Peerless Killing God

Chapter 226 Walking with Beauty!

Chapter 226 Walking with Beauty!

Staring fixedly at Long Feng above the sky, the white-robed man's eyes were full of hatred, but under this terrifying death mark, he was powerless by any means, and could only watch helplessly. Deprived of life by death.

In the end, this white-robed man who worked so hard and was full of evil in the ten directions also stepped into the footsteps of his second brother, and directly turned into nothingness under the cause of death in that side, not even leaving a corpse behind.

And under this terrifying death mark, the entire deserted island of death was shattered and sank in the endless dead sea.After a while, the entire void fell into silence again, as if everything that had just happened was like a dream.

Letting out a breath, the somewhat pale figure of Long Feng slowly fell from the void, looking at the entire deserted island disappearing at the sea level, he shook his head with a wry smile, never thought that the power of the seal of death could exceed his imagination, I am afraid that in this place Once it is printed, even the strong in the late stage of the Holy Spirit Realm will shy away.

"Hello! Thank you very much!" Suddenly a clear and pleasant voice sounded, it turned out that Liu Xu'er came not far in front of Long Feng at some time, and thanked him.

"You're welcome, although it's an innocent disaster, these two people really deserve to be killed." Hearing this, Long Feng just nodded and said lightly.

"By the way, do you know how to go to the Ten Directions Domain?" Suddenly thinking of something, Long Feng suddenly asked again.

"Yeah!" Nodding her head, Liu Xu'er suddenly thought of something when she heard what Long Feng said, a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, this guy couldn't have lost his way in the endless Dead Sea.

"Cough cough, please trouble Miss Liu with you on the next journey. I will be very grateful." Seeming to know what Liu Xuer was thinking, Long Feng coughed lightly and said, after all, he was really lost, and in a ghostly place like the Endless Dead Sea , if he can't find a way out, he may stay here for the rest of his life, which is not the ending he wants.

"That's what it should be, not to mention that you saved me. By the way, I'll give it to Liu Xuer. Just call me Xuer." With a slight smile, Liu Xuer said with a smile.

"Liu Xu'er, what a good name, her temperament is as blue as blue, and her talent is more fragrant than fragrance!"

"You can just call me Long Feng!" Looking at Liu Xu'er, who was smiling all over the city, Long Feng was slightly stunned, and when he recovered, he said the same smile.

"Long Feng! I remember." Hearing this, a strange look flashed in Liu Xu'er's beautiful eyes. Maybe he will become her only male friend, because from the time she was sensible, only a man like Long Feng treated her well. On that day, the body of the yin was the least thoughtful.Although some other powerful young talents were with her before, the hot feeling in the other party's eyes could not be concealed at all.

As a result, over time, she has lost any idea of ​​making friends with men, and sometimes even some elders look at her with a little bit of enthusiasm.

It is precisely because of this that she is desperate for men in the world. She never thought that she would meet such a strange man as Long Feng when she was being hunted down in the endless dead sea. heartbeat.

Of course, Liu Xuer was able to be so clear because she practiced the Moon God Art. The Moon God Art can penetrate human nature and detect the hearts of others. Therefore, she can perceive how other men pretended to be themselves in the past. Only Long Feng, she He didn't feel any unreasonable thoughts about her, and even the eyes he looked at her were just ordinary people's eyes.

Liu Xu'er was very surprised at this point, she was even curious about what kind of person Long Feng was, why he was so powerful at such a young age, not only mastered the power of death that countless people feared, but he couldn't even forge the alchemy hall Holds all holy-level space instruments.

Of course, her curiosity was just in her heart, she would not ask Long Feng directly, and Long Feng was not interested in knowing Liu Xu'er's thoughts, he just wanted to go to Shifangyu to inquire about the whereabouts of the Nine Divine Soldiers , and then consider the next plan.

A moment later, under Long Feng's surprised gaze, Liu Xu'er took out a white jade cloud sail from her storage ring.

This white jade cloud sail is crystal clear, and the brilliance flowing on it is not unusual. However, the volume of this white jade cloud sail is countless times smaller than that of the purple gold cloud sail. It can only accommodate ten people at most, but Long Feng knows this. Bai Yu Yunfan's speed is definitely much faster than Zijin Yunfan's.

It's just that the white jade cloud sail is not intact, and the white jade on the cloud sail is full of cracks, and it can be seen that it has experienced a fierce battle.

Looking at the damaged Baiyuyunfan, Liu Xuer suddenly said with a sad expression: "My eight maids died in order to cover me, and this Baiyuyunfan also lost its power, but it is only [-] meters away from Shifangyu. It’s been a few days, and we’ll take turns driving with strength.”

"En!" Seeing Liu Xu'er's sad expression, Long Feng immediately understood that the other party was also a person who valued love and righteousness, but facing this scene, he couldn't say anything, after all, he was not the other party's someone, comfort It's not his turn to speak.

"Sorry, I made you laugh." As if she had recovered, Liu Xu'er said to Long Feng with an apologetic smile.

