Peerless Killing God

Chapter 231 1 Blockbuster!

Chapter 231 A Blockbuster!

As Dan Chenzi's spiritual power became stronger and stronger, many people were already trembling slightly, and cracks slowly appeared on the hard bluestone brick floor under the soles of their feet.

Up to now, the power of spirit and soul exerted on everyone is far beyond their own cultivation level, and many people are almost unable to sustain it.

"Very good! This year's testers are all good!" Looking at the square where there are only less than 1 people left, Dan Chenzi nodded with a smile. Being able to reach the realm of soul and soul can surpass his own cultivation base, which is considered a preliminary compliance. The threshold of the outer disciple of his Pill Artifact Hall is over.

"Amazing!" Looking at the rest of the testers, the crowd's eyes were fixed and they exclaimed.These people are undoubtedly the best of the younger generation. After all, the stronger the power of the soul, the farther the future will go.This is an accepted fact.

It's just that as time goes by, the expressions of the remaining people become more and more dignified, because they can feel that the power of the soul that Dan Chenzi exerted on them has become more and more terrifying, and finally when the power of the soul exceeds their own When they cultivated to two realms, many people couldn't bear it any longer and sat upright on the ground, the sound of rapid breathing like a bellows kept ringing.

At this moment, the spirit power in the square has reached a terrifying level. Many people feel oppressed outside, and everyone in the square feels as uncomfortable as Mount Tai.

In an instant, half of the people were unable to support themselves and all sat on the ground, causing the ground to shatter.

As for the remaining thousands of people, their expressions were extremely hideous, most of them had already reached the limit of the soul power that Dan Chenzi had exerted, but the dark-faced Long Feng was still expressionless.

The power of the soul beyond two realms of his own cultivation base, if it is an ordinary semi-holy powerhouse, he will naturally be unable to support it long ago, but his soul has already surpassed his own cultivation base after being solidified by the Heavenly Soul Sword.

What's more, the Heavenly Soul Sword in his mind is strengthening his soul power all the time, otherwise, how could he have raised his soul power to the astonishing late stage of Holy Spirit Realm in just two years.

Therefore, facing the spiritual coercion of the strong in the middle stage of the Holy Spirit Realm is not enough to make him feel uncomfortable, and even he can still relax.

But other people don't have this ability. Except for a small number of people, most of them are trembling all over, and the sweat on their bodies is dripping like a rainstorm. After a long time, these people can't bear to give up with pale faces resistance.

Finally, when more than ten minutes passed, there were only a hundred figures left standing in the entire square, including many celebrities.

For example, Liu Tian and Liu Xu'er from the Liu family, Lin Hai from the Lin family, Gu Quan from the Gu family, or the core children of some well-known medicine refining families, these people are undoubtedly the ultimate outstanding ones.

But it is not them who attract the most attention, but some people who are not well-known at all, and these talents are the focus of everyone's attention.

And Long Feng, who looks ordinary and looks dark like a countryman, naturally attracted the attention of many people, and even many people secretly guessed the origin of this unremarkable young man and why he can still easily stand in the square. superior.

You must know that in previous years' tests of the Alchemy Hall, as long as there are two tests that can reach the top [-], they can directly become the inner disciples of the Alchemy Hall. This status is not necessarily achieved by ordinary outer disciples after more than ten years ah.

Now, a young man with no striking appearance and no background has advanced to the top ten in the first test, which undoubtedly caused many people to look sideways and focus on him.

Ignoring everyone's gazes, Long Feng's expression became slightly dignified. He could feel that his soul was already under a little pressure. It was obvious that the power of the soul that Dan Chenzi exerted on him would surpass him in a while. The three realms of self-cultivation.

It also means that he is about to reach the limit. If the opponent wants to improve, I'm afraid he really won't be able to sustain it. After all, the soul power beyond the Holy Spirit Realm is the vast and boundless soul power of a strong person in the Life and Death Realm.

Finally, when Dan Chenzi's soul power on everyone surpassed his own cultivation level, there was a loud bang in the square, which actually triggered a terrifying storm of soul power at this moment.

With the appearance of the soul power storm, Liu Xuer, Liu Tian, ​​Lin Hai, and Gu Quan, young geniuses who are well-known in the southern world, can no longer hold on. After all, most of their cultivation bases are in the early stage of the Holy Spirit Realm Well, the soul power far surpassing their own three realms of cultivation is the coercion of the soul power of the strong in the life and death realm, this is no joke.

Therefore, when the soul power storm appeared, everyone except Long Feng gave up resistance one by one, but Long Feng's gaze was like a knife, and he raised his head and stared at Dan Chenzi above the void.

