Peerless Killing God

Chapter 229 Weird Inquiry!

Chapter 229 Weird Inquiry!

In the Pill City, people come and go, there are experts in the spirit realm everywhere, and the most important thing is in the Pill City, occasionally you may meet a master of refining medicine or refining equipment.

Of course, there are not a few apprentices in refining medicine and equipment. After all, every three years, the Alchemy Hall will recruit new disciples, and in a few days it will be the time for the alchemy hall to recruit new outer disciples, so today's Danqi City is also overcrowded.

Finally, Long Feng spent millions of high-grade spirit stones to find a rather luxurious restaurant to live in.

Naturally, his appearance has changed a long time ago, except for the pair of dark and deep eyes, there is no trace of his previous appearance, and even his breath has changed drastically.

Today's Long Feng's skin is not only dark, but his face is also relatively thin, and such a mass appearance will not be found out in the crowd.

And the aura he showed was only around the middle stage of the Venerable Spirit Realm, and his clothes were also changed into a white robe.

The reason for all this is because of the Liu family.Long Feng never thought that the world would be so impermanent, he was still his benefactor on the front foot, and his enemy on the back foot.

In Xiaoyao Restaurant, Long Feng occupied a seat by himself, holding a glass of fine wine in his palm, but his thoughts flew to nowhere.

Jun Qingkuang and Dragon Emperor don't know if they have reached the Ten Directions Domain, or they may still be in the endless Dead Sea, but with the strength of the two, it shouldn't be a problem to be careful.

Thinking of this, Long Feng was relieved, his only two friends, he didn't want any accidents to happen to each other.

Shaking the wine glass in his hand, Long Feng looked at the bustling crowd outside and gave a slight wry smile. Here, those who are strong in the spirit realm are really nothing. Even walking on the street, sometimes you will accidentally bump into the Holy Spirit. The strong.

This point is simply unimaginable in the Dragon Empire. After all, in the Dragon Empire, there are less than a thousand people in the Supreme Spirit Realm.

"Hey, brother, are you also here to participate in the test of the Pill Artifact Hall?" Just as Long Feng was contemplating what he should do next, suddenly on the table not far to his left, two young men were drinking and chatting.

"Yeah, I just don't know how many kinds of assessments this year's Pill Artifact Hall will be divided into. In previous years, 10 people participated in the assessment, but only a few thousand people were selected in the end. I don't know if we have that luck this year."

"Hey, you don't understand this. Have you heard about Bao inquiring? It is said that there is nothing in the world that they don't know about."

The latter rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "Why don't we know about it, but the less people know about what you want to know, the higher the asking price. I heard that some people wanted to know the assessment content of the Pill Artifact Hall. One hundred million high-grade spirit stones."

"Ahem, I'm just talking. Didn't that person finally become an outer disciple of the Alchemy Hall for this reason? It is said that the other party is now an inner disciple of the Alchemy Hall, and everyone admires him..."

"Tch, then we need to have that much money..."

However, the drinking and chatting between the two caused Long Feng's eyes to froze for a moment. After asking, there is actually such a power, so he can inquire about the whereabouts of the Nine Great Soldiers.

Thinking of this, Long Feng's heart moved, and the figure immediately got up and walked towards the two people with a smile: "You two, I don't know where is the bag you are talking about?"

"Hey, brother. Why do you also want to inquire about the Pill Artifact Hall?" Seeing that Long Feng suddenly asked, the young man who had asked before looked at Long Feng and smiled.

"That's not true, I want to inquire about some other information." With a smile, Long Feng put a storage ring in front of the two of them. Seeing this scene, the two of them probed with their spiritual sense, and immediately smiled He smiled and said, "Brothers, if you have any questions, just ask, we will know everything and talk about it."

Soon, Long Feng knew the exact location of Bao Daqu in Pill Artifact City from the mouths of the two people. At that moment, his figure disappeared from Xiaoyao Restaurant and headed towards the place they pointed out.

When Long Feng saw Bao inquired with his own eyes, his expression was a little weird. At first, he thought that since Bao inquired with such supernatural powers, he had an extraordinary temperament and appearance, but the moment they met, Long Feng felt like he was cheating in the past. A quack who cheats and drinks.

With two beards that are the same length as the eyebrows, the whole person looks wicked, but the other party's aura makes Long Feng a little confused. On the first day of junior high school, it seems that he is only in the spirit realm, but after a while, he seems to be in the spirit realm, or as usual People are average.

Just because of this, Long Feng knew that this inquiring person was definitely not an ordinary person, maybe the other party really knew something.

"Look at this brother's eyes like torches, deep as an abyss, full of vitality between his brows, his original appearance must be handsome, extraordinary and talented, but it's a pity that there is a line of blood between his brows, it seems that his fate is destined to be rough."