"I can understand!" Hearing this, Long Feng just shook his head slightly, and then his figure landed on the white jade cloud sail, and when it landed on the cloud sail, Long Feng could clearly smell a scent that belonged to Liu Xu'er alone. Fragrance, it is a lotus-like aroma.

Seeing that Long Feng was in the place where she used to stay, Liu Xu'er's pretty face couldn't help but flush.

Of course, Long Feng didn't pay attention to the blush on Liu Xu'er's face, he just wanted to go to Shifang Realm as soon as possible in his heart.

Seeing that Long Feng didn't notice his expression, Liu Xu'er bit her red lips, her shadow danced gracefully and landed on the white jade cloud sail like a nine-day fairy.

With a thought, the whole body's strength enveloped the white jade cloud sail, and then under Liu Xu'er's guidance, the white jade cloud sail randomly left a white light in the void, and galloped towards the endless dead sea.

The vast and endless Dead Sea is still roaring and roaring.I don't know that that unlucky guy was swallowed by the power of death and died.

A white jade cloud sail flickers like the speed of light in the vast Dead Sea, and such a cloud sail appears extremely small in front of the endless Dead Sea, like a grain of sand on the beach, but the speed of this white jade cloud sail But it is extremely terrifying, much faster than ordinary Holy Spirit Realm powerhouses, crossing the Dead Sea like a ray of white light, and constantly leaping towards the Ten Directions.

On the white jade cloud sail, Long Feng and Liu Xuer stood there one after the other, while Long Feng was driving the white jade cloud sail and looked down at the Dead Sea, which was constantly roaring and exuding the power of terrifying death. Long Feng couldn't help feeling a sense of pride, that one day, He must conquer this dead sea and stand at the pinnacle of martial arts for countless people to look up to.

Bai Yuyun sailed all the way across the endless Dead Sea. As it got closer and closer to the edge of the Ten Directions, there were fewer traces of monsters. Obviously all this was because there were so many strong people in the Ten Directions, and they would go down to the Endless Dead Sea from time to time. The reason is caused by hunting monsters and beasts.

And with Bai Yuyunfan's frightening speed, it took nearly five days before he arrived at the destination of Long Feng's trip, Shifangyu.

The Ten Directions Territory is extremely vast. It is said that as big as the sky is, the Ten Directions Territory is as big as it is. The strong are endless, and the power of the sect is even more divided. Every day, new forces will be wiped out, and new forces will rise to take advantage of the situation.

There is no such thing as an empire in the Ten Directions Realm, because there are no mortals here, even babies who have just been born a few years old have the cultivation base of the Yellow Spirit Realm.

The reason for all this is that the strength of the heaven and earth in the Ten Directions is far stronger than that of the Southern Continent where Longfeng is located. Here, it is difficult for a strong Holy Spirit Realm to tear the void, and the stability of the space barrier is ten times stronger than that of the Southern Continent. more than double.

And Long Feng, who had just arrived in Shifangyu, felt this deeply. Even the gravity of the heaven and earth he endured here is actually more than ten times that of the Southern Continent. Naturally, the strength of the heaven and earth is also more than ten times that of the Southern Continent. .

The palm of his hand was grasped violently in the void, and when he realized that his grip could only make the space fluctuate slightly, Long Feng couldn't help but secretly lamented that it was indeed the central area of ​​the Martial Dao World, where even the strong in the Holy Spirit Realm wanted to tear apart the space at will. It may be very difficult to overwhelm the space at will.

"I'm finally back." Feeling the endless and extremely strong power of heaven and earth around her, Liu Xu'er seemed a little dreamy. If it weren't for her family's rule that she must go to the endless Dead Sea to get a dead soul grass after she reaches adulthood, she might not be here. In her whole life, she will never enter the endless dead sea, that ghostly place where the power of heaven and earth cannot be felt.

"By the way, Long Feng, where are you going next?" After five days of getting along, she and Long Feng got to know each other a lot, and the conversation became more natural.

But Long Feng smiled wryly when he heard the words: "I'm dissatisfied with you, I actually came up to the Ten Directions, and I don't know where to go, so why not go together, where are you going, I'll take you there?"

As for why Long Feng did not tell the truth, there is a reason. After all, the less people know about the news that he is looking for the Nine Great Divine Weapons, the better. After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Great Divine Soldier, I am afraid that he will have no way to go to heaven and earth in the ten directions.

After all, leaving the Endless Dead Sea, his real cultivation is only in the semi-holy realm, and his cards are only as good as those of the ordinary Holy Spirit realm's early-stage strongmen.And in the ten directions where the spirit realm is everywhere and the sky is full of the holy spirit realm, with his current strength and cultivation, it is not enough to guarantee that he will guard the three great soldiers, so it is better to be careful in everything.

Hearing this, Liu Xu'er's beautiful face flashed a faintly imperceptible joy, her beautiful eyes flickered, then she nodded and smiled and said, "Okay, I'm going home first, you can give me a ride."

"Escort the beauty, happy to help!" Hearing this, Long Feng smiled and nodded, and then the figures of the two turned into an afterimage and flickered towards Shifangyu.

(End of this chapter)

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