Peerless Killing God

Chapter 221 Death Storm!

Chapter 221 Death Storm!

In the next ten days or so, Zijin Yunfan was constantly attacked by monsters, but fortunately, there were five high-level holy spirits escorting him, so the journey was safe and sound.

After more than half a month's effort, Long Feng had almost recovered his cultivation base, but all the spirit stones in his room were turned into powder.

Since Zijin Yunfan was created, it is probably the first time ever. After all, each room is paved with millions of high-grade spirit stones and spirit gathering arrays. Whoever practices will consume so many spirit stones. .

"Huh!" Breathing out lightly, he clenched his palms suddenly, feeling the strong power flowing in his body.A gleam of light flashed across Long Feng's eyes, and he finally restored his cultivation to the semi-holy state.

"Now we can compete against ordinary strong people in the Holy Spirit Realm who have all their cards out of their cards." His eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on the corner of Long Feng's mouth.

Slowly opening the door, Long Feng walked out with strides. On the front splint of Zijin Yunfan, Long Feng looked at the void and frowned slightly. This is already the center of the endless Dead Sea. It is said that if you are unlucky here, You will encounter the legendary death storm.

But at this moment, the blackness in the void was getting blacker and blacker like black ink, and the howling sound of terrifying ghosts could reach Long Feng's ears even through the barrier of Zijin Yunfan, which was extremely ear-piercing and soul-stirring.

A gust of terrifying death gusts continuously hit the energy aperture, and the five holy spirit realm powerhouses who were sitting with their eyes closed on the top of Zijin Yunfan suddenly opened their eyes, and their faces became extremely ugly in an instant.

"Damn it! It's a death storm, hurry up and use the monster's holy core." Seeing the death wind blowing and slapping on the aperture, causing the energy shield to fluctuate continuously, the old man in the golden robe with a hundred hairs looked gloomy and gave a light drink.

The five people immediately took out a monster core of a holy monster from the storage ring in their hands, and Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the monster core that took out the five holy monsters.

"Good guy! It's actually a five-element formation!" Looking at the demon core of the five auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, Long Feng immediately understood. No wonder the Zijin Yunfan demanded such a high price. The demon core is the core, the spirit stone is the driving force, and there is a five-element formation set up by the formation master.

However, although there is a five-element formation, but in the face of the legendary death storm, the five holy spirit realm powerhouses are not absolutely sure that they can survive it.

The death storm is also divided into layers. If they encounter a destructive death storm, their end will be to destroy the sails and die, even if they have a five-element formation to defend.

Because the destructive death storm is said to have the possibility of falling into it, so they are all praying that it will not be the legendary destructive death storm.

"Roar!" Suddenly there was a fierce and terrifying roar coming from the depths of the endless Dead Sea, and there were huge black waves rising from the Dead Sea, and the huge waves were thousands of meters high and directly smashed fiercely He rushed towards Zijin Yunfan.Immediately, the entire Zijin Yunfan trembled violently, but the multicolored light flowed on the Zijin Yunfan. Although the terrifying death wave made Zijin Yunfan tremble, it could not smash the defensive aperture.

It's just that this blow woke up countless people who were cultivating. At that moment, all the figures appeared on Zijin Yunfan's sail plate in a blink of an eye. When they saw the death storm sweeping away, one by one Paled face.

Long Feng, who had heard the terrifying roar before, had a cloudy expression on his face. He could only feel that terrifying aura from those in the Life and Death Realm. It was obvious that they had encountered a huge crisis.

now.Everyone looked outside, it was already pitch black, and the terrifying wind of death kept beating Zijin Yunfan, as if there were countless ghosts roaring.


The terrifying roar sounded again, and this time everyone heard it for real. Many people trembled when they heard this sound, and some people who were not determined directly sat down on the ground with their buttocks limp.

"This voice, Brother Long, I'm afraid we're in big trouble." At this moment, Jun Qingkuang looked very dignified. He had had close contact with Raksha Demon Lord back then, and he still had a fresh memory of the breath of a strong man in the realm of life and death.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I'm afraid we are not only in big trouble today, but if we are not careful, we may be buried in this Dead Sea." As for the Dragon Emperor looking at the depths of the endless Dead Sea, a deep voice sounded slowly road.

"Be careful!" Long Feng suddenly shouted softly, rolling his body to protect his body, and then the monstrous waves of death seemed to be swallowed towards Zijin Yunfan like a terrifying giant mouth opened.

