to you."

After thinking about it, Long Feng still planned to let Mu Lao return to the small world first, and with the strength of the three of them now, they can fight against ordinary strong people in the Holy Spirit realm, so they don't have to worry too much about their own safety.

"Yes!" Hearing this, Mu Lao replied, then changed back to a wooden post and followed Long Feng indifferently.

"To cross the endless dead sea, we need to go on the void cloud sail." However, when Jun Qingkuang's voice fell, the void shook for a while, and then the three of them raised their heads together, and only then did they see more than a dozen figures on the void moving towards the sky. The endless Dead Sea flickered away.

"Chi..." The figure had just emerged, and the next moment everyone lost their sight, leaving only a series of black scratches in the space to prove that someone had indeed appeared here just now.

"Good guy, all of them are in the Holy Spirit Realm, and some of them have the same level of cultivation as Mu Lao." Looking at the more than ten figures that flashed past and entered the endless Dead Sea, the three of Long Feng couldn't help but have different expressions. Right, it seems that it is not absolutely safe even for those who are strong in the Holy Spirit realm to enter the endless Dead Sea.

"One day, I believe that the three of us will be able to cross the endless Dead Sea while talking and laughing. Maybe this day, we won't be too far away from us." Looking at the fleeting figures of more than a dozen figures, the Dragon Emperor felt himself There was a surge of boiling blood in his heart.He is looking forward to it, looking forward to the exciting things to come, looking forward to the martial arts world where the strong are like clouds, and looking forward to the opportunity that is waiting for him to challenge.

"Haha, I also believe that this day will not be too far away." Hearing this, the three of them glanced at each other and then laughed, and their bold voices attracted the attention of some people passing by.

"Let's go, go look for Wuwu Yunfan!" After laughing, the three of them remembered the business, and immediately asked someone casually to know where Wuwu Yunfan was.

And when everyone arrived at the place where the void cloud sail was, they were all amazed, because there were sailing boats of different shapes and sizes floating above the void, which looked somewhat transparent under the sunlight.

These sailing boats range from as big as a palace to as small as three or four meters. Obviously, the prices of the two are also different. I am afraid that the former can only be used by people with great influence and wealth. As for the small boat that can only accommodate a dozen or so people I am afraid that sails are for some people who are in financial straits.

Of course, the smaller the void cloud sail, the lower its safety. In the endless dead sea, sometimes even high-level void cloud sails will have accidents, not to mention this small cloud sail, but everything depends on luck. When is it likely that the journey will be safe and sound?

At this moment, many people were coming and going in and out of a gorgeous palace, and Long Feng and the others entered the gorgeous palace with steps, and a maid greeted them with smiles as soon as they entered.

"Dear guests, I don't know if you are going to cross the endless Dead Sea." Looking at Long Feng and the other three, who are handsome in appearance and have different auras, but at first glance they seem to be extraordinary, the smile on the pretty face of the maid became more intense Some beards.

I have to say that the auras of the three of Long Feng are extremely disproportionate. The Dragon Emperor is fierce and belligerent, and he has a domineering aura from his whole body, while Jun is frivolous, chic and gentle, and his whole body is full of a kind of elegant nobleman. noble temperament.

As for Long Feng, it was a bit confusing, because his temperament and his appearance did not set off, as if he had experienced countless lives and deaths, he was calm and stable, and his face was still unsuitable when Mount Tai collapsed.

And he always has a smile on his face, but if you look closely, Long Feng's smile is always full of murderous coldness. chill.

"Well, we are going to cross the endless dead sea, so there are still restrictions?" Hearing this, Jun frivolously smiled, and smiled like a handsome young man.

And being looked at by Jun Qingkuang with such a smile, the maid suddenly blushed unknowingly, and the eyes in her beautiful eyes suddenly dodged a little.