In the elegant and casual small courtyard, Long Feng's expression suddenly changed after hearing what Bao inquired about, and then his eyes fell deeply on Bao inquired, and he said slowly: "Senior, what do you say?"

Hearing this, Bao asked with a smile and said: "The secrets of the sky must not be revealed. Although your future fate is doomed to be rough, it is accompanied by earth-shattering and limitless opportunities. If you can seize these opportunities, your name is destined to be left in the world in the future. "

Hearing what Bao Inquired said, Long Feng smiled wryly. It seemed the same as if he didn't say it, but he was a little shocked by the other party's supernatural tricks.

"I know what you are here to ask this time, and I know it too, and I can even tell you." Smiling, Bao Wenwen continued to speak slowly.

Hearing this, Long Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Senior, what do you say? Don't others have to pay a lot of spirit stones to inquire about the news?"

"Hehe, you and I are predestined people, and those who are predestined will naturally not get any money." Smiling, Bao Inquired's mysterious words made Long Feng's eyes flicker slightly.

"Then I'll listen carefully!" Hearing this, Long Feng nodded, and immediately waited for Bao to inquire about the news he wanted to tell him.

"I know you are looking for the whereabouts of the Nine Great Divine Weapons, so I can tell you the whereabouts of one of the Nine Great Divine Weapons, the Fire Soul Sword!"

As soon as Bao Wenwen's words fell, Long Feng's brows twitched suddenly, and his heart suddenly rose. How did he know that he was looking for the Nine Great Divine Weapons? Could it be that he knew that he already had the Three Great Divine Weapons?

"Hehe, don't be nervous. Although the Nine Great Divine Weapons are coveted by countless people, they are all about chance. I can't get it." Seeing Long Feng's nervous face, even concentrating his inner strength, Bao Wenwen still said with a smile.

Hearing what Bao Wenwen said, Long Feng put down a lot of guard in his heart, but he looked at Bao Wenwen with vaguely meaningful eyes.

"The Fire Soul Sword exists in the Alchemy Hall. It's a pity that for thousands of years, although the Alchemy Hall has known about the existence of the Fire Soul Sword, it has not been able to make it recognize its master. Now the opportunity has come." His eyes fell on Long Feng. , Bao inquired, and Long Feng frowned again.

The Fire Soul Sword is actually in the Alchemy Hall, and with his current strength, trying to grab it by force is tantamount to a dream, but he has no choice but to get the Fire Soul Sword. Now that he thinks about it, he may have to find a way to enter the Alchemy Hall up.

Coincidentally, after a few days, the Hall of Alchemy will be recruiting outer disciples. He can take this opportunity to enter the Hall of Alchemy. As for how to obtain the Fire Soul Sword in the future, it seems that he can only take one step at a time.

After thanking Bao inquiring, Long Feng immediately left Bao inquiring's small yard, and Bao inquired looking at the direction Long Feng was leaving, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If Long Feng were here at this moment, he would have discovered that the original pair of clear eyes of Bao Wenwen had turned as white as paper on one side, to as black as ink on the other.

Then the space was slightly distorted, and the figure of Bao inquiring disappeared directly from the small courtyard, and then disappeared with him and the small courtyard, as if this small courtyard had never appeared.

On the other hand, Long Feng, who returned to the restaurant, felt something was wrong. Bao asked why there was no one in the small courtyard where he was so famous. It should be full of people.

Thinking of this, Long Feng's expression changed, and after random inquiring, he realized that Pill Artifact City had never asked about this person or this force.Even the so-called children who bought news in the mouths of the two young people are non-existent.

When Long Feng, who had gone back and forth, saw that the small courtyard he was in before was an empty flat land, his heart sank suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became extremely deep.

Who is the opponent?Whether what he said was true or not, whether he knew him, if what he said was true, what was the other party planning, why did he tell him the news of the Nine Great Soldiers, could it be that plotting the Nine Great Soldiers would not work?

All this fell into Long Feng's mind, and Long Feng immediately felt as if he had fallen into a huge conspiracy vortex and pulled himself out, as if he had a feeling that an invisible black hand was pushing him step by step, Let him keep searching for the Nine Great Divine Weapons...

Thinking of it, Long Feng's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley, and he slightly touched the Dragon Soul Jade on his chest with his palm. He seemed to realize that starting from the first Heavenly Soul Sword, there seemed to be a hidden meaning behind everything. An invisible black hand, a terrifying black hand that made him shudder.

He even had reason to believe that there was only one reason for breaking the eight-door sky lock array and allowing the demons to invade, and that was to force him to re-seal the demon world, so that he remembered the memory of the blood sword in the demon world.

Thinking of the fact that he had to gather the Nine Great Divine Soldiers to save Ling'er, Long Feng's expression turned ugly and gloomy for the first time. All of this seemed to revolve around the Nine Great Divine Soldiers, around him, and He still had to move forward step by step according to the goal assigned to him by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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