"Boom!" The moment the giant mouth fell, Zijin Yunfan trembled suddenly, and the colorful light protecting Zijin Yunfan fluctuated and twisted continuously, as if it would be shattered in the next moment, and the five experts in the Holy Spirit Realm were also at this moment. With all his strength, one after another majestic power continuously poured into the energy shield.

Finally, when the Zijin Yunfan was swallowed whole, the people on the Zijin Fan only felt that the sky was dark and their bodies collided continuously because of the rotation of the Zijin Yunfan. Many people even vomited blood and passed out because of the collision, instead of Although a few people hit Yunfan's wall with force in advance, they didn't suffer too much injury.

At this moment, Zijin Yunfan was constantly spinning in the death whirlpool like a high-speed rotating turbine, and everyone on Yunfan felt dizzy and their bodies collided constantly.

Of course, many people, such as Long Feng and Long Dijun, frivolously, their soles of their feet just stood firmly in place, like a mountain peak, which would not move a bit.

They can even stare at the outside of Zijin Yunfan, but this look makes their pupils shrink suddenly, and through the colorful energy shield they can vaguely see a pair of pupils glowing green, the pupils are huge, and Looking at Zijin Yunfan as if a human child is looking at a beloved toy.


Suddenly a tiny voice sounded, and everyone's hearts sank, because under their sight, there were cracks in the multicolored light circle, but soon the cracks seemed to trigger a chain reaction, and the entire cloud was in an instant. The colorful light circles around the sail are all broken.

"No, the power of the holy core has been exhausted." At this moment, the five strong men in the holy spirit realm with ferocious expressions all shouted in surprise. Fissures were also everywhere, and within a short while, those fist-sized monster cores turned gray and white like ordinary stones, no longer emitting colorful light.

And with the disappearance of the five-color energy shield, the pair of green eyes seemed to lose interest, and then under the perception of Long Feng and others, Zijin Yunfan seemed to be blown away by a single blow, and the entire It turned into an afterimage and flew out.


Under that terrifying blow, Zijin Yunfan flew tens of thousands of miles away. If it weren't for the extremely strong construction materials of Zijin Yunfan, it would probably disintegrate in mid-air.

Finally, the speed of Zijin Yunfan's spinning became slower and slower, and at last it finally stabilized completely. However, there were not many people standing on Zijin Yunfan at this moment, and many people even passed out covered in blood.

"Huh!" Qi Qi let out a breath, and the three of them looked at each other and felt like they had a dream. They survived, and this devastating storm of death was finally over.But the pair of eyes let Long Feng and the others know that the so-called death storm was probably formed when the terrifying monster was playing.

"I used to be complacent about my own strength, but now it seems that it is nothing at all. In the world of martial arts, this strength may not even be enough to survive."

When they came back to their senses, Long Feng and the others were all overwhelmed with emotion. After this death storm, they realized their true insignificance. In front of the real strong, they might be about the same as an ant, or a relatively small ant. Just strong ants.

At this time, Zijin Yunfan was in a mess, the originally magnificent palace was now fragmented and cracked, but the survivors all had expressions of surprise on their faces, as long as they were still alive, everything would be unimportant.

And the five strong men in the holy spirit realm with tired faces were also relieved at the moment. They could clearly feel an extremely terrifying aura in the central area of ​​the death storm just now. Under that terrifying aura, they could not even die. Without any idea of ​​survival, they never thought that the other party would let them go at the last moment.

At this moment, Zijin Yunfan was already devastated, and even the energy halo was only a thin circle, and everyone could feel it. I am afraid that any strong man in the Holy Spirit realm could smash the halo.

But fortunately, Zijin Yunfan is not those golden and silver Yunfans. After replacing a bunch of Lingyuan stones and a holy core, Zijin Yunfan's circle of energy aperture has returned to exactly the same as before.

Seeing this scene, many people finally let go of their hanging hearts. If the aperture is broken, they may be instantly swallowed by the death air in the void. At that time, they will become corpses in less than a moment. .

After a while, Zijin Yunfan finally started to start again, because the original position they deviated from was thrown away by that horror, so the next driving route may be changed, and the time to reach Shifangyu may be extended a lot.

On Yunfan, Long Feng and the three were all sighing in admiration. This was already so thrilling before entering the Ten Directions Domain. Wouldn't it be even more exciting to enter the Ten Directions Domain, so the three of them looked forward to the upcoming martial arts world even more.

The following Zijin Yunfan had already changed its route, but rarely encountered monsters attacking during the driving. Of course, the occasional monsters escaped with their tails between their tails under the attack of the five strong holy spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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