"Good boy, I thought you were extraordinary before, but now it seems that I have underestimated you." As if thinking of something, Dan Chenzi suddenly set his eyes on Long Feng, and now Long Feng's soul power is also emerging all over his body , Its majestic soul power even secretly shocked many of the older generation's powerhouses.

"Good fellow! With a half-holy cultivation base and late-stage spirit power in the Holy Spirit Realm, he is simply a rare genius in the Alchemy Hall!" At this moment, many people were secretly surprised and lost their voices.

"It seems that I haven't reached the limit yet! Then the old man will help you!" Looking at Long Feng who was still gritting his teeth, Dan Chenzi gave a light drink, and the old palm slowly raised and then fell suddenly, and the even more terrifying power of the soul instantly disappeared. Falling from the nine heavens, at this moment, the entire square seemed to be under the roar of the sky, and the terrifying soul power in it was enough to kill a strong man in the Holy Spirit realm directly.

When this terrifying spirit power was raging in the center of the square, countless people were staring at the only figure. Undoubtedly, this figure was remembered by countless people at this moment.


Suddenly there was a sound of sword chant, and a sword shadow rolled between Long Feng's eyebrows, and an unusually majestic and vast soul pressure, like a waking dragon, slowly swept out from Long Feng's eyebrows .


A deep shattering sound erupted in the space around Long Feng, an invisible soul storm formed around him, and as the storm formed, the surrounding space also became extremely distorted and faintly shattered.

When this soul storm appeared, Dan Chenzi's expression on the void changed suddenly, because just now he held the Dao sword and groaned, he actually flashed a very dangerous feeling from the bottom of his heart, it seemed that he would die in the next moment The illusion of fainting.

Looking at the soul power sword shadow that can compete with the soul power of the strong in the life and death realm, many people are all shocked and can't tell. Far beyond the power and influence that a strong person in the Holy Spirit Realm can possess.

The silence lasted for a while on the square, and was finally broken by the sound of gasping for air. Many eyes, with an unconcealable horror, looked at Long Feng who was standing in the soul storm space with his expression still as indifferent as before. body.

Dumbfounded, really dumbfounded, not only the crowd, but even the elders of the Pill Hall are staring at Long Feng one by one, like a hungry wolf who has been hungry for several days meeting delicious food, even the eyes are the same Glittering green eyes.

"This little guy, the old man wants it. From now on, he is the old man's closed disciple?"

"Huh! Old ghost Mo, what nonsense are you talking about. This is the old man's closed disciple. If you misunderstand him again, will the old man be rude?"

"What? You two should be ashamed. He is obviously my apprentice. I have known him a few days ago. Today, the old man asked him to participate in the Pill Artifact Hall test and officially accepted him as an apprentice."

Hearing this, many elders of the Hall of Pills cursed angrily with their spiritual thoughts: "Old ghost Han, do you understand what it means to lie and not blush? We have been preparing for the test these days. When did you come out? I also met this little brother."

Obviously, the elders of the alchemy hall are completely jealous at this moment.Such a shameful treasure that is rare in a thousand years is simply the disciple that these alchemy masters have dreamed of for a lifetime.

While a group of alchemy masters from the alchemy palace were floating above the void with a dignified appearance, but the spiritual thoughts had already quarreled so much that they almost rolled up their sleeves to fight.

As for the person concerned, although Long Feng's expression remained unchanged at the moment, he was a little happy in his heart, because the Heavenly Soul Sword had just protected the master on its own, and as one of the Nine Great Divine Weapons, the Heavenly Soul Sword had even the soul power of a strong man in the realm of life and death. can be completely canceled out.

This also means that in the future, when facing a strong man in the realm of life and death, he doesn't have to worry that the other party will use the terrifying power of the soul to kill him.

"Could it be... my good guy, there is such a chance..." Above the void, Dan Chenzi's eyes flickered and landed on Long Feng's body. At this moment, he had completely withdrawn all the power of his soul, as if thinking of something that he muttered inconceivably at the moment road.

"Okay, the first round of testing is over, and all testers who can support a realm beyond their own have passed the test, and everyone in the top [-] will have the opportunity to become inner disciples of the Alchemy Hall, and even the closed disciples of the elders of the Alchemy Hall. As for the others, the old man can only say sorry." Without leaving any trace of his gaze on Long Feng's body, Dan Chenzi said slowly.

As his words fell, several families were immediately happy and some were sad. Many people looked depressed, and many people looked excited and excited. The first round of tests passed. As long as the next two rounds of tests can pass Passing the pass also means that they can officially become the outer disciples of the Alchemy Hall.

On the square, Long Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Dan Chenzi said. The change of the Heavenly Soul Sword's self-protection was a bit unexpected to him. Fortunately, no one guessed that it was because he had Because of the Heavenly Soul Sword, otherwise he would have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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