"Dear guests, there are no restrictions, but the levels of cloud sails you need to ride are different if you want to cross the endless dead sea, and the safety risk after entering the endless dead sea is also different." Taking a deep breath, the maid suppressed Containing the nympho emotion in his heart, he spoke in an orderly manner.

"We have already thought of this, but you can talk about the restrictions on Yunfan's level." Hearing this, Jun frivolously nodded and continued with a smile on his face.

"The void cloud sails are bronze cloud sails, silver cloud sails, golden cloud sails, and purple-gold cloud sails. These four cloud sails have different safety and accommodate different people. Bronze cloud sails can only accommodate ten people, autonomous Driving without a guardian, the safety is only 1000%. One person needs to pay 1000 million low-grade spirit stones. Baiyin Yunfan can take a hundred people, escorted by a strong holy spirit, and the safety is [-]%, but it needs to pay [-] million. Pin Lingshi."

After a pause, the maid glanced at everyone with her beautiful eyes, and saw that the expressions of the people did not change because of these terrifying prices. She immediately looked happy, and it seemed that her vision was indeed right. These young people should It is the disciples of those great sects.

Afterwards, the maid continued: "As for the Golden Cloud Sail, it can hold thousands of people, escorted by five experts in the Holy Spirit Realm, and the safety is generally more than 5000%, but the spirit stones to be paid are 1000 million medium-grade Lingshi. The highest-level Zijin Yunfan can also accommodate thousands of people, but Zijin Yunfan has the blessing of formations. And it has five high-level holy spirits to escort, so the safety can be as high as more than [-]%. There will be no accidents. But you need to pay [-] million high-grade spirit stones."

"So, let's take this Zijin Yunfan." Looking at the other two, Jun said with a frivolous smile.

"I have no objection anyway." Seeing Jun Qingkuan's gaze, Long Feng just shrugged his shoulders slightly, while Dragon Emperor just nodded and did not speak.

However, what they said immediately made many people turn their attention to them. Ten million top-grade spirit stones are a wealth that even casual cultivators at the Holy Spirit Realm are jealous of. However, the three people in front of them Young people can say whatever they want.What a big handwriting, it should be some powerful person.

He glanced at the cultivation level and age of Long Feng and the other three, and then carefully looked at Mu Lao, whose cultivation behind Long Feng and the other three was bottomless like an ordinary old man. Obviously, they didn't plan to make up their minds. No matter how much wealth there is, it's also worth living, isn't it?

"Dear customers, if you want to take Zijin Yunfan, please come with me." At this time, the maid's expression was extremely happy, because if the business was completed, she would be able to make a fortune.

"The four of you want to ride the void cloud sail?" When the maid brought Long Feng and the others to a gorgeous room, an old man with white hair and white robe glanced at the four of them, and his gaze swept over the four of them. They paused for a while, and then sighed secretly in their hearts. These three young people have reached a level that many people can't reach at such a young age. It seems that they should be the core of those top powers. The disciples went out to practice.

It's just that when his eyes fell on Mu Lao who was like an ordinary old man, some guesses surfaced in his heart, could it be...

Though thinking like this, the old man didn't say much, but asked Long Feng and the others with a smile.

"Well, the three of us are going to take the Zijin Yunfan to Shifangyu." Nodding, it was still Jun frivolous who spoke this time.

After the words fell, a crystal clear emerald card appeared in Jun's frivolous and slender fingers.

"The VIP card of Jubao Pavilion!" The old man's expression changed slightly when he saw the crystal clear emerald card between Jun Qingkuang's fingers.

The holders of special VIP cards are rich people worth more than [-] billion, or they can only be owned by powerful forces, and the [-] billion mentioned here refers to top-grade spirit stones.

And as far as he knows, there are more than a dozen forces in the Southern Continent that can hold this kind of card. It seems that his previous guess is correct.

And as the crown prince of the Dragon Empire, it is not uncommon to have this special VIP card, even the Dragon Emperor owns it, but they are not people who like to show off, and they usually don't show it. .

(End of this chapter